UN Officials Highlight Hidden Aspects of 2030 Agenda

Interesting articles that proves the United Nations is behind the “human settlements” idea, of which “new urbanism” has a part in promoting.

The articles cover topics that do not always feature prominently when discussing SDG implementation, such as disarmament and sexual violence. Pramila Patten, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, highlights gender-based violence, which she describes as the “missing dimension” of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Patten links sexual violence to a human rights-based approach and the “leave no one behind” principle. She notes that “when war erupts, and the threat of rape at gunpoint becomes a pervasive terror,” women are unable to access fields, marketplaces and water points, and that girls are unable to attend school. Patten further highlights the disproportionate economic and health impacts of war on women, connecting to the majority of the SDGs. She also flags the importance of time: whereas men can invest hours in work, education or civic engagement, women—especially in developing countries—are often burdened with unpaid labor such as cooking, cleaning and childcare. Patten closes by calling on countries to legislate gender equality not only as a moral and social justice imperative, but also a smart economic choice.

Additional articles cover sexual health and reproductive rights, rule of law and sustainable human settlements, among other topics.

Full article: UN Officials Highlight Hidden Aspects of 2030 Agenda