Category Archives: Dover

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

“Sustainability” is the hot new buzzword on the left.

It’s the kind of word that sounds nice when you first stumble into it, but like everything else in the world of the eco-left, it really means control.

It’s what United Nation’s Agenda 21 is all about.

What might surprise you is that controversy over Agenda 21 tends to arise not from the dramatics imposition of its principles from above (like global warming), but from attempts to quietly insert UN dogma into local cities and towns.

Take a look at CFACT senior policy analyst Bonner Cohen’s article on

Bonner reports that, “planning commissions, which have spread like wildfire over the past couple of decades and whose members are unelected, produce an endless array of schemes designed to micro-manage every aspect of commercial, residential, and recreational life. No town, no matter how small, is safe from the meddling of planners in and outside of government.”

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

Is it already there?

You and your neighbors need to know.

Town Planning Officials Travel to Communist CUBA to Learn About Farming

City planner gets urban agricultural tips from trip to Cuba

DOVER — An international trip gave City Planner Chris Parker a chance to learn how to implement urban agricultural strategies closer to home.

In November, Parker was one of 400 people — eight from the Granite State — to attend a conference in Cuba and learn more about the practice of urban agriculture. Parker was among several city planners nationwide to participate. Overall, representatives from 39 countries took part.

Parker said the conference was an opportunity for him to learn more about a subject that has interested him for several years. The City of Dover currently has a community garden, about a half-acre of space located off Sixth Street, where participants grow mostly vegetables. He said he hopes his time in Cuba will help him find innovative ways to encourage others to participate in this unusual brand of farming.

Read more…

Now you have to ask, why would we need urban gardening? And why would we need to let a COMMUNIST COUNTRY who can’t feed its own people, teach US about gardening?

Dover’s Cuban Aggie!

Dover Taxpayers, it looks like we have other citizens who understand Dover City Planner C. Parker’s Cuban Escapade Scheme.

Fosters, you printed a response from Mr. Parker on Jan 10, 2014. Mr. Parker mentioned he “hoped his time in Cuba will help him find innovative ways to encourage others to participate”!

Mr Parker wants us to believe he’s interested in Cuban agricultural strategies. A communist country, is more aligned to Mr. Parker’s ideals, as long as he maintains that level of superiority and control here.  Right! Like Che Guevara redistributed land to the peasants. Maybe he should have bought Che’s tedious “Guerrilla Warfare” or read Che’s own accounts on how this once Medical Doctor, relished in mass murder as a “tool” of political influence. At least if he had read the book, Mr. Parker could have consolidated centralized power as Che recommended. Much different than Al Qaeda’s loose “franchise” model of terrorism today. Maybe he should have bought a copy of “Farming Magazine,” (Amish, Mount Hope, OH) from about two years ago, when they did an entire multi-page story about Cuba’s gardens as a need to provide food. Because as most know, Cuba is WAY short of basic FOOD!

Who were the eight other NH attendees to this conference? Why aren’t they “celebrating” this totally functional trip? Most of us aren’t “HIP-Hop Stars, so we can’t just fly over to a communist country. How did he get there and was it US State Department approved? Was the trip  public or privately funded?..OH! $460 came from city funds. What are their positions/titles within the community? I certainly hope someone from the critically acclaimed Strafford County Regional Planning “team” was in attendance. They certainly wouldn’t want to leave any “regulatory stone” unturned. There are probably differing “compliance” factors in Cuba. I’m sure they could learn about better “compartmentalization” to help all these SOLONS avoid the dreaded “Right To Know Law”

Agriculture takes 20% of the working population to produce 10% of the food. Cuba imports 80% of the food it consumes, and then rations it to the public.

Cuba imports 90% of it’s fuel. That 1949 De Soto coup don’t run on water! One would think being in the “Torrid Zone” they would have a longer growing season than New England. Yet, it’s still not enough in a communist country.

You know, on any given day, I could see someone in their garden and ask how their plants are growing. Most likely they’d be glad to share more information than I ever wanted. Politicians are above that! They would rather go somewhere where people might think they’re important. I guess there is nothing like a trip to Cuba to “mind-meld” with people who know how to control their subject!

Isn’t  it good to know where our “potentates” stand? I hope Mr. Parker’s next venture will be to the Antarctic in July to learn how to make snow cones. But then again, what would the rescue cost be? Taxpayers should call for an outside investigation of this mess, and the entire details made public!

– Lou Archambault, SMSgt USAF (Ret)

Letter to Reps and Editors

Dover residents nearly had taxes imposed on their roofs, driveways and walkways. You will see this “impervious surfaces” tax rear its ugly head in every town, eventually, if it is not stopped. To highlight the importance of letters to the editor, here is one very excellent example of a letter a Dover resident sent to her representatives and could also have been sent to her newspaper:

Honorable Members of The House Municipal and County Government Committee;

I wish to express to each of you my strong support for HB 1573. Here in New Hampshire — the “Live Free or Die” state — we must take a strong stand against yet another Federal Government intrusion based on the Marxist concept of central planning. HUD’s mandate to Regional Planning Commissions to “mitigate” private and individual property rights is in direct violation of our Constitution with no accountability to the taxpayers. Planning Boards — if needed at all — should be elected locally, funded locally, and accountable locally. The whole movement being perpetrated by HUD is clearly in lock-step with the U.N. Agenda 21 — which has a clear mission of forcing the United States into surrendering its sovereignty to a central world plan of redistribution of resources controlled by a group of third world thugs. A clear example of this nefarious plot occurred last fall here in Dover, New Hampshire.

Christopher Parker, Dover’s Director of Planning and Community Development went on a junket to Cuba for the stated purpose of “implementing urban agricultural strategies.” If he wanted to learn about agriculture, he could have taken a short trip to The Thompson School of Agriculture at U.N.H. in Durham — one of the very best schools specializing in the subject. Why would he go to Cuba, which has a tropical climate, and is a communist country with socialized agriculture and central government planning? What is Castro’s Cuba good at? Mr. Parker’s claim that Dover “has been working to boost participation at the community garden” is the main reason for going to Cuba, and that “he hopes his time in Cuba will help him find innovative ways to encourage others to participate in this unusual brand of farming.” With government spending at record levels, our city fathers think that it’s a priority to expand a half-acre community garden? All this begs the question: Did he go to Cuba to learn about agriculture and help local farmers, or did he go to learn how to increase government’s control of (i.e., socialize) farming? America has been the “world’s bread basket” because farmers have been free to do what they do best: grow food. The Soviet-style state-controlled farms that Cuba has had have been repeatedly shown to be failures. Why, then, the trip? Was it to learn better farming methods or to learn techniques to get government’s nose into yet another segment of American enterprise? We’re in the throes of coping with the introduction of socialized medicine, and now the seeds are being sown for the next step in the destruction of American exceptionalism: socialized agriculture. I smell what could be a rat, but it is probably the stench of the Marxist U.N. Agenda 21 lurking in the shadows.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean L. LaBrack
Dover, NH

Jean eventually did submit to Fosters and it was printed.

Support HB 1573 on January 16th

There will be a Committee Hearing on January 16th on HB 1573 in LOB 301 at 1:00 PM.

Please contact the Municipal and County Government Committee and attend and testify if you can.

RPCs (Regional Planning Commissions) are the top down unelected boards who are implementing the federal government’s idea of sustainability through control over your local government.

If your town has been threatened or affected by GSF, you need to be part of this because your testimony is proof that people do NOT want this interference and the RPCs are overstepping their original purpose. We hope someone from these towns will plan on testifying on the 16th for HB 1573:


Heads Up Dover!

According to this article in Seacoast Online: An education conversation: A time for all of Dover to engage, “Dover Listens will host a Community Conversation on Education this year. Planning and information sharing will take place this fall, and thoughtful, extended conversations will be organized for January and February of 2014.”

The article states in part that “Dover Listens is a nonaffiliated, diverse group of citizens whose sole purpose is to provide a safe and fair forum for its diverse residents to get informed, discuss community issues, and ultimately help shape the future of Dover. Ensuring and securing a range of perspectives is critical to our mission.”

They neglected to tell you that “Dover Listens” is the PR firm for the Strafford Regional Planning Commission which is basically an unelected board of lobbyists for HUD’s mission for Dover and other towns and cities in the area.

If you do not attend and steer the conversation yourself, you will be sent in a predetermined direction.

Please watch the SRPC’s webpage for the dates of these 2014 sessions on Education. You might find that something you already voted down, being brought up again.