Regarding the Federal Taking of Land in NH (RSA 121)

This is an open letter from someone who is being affected by the federal takeover of lands in New Hampshire.

To Whom it May Concern,

We have been hurt by this federal takeover. One neighboring town is just about gone. Its only store closed a month ago. We are over 1/3 federal now and Upton, Maine is barely hanging on. After fighting this for 10 years, a lot have either sold out or resigned themselves to staying as long as they can hold on to their jobs and pay their property taxes. Woods roads are left to ruin, culverts are pulled out and with the next CCP, they will once again attempt to wipe out snowmobile trails.

Up here, we have no voice as Sen. Jeff Woodburn (D-NH), and all our federal delegation support this takeover. Even Bill Carpenter of DRED, who took an oath to uphold our laws, ignored RSA 121. While we up here are, in all probability, going to be consumed by this cancer, people downstate may be saved by seeing our hardship and timber industry devastation. When the right people get hurt, things may happen, because a lot of Southern NH is going to see their playground gone and heavily regulated, especially those who enjoy motorized recreation or hunt. Even bicycles are banned on most of their roads.

Good luck fighting the Beast that is wiping out local control and our state. Our only hope is that by some miracle, those we elect will support us and vote to starve the beast or at least uphold our law.

Yours in Liberty,
Bob Lord, Errol, NH