Governor Hassan Creates New Commission on “Sea Level”

Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous? As if we mere humans could control the will of the ocean and the way it has changed course over the eons.

RYE — In a signing ceremony at the Seacoast Science Center on Aug. 21, Gov. Maggie Hassan signed Senate Bills 163 and 164, landmark environmental legislation sponsored by Senator David Watters, District 4.

The Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission, established by Senate Bill 163, will recommend legislation to prepare for projected sea level rise and other coastal and coastal watershed hazards such as storms, increased river flooding, and storm water runoff, and the risks such hazards pose to municipalities and state assets in New Hampshire.

Hassan noted the importance of the coast to the state’s economy, tourism, and quality of life, and emphasized the resilience of New Hampshire people in facing challenges that may come with climate change.

Sponsors of HB 164: SPONSORS: Sen. Watters, Dist 4; Sen. Stiles, Dist 24; Sen. Fuller Clark, Dist 21; Rep. Khan, Rock 20; Rep. Reilly, Graf 9; Rep. Spang, Straf 6

Bill Text for HB 164:

Sponsors for HB 163: SPONSORS: Sen. Watters, Dist 4; Sen. Stiles, Dist 24; Sen. Fuller Clark, Dist 21; Rep. Borden, Rock 24; Rep. Spang, Straf 6; Rep. D. Hooper, Straf 16; Rep. Watrous, Merr 16

Bill Text for HB 163:

Note that NH State Rep Judith Spang justifies taking water rights from property owners HERE and HERE and has had some questionable profit-making deals because of it HERE.

Read more if you can stomach it…