Category Archives: Pittsfield

Pittsfield Listens

A “Community Conversation on the use of Pittsfield’s Town Forests” will be held on Wednesday, May 31, at 6:00 PM at the PMHS and will be Facilitated by Pittsfield Listens

Pittsfield has a very active “NH Listens” branch and it is imperative that all Pittsfield residents are made aware of what they are doing to your town and schools.

If you want to preserve your right to use the town’s forests, you might be interested in this “conversation”.


Residents of Pittsfield NH beware.

You are about to be “Delphied” on January 8th.

You have to ask, why doesn’t anyone ever question this? This is happening all over NH. Small towns have town meetings, people vote on the spending and the planning and zoning, and how they voted was honored, up until now that is.

We’re not sure why people in Pittsfield, or any town in NH for that matter, need a PR firm and its facilitators to go over issues that were already voted DOWN at town meeting? These issues are not “stuck”. That is code for “we could not get this or that past the taxpayers and are coming in for a second bite at the apple”. These issues should be over and done with but are not. The trick is to revisit them when the rest of you aren’t looking!

These are NOT your ideas, where are these ideas coming from?

Who hired these foundations and their PR firms to help a minority of “stakeholders” direct your local officials? Did the people of Pittsfield vote to invite these PR firms in to push issues that are bygone?

We hope someone from Pittsfield will attend this session and ask, where did your ideas come from and who invited you here?

Partial notice from “NH Listens” the PR firm that will hold a session on January 8th…

Solving Public Problems-
The Deliberative Dialogue Process

Thursday Jan. 8
6:15 pm Dinner
6:30-7:30 pm Program
Location: Pittsfield Youth Workshop at 5 Park St.

Solving public problems is a challenging task. Pittsfield Listens- in partnership with NH Listens- seeks to build engaged community that can share their experiences and resources for getting ‘unstuck’ and solving public problems that affect NH residents’ everyday lives. We welcome Pittsfield community members and groups to join and learn more about:

– the process of public engagement and deliberative dialogue;
– how Pittsfield Listens and this process of public engagement can be a resource to solving local issues;
the role of the facilitator, and what it means to become trained to facilitate small groups in community wide conversations. This is a great precursor to the upcoming training in February;
how Pittsfield Listens moved through this process in 2011 to support giving more voice to people in the community as part of the redesign efforts of Pittsfield Middle High School.

RSVP requested, though not required. This helps us plan for food and childcare. Contact Molly at or call/text 603-312-6980.

See what happens when children are politicized by the Annenberg Institute? They will be promoting things that cost the taxpayers, and of which they have no clue about the impact.