SB 392 to Create Rural Commission

Rural Affairs Commission and Farm to Plate Programs – more public-private partnerships means more pay-to-play and more shadow government.

If it weren’t bad enough that NH has a Water Sustainability Commission (created by Gov. Lynch Executive Order 2011), and a Coastal Risk and Hazards Commission (Hassan signed the bill in 2013 – Cliff Sinnott, director of the Rockingham Planning Commission, ends up as chairman) which basically monitors the sea level, now SB 392 has been filed to create a “Rural Commission”.

The bill was heard in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and passed the full Senate on February 19th. It is slated to come out of the House Environment and Agriculture Committee by May 8th.

Recommended appointees would include:

a) One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.

(b) One member of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

(c) Three public members, appointed by the governor.

(d) Two members appointed by the chancellor of the university system of New Hampshire.

With the commission stacked with three appointees of the governor and two from UNH, the seat of the Carsey Institute, well, what could go wrong?

Full text of bill: