HUD Out of Control Creating Dossiers on Homeowners

A new National Mortgage Database Program will be launched as part of a joint venture by the FHFA and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It will collect intimate personal information on every mortgage holder in the United States. It is a growth in government that could and will one day be used against the individual.

The database will collect information on “first-lien single-family mortgages in existence any time from January 1998 forward.” The news release states that “it is to be used to support the agencies’ policy making and research efforts and help regulators better understand emerging mortgage and housing market trends in this evolving and changing finance market.”

Our personal information is all over the government computers and they are unreliable keepers of that information.

The April notice in the Federal Register informs that the database expansion will include numerous data points: a mortgage owner’s name, address, Social Security number, all credit card and other loan information and account balances, entire credit history -including delinquent payments, late payments, minimum payments, high account balances and credit scores.

The two agencies will then assemble “household demographic data,” including racial and ethnic data, gender, marital status, religion, education, employment history, military status, household composition, the number of wage earners and a family’s total wealth and assets.

This is the same government that is “mapping” every neighborhood in the country to reallocate resources from those who have to those who have-not in a grand wealth redistribution scheme.

Mr. Obama has ordered the mapping of all neighborhoods across America, in every town and in every city, so he can redistribute the assets of wealthier neighborhoods to poorer neighborhoods, particularly into minority neighborhoods.

He is using a HUD housing rule which will set up a long-term plan for redistributing resources.

HUD plans to provide data for every neighborhood in the country listing the access minorities have to local assets such as schools, jobs, transportation,and other neighborhood resources that help bring people into the middle class.

The plan will then develop long-term solutions to help ‘people gain access to different neighborhoods,’…’channeling investments into under-served areas.’ The mapping tool may be used to guide development and zoning decisions as two examples.

It won’t make people productive but it will set up a system for stealing from those who are.

Government Expands Its Power Into Hundreds of Millions of American Homes