Global Megacities Are Giving Rise To The ‘Megacities Combat Unit’

Technocrats and the world elite are driving rural migration to smart cities, and the inevitable uprisings and conflicts will be put down by newly inspired ‘Megacities Combat Units’. ⁃ TN Editor

As we’ve been saying, herding Americans into closely guarded cities will enable the world government to control them much more closely… using “combat units”… yes you read that correctly.
Could this be why towns are militarizing their police forces?

Every year, more and more of the world’s population moves into cities. The number of megacities is growing exponentially. Both of these global patterns and their inevitable consequences for military operations are well documented. Yet we still do not have units that are even remotely prepared to operate in megacities. If we want to find success on the urban battlefields the US Army will inevitably find itself fighting on in the future, that needs to change.

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