UN Housing Goals a Threat to Freedom

Just in case you still wondered what the unelected boards known as Regional Planning Commissions were doing in NH…

As we have written about before, Obama hopes that by imposing the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Rule he can social engineer your neighborhood.

A final Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rule due out this month is aimed at ending decades of deep-rooted segregation around the country. “HUD is working with communities across the country to fulfill the promise of equal opportunity for all,” a HUD spokeswoman said. “The proposed policy seeks to break down barriers to access to opportunity in communities supported by HUD funds.”

However, we maintain that HUD cannot simply make a ‘rule’ such as this without congressional approval.

HUD’s ‘rule’ is rooted in the UN’s push for Agenda 21 goals under the guise of ‘sustainability’.

But the idea that an ad hoc NGO such as “Placemaking” which comes out of the UN would have any say in how our cities are built is preposterous. Nevertheless, they hold conference after conference, compiling endless decrees about how countries must comply with their utopian ideas of where and how people should live.

The United Nations Habitat conference on housing and sustainability (Habitat III) is one such conference. The UN says this conference “will set the goals and pace for place making in developed and developing countries…”

These decrees can be seen in numerous documents such as the 2016-2030 Sustainable Development Goals which aims to ‘to provide by 2030 universal access to universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green spaces and public spaces’.

“…the UN Habitat III preparation papers suggest, this ‘involves a systematic (re)distribution of the benefits of growth or development with the legal frameworks that ensure a level playing field’.”

Read what one of these ad hoc NGOs has to say:

Most thinking people believe that the UN has no right to tell people in the USA (or anywhere else for that matter) how, where, or with whom we can live. It’s called FREEDOM which seems to be a concept that is totally lost on these unelected agents of Agenda 21.