The Bigger Purpose of Regionalism

Underneath the supposed altruism of pushes for things such as “new urbanism” lies a deeper motivation — that of regionalism, and regional government. As the righthand sidebar quotes explain, one cannot simply wave a magic wand and convert the United States into a network of global mega-cities under a central global authority in one fell swoop. […]

Regionalism – Is Unaccountable Government Taking Over Your Town?

It’s happening everywhere. Regionalism is taking precedence over local control. Taxpayers find themselves at the mercy of a supposedly “advisory only regional planning commission” who then engages NGOs and other private entities to influence the elected governing bodies, who then shape and plan the area with complete disregard for what the local taxpayers would do, […]

Hesperia CA Wisely Withdraws from Regionalism

Sometimes, the only way to stop what is being promoted via unaccountable, illegal regional governments is to opt out of them completely. That is exactly what sensible people did in Hesperia, California. Watch the video. Direct link: Each state is different as to the procedure, but in New Hampshire, getting items on the ballot […]

What the Paris Accord Means for Regionalism in NH

It appears the president withdrew the US from the 31-page Paris Climate Agreement. We say “appears” that he withdrew, because we wonder how much of the global warming agenda, already severely embedded into our federal, state and local governments, would actually be abandoned? Sadly we fear, withdrawal will not have much effect on what goes […]

Regionalism Censors Realtors

You cannot make this up folks, read to the bottom to be outraged. Another community has rejected HUD’s AFFH once they discovered their increased legal liabilities. It was good to see residents and public officials working together for the interests of the community. Also, you will not believe what your realtor CANNOT say in our […]

Locals: “Regionalism is Communism”

Watch these guys… they get it. They discuss regionalism and its purpose, how it relates to the Russian Revolution, and what the consequences would be for the people of NH if they don’t wake up and oppose things like Common Core and “master plans” and the taking of your land and water. If the above […]

Tom DeWeese to Speak on Dangers of Regionalism 7/13

Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center will be talking about the dangers of REGIONALISM and Agenda 21 at the Jaffrey-Rindge-Fitzwilliam GOP meeting July 13th, 7:30 PM at the Rindge Meeting House. All are welcome but SPACE IS LIMITED so please RSVP to If the above video does not appear on your device, use […]