Category Archives: Rindge

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

“Sustainability” is the hot new buzzword on the left.

It’s the kind of word that sounds nice when you first stumble into it, but like everything else in the world of the eco-left, it really means control.

It’s what United Nation’s Agenda 21 is all about.

What might surprise you is that controversy over Agenda 21 tends to arise not from the dramatics imposition of its principles from above (like global warming), but from attempts to quietly insert UN dogma into local cities and towns.

Take a look at CFACT senior policy analyst Bonner Cohen’s article on

Bonner reports that, “planning commissions, which have spread like wildfire over the past couple of decades and whose members are unelected, produce an endless array of schemes designed to micro-manage every aspect of commercial, residential, and recreational life. No town, no matter how small, is safe from the meddling of planners in and outside of government.”

Are there plans to bring Agenda 21 to your town?

Is it already there?

You and your neighbors need to know.

Rindge planning board deals final blow to Plan NH charrette

RINDGE — The Rindge Planning Board dealt the final blow to a controversial Plan NH charrette Tuesday night, erasing it from the town’s master plan.

With more than 70 town voters watching, the planning board voted 6-1 to remove the results of the charrette from the master plan after voters overwhelming passed a request for it to do so at town meeting March 11.

If Rindge voters did this, SO CAN YOU! All it takes is a bit of effort to plan, organize and then fan out to inform the public. They will be shocked to find out they had no idea what was going on in the first place.

Read more: Home Rindge planning board deals final blow to Plan NH charrette

Save Our Town Mentioned in Article

Save Our Town Rindge was mentioned in an article regarding federal influence on local zoning and planning issues by way of grants.

It remains to be seen how Rindge’s vocal group of residents concerned with keeping the federal government removed from town politics will react to these proposed grant applications. The recently-formed Save Our Town Committee, which campaigned throughout the 2014 town election season to oppose any article on the town warrant that requested or involved federal grants or influence – most notably Article 2, which failed at the polls, but if passed would have meant amending current town zoning ordinance to allow for commercial development on the intersection of Routes 202 and 119.

Town may explore energy grants
Funds would help improve lighting efficiency

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Letter: Rindge’s Vision Based on Central Planners

This letter was sent to the newspapers in 2012.

To the Editor,

While visiting Ringe’s town hall the other day, I found a very interesting document: “Defining a Town Center-Rindge, NH Charrette January 27-28, 2012 Visioning for Sustainable Communities”. This report is a classic example of an Agenda 21 visionary session. It is sponsored by Plan NH. Plan NH in their own words is “an association of professionals who work and care about sustainability…”

Sustainable development is a term that came from the United Nation’s sponsored Bruntland Commission and adopted by the UN’s Agenda 21 Rio Conference. While the term sounds innocuous, it means a total reorientation of all life on the planet. Canadian billionaire and Agenda 21 grandfather, Maurice Strong believes the American middle class is unsustainable.

This report told us how much they value the input from the citizens of Rindge. Trained facilitators don’t care what the people at their Charrette’s think, but they give the attendees the illusion that their plans and ideas are what will be implemented. Plan NH has some wonderful recommendations which are really off the shelf-drawn up by the American Planning Association back in 1993. Plan NH’s recommendations are just catered to the local community. The report recommends taking the Rt 119 and 202 area and turning it into a smart growth zone. The term “smart growth isn’t used in the report but that is exactly what it is. Recommendations include mixed high density housing or as they are called “stack them and pack them,” quaint retail stores, and a visitors center.

The report never mentions the next step: conservation restrictions, conservation easements, energy audits to determine one’s carbon footprint, promoting Agenda 21 ideology into the public schools, the creation of a green team that will enforce all of the new regulations, etc, etc. It also mentions funding sources including the Ford Foundation, and state and federal entities. Since this plan is not free market driven, taxpayer money will be used.
Conspicuously absent from any recommendations by Plan NH is creating real jobs by promoting industry and agriculture. Why? because they are, in the views of its members “unsustainable.”

Rindge has been around for over 200 years. It is a beautiful town that doesn’t need to buy into Plan NH’s totalitarian view of the future. I recommend that that Rindge and the rest of NH reject PLAN NH and the UN’s Agenda 21.

Rindge Will Demand Charrette Removed

The people of Rindge voted decisively to require all HUD grants to be first approved by the voters, as well as shooting down any zoning changes that would be required this time around according to the Master Plan.

In fact, they voted that the Charrette which was held to supposedly get input on the Master Plan, be removed from the plan because it did not contain the will of a majority of voters. This is typical when people have no idea what RPCs are, and what they are doing to promote HUD’s changes in the various towns in NH.

There will be a public input session on Tuesday, April 1 at 7:00 PM at the Rindge town offices. Show up and let your voice be heard, again.

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Save Our Town Thanks Voters of Rindge

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the Save Our Town Committee members, and its supporters for their hard work and dedication during this fight to keep Rindge rural. Without you, this huge win would not have been possible. I am truly humbled by the outpouring of support that I received during the past six months.

The biggest thanks of all should go to the voters of Rindge. You are the ones that read the facts, did your research, and realized the importance of what Save Our Town was fighting for. Maybe you grew up here as I did, or maybe you moved here for the peaceful, quiet, rural life style. Either way, you saw the importance of not allowing our beautiful town to become the next Fitchburg, or Nashua.

I have said it before, and I will say it again, if you like that sort of living, that is your right. Please don’t move here and change the way we like to live because it does not suit you. There are plenty of areas just like that for you.

Make no mistake about it, you, the voters, made a very loud statement with the power of your vote. We didn’t just win, we won by such a large margin that it cannot be ignored. We sent a very powerful message that when we speak, we will be heard. Small and rural is the way we will keep it. I am proud of you all for doing what was right for Rindge. The Save Our Town Committee will remain a watchdog for Rindge, assuring this town stays small and rural. We do not need the federal governments help. We are a strong and proud community, and will take care of ourselves. If we can’t afford it on our own, then we really have to ask the hard question, do we really need it? Isn’t that how you run your personal lives?

Larry Cleveland
Save Our Town, Rindge

Keene Sentinel’s Sour Grapes

Here is a recent editorial decrying the will of the people of Rindge. They have rejected unelected regional boards, as all towns should.

“Not only did they defeat the warrant article to implement the overlay zone, they separately voted to remove those ideas and everything else that came out of the charrette from the town’s master plan. Then they voted to not allow the town to accept any funding from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development without town meeting’s OK. They did this because a HUD grant had funded the charrette and because of the unfounded fear that once the town accepts money from the federal government, local residents will have no say in the running of the town.”

This is correct. Once money is taken from HUD, HUD requires zoning and planning changes that eventually may not be in control of the people.

Everyone should take an example from Rindge.

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Rindge Defeats HUD

Rindge Voters Defeat Controversial Zoning Amendments

RINDGE — Voters soundly defeated three controversial zoning amendments at the polls Tuesday.

Article 2 was perhaps the most divisive on the warrant. It would have established an optional crossroads overlay district at the intersection of Routes 202 and 119, with the goal to create a new commercial center in town.

But voters shot it down 969-434, after months of strong opposition from residents.

Last year, the town accepted a $24,820 planning grant from the N.H. Housing Authority, funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. One of the grant’s requirements was that the town suggest zoning changes, including the crossroads overlay district.

Read more… Rindge Voters Defeat Controversial Zoning Amendments

Read more… Rindge votes down zoning changes


Save Our Town Rindge Has a Message for Voters

The Monadnock Ledger-Transcript refused to print Save Our Town’s Viewpoint article, so GSFs has posted it here.

As if the continued deception from the federal government is not enough (if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan), now we have to deal with it in Rindge. It’s called the “Crossroads Overlay District”. Yes, deception at its worst. This “new” proposed district would have a whole new set of rules that would be implemented at the intersection of Rts. 119/202. Want to know more? I called the planning board and was told to either go on line or go to the town hall to learn more, as it is too lengthy to put on the ballot. So, that being said, how will you know exactly what you will be voting on? Well, I am going to do my best to fill you in.

My group, Save Our Town, attended every meeting pertaining to the Plan NH Charette since last October. This is the plan that the “Crossroads Overlay District” was spawned from. The discussion was about zoning changes brought about by two HUD planning grants the town accepted. The zoning changes would be to reduce the current 2 acre minimum for a building lot in the West Rindge Village District, and the Gateway Central District, to 1 acre. That discussion changed around mid November by including East Rindge, and Rindge Center.
Now, fast forward to late November, early December. Enter the “Crossroads Overlay District”. Never was this term mentioned throughout the whole process. Now, suddenly, with 2 or 3 meetings left before the board’s vote to put this on the ballot, they announce this. Our group was shocked. They are now proposing that the minimum building lot be ½ acre in the “new” proposed “Crossroads Overlay District”. Yes, ½ acre!

Now for the deception part. When you enter the polls this coming March 11th, you will see article 2 there cloaked in all its deception. It will ask you if you are in favor of the adoption of the “Crossroads Overlay District”. It says that “it will allow a specific set of uses, with specific frontage, yard, and area requirements for those uses”. What is doesn’t tell you, is that “specific area requirement” will be ½ acre. I’m sure if they put that on the ballot, it wouldn’t have the slightest chance of passing. Everyone knows that ½ acre zoning would be detrimental in keeping Rindge rural.

Now for the really deceptive part. Some might read this and say, how can they do that? Well, it seems since it is technically a “new” district that is being proposed, they are not required to tell you that the acreage requirements are being changed. Technically there is no change since this would be a “new” district, with “new” zoning requirements. In my opinion, if the planning board was to be truthful, they knew this plan would never pass as written. So they found a way to put it on the ballot without you really knowing what you would be voting on. Make no mistake, this WILL change the zoning requirement at Fogg’s intersection to ½ acre lots if this is passed! One must ask, if this plan is so good for the town of Rindge, and it is “what the people want”, why use deception to sell it? Shouldn’t it sell itself?

One last thing. Some town officials will tell you that this is what the residents of Rindge want. After seeing an article in the Ledger today stating that 500 surveys were sent out in 2001, I thought about a few things. That is less than 1% of the town’s population. How many were favorable in support of this plan? How many people were aware back then that this plan would change the lot size requirement in all 3 village districts from 2 acres to 1 acre, and from 2 acres to ½ acre at Fogg’s intersection? In all the meetings that our group attended from this past October to now, the only ones in favor were either involved in town government, or were paid people from Plan NH.

Yes, deception is alive and well in Rindge, for now.

Larry Cleveland
Save Our Town

Rindge Takes Action Against HUD

Submitted to the town of Rindge is a petition for an article to be placed on the warrant to remove the town’s membership from the Southwest Region Planning Commission and all its affiliates.

Also submitted were 2 other petitions for other articles. Petitioners gathered more than twice the needed signatures on all three.

The group “Save Our Town” has brought together a following that is unprecedented. Their first meeting attracted 200 people. The group accomplished this with a mailing of almost 2,200 flyers which SOT sent to every resident’s mailbox. Rindge is one of the towns that signed up for a planning grant made available through the NHHFA and financed by HUD.

One of the other petitions for an article to be put on the warrant is to require voter approval for all HUD grants in the future.

The voting day is March 11, 2014.
Please visit Town of Rindge website to confirm voting dates.

Let this be an example for all towns.