Category Archives: Nashua Regional

Nashua Wants Your Opinion on Commuter Rail!

From the Nashua Regional Planning Commission:

“The Nashua Regional Planning Commission is reaching out to people who live or work within the Nashua area to gain their input as we update the long range Metropolitan Transportation Plan for the Region. The linked survey below is intended to help us understand how area residents and workers are using the transportation system and to get input into the preferences and priorities of the people we serve. The survey should take between 6 and 7 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time and assistance. Feel free to share this link.”

Survey from NRPC (will open in new window)

Please share this survey regarding the ‘regional’ transportation plan with EVERYONE you know in the Nashua area. It is important to stop this commuter rail boondoggle!

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

“Sustainability” is the hot new buzzword on the left.

It’s the kind of word that sounds nice when you first stumble into it, but like everything else in the world of the eco-left, it really means control.

It’s what United Nation’s Agenda 21 is all about.

What might surprise you is that controversy over Agenda 21 tends to arise not from the dramatics imposition of its principles from above (like global warming), but from attempts to quietly insert UN dogma into local cities and towns.

Take a look at CFACT senior policy analyst Bonner Cohen’s article on

Bonner reports that, “planning commissions, which have spread like wildfire over the past couple of decades and whose members are unelected, produce an endless array of schemes designed to micro-manage every aspect of commercial, residential, and recreational life. No town, no matter how small, is safe from the meddling of planners in and outside of government.”

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

Is it already there?

You and your neighbors need to know.