Smart Growth America Recruiting

You’ve read about how some towns are members of Smart Growth America, an NGO that is pushing regionalism, urbanism, trains, and compact housing among other things. Be aware that your town may be seeking training from these folks in the way of free annual workshops. Read about it here:

The New Urban Agenda Heads To Habitat III

Yet another ‘non-binding international agreement’. The New Urban Agenda will be adopted this October and will shape city development for the next 20 years. ⁃ TN Editor The agenda is a non-binding international agreement designed to shape urban development over the next two decades. It will be formally adopted at the UN Habitat IIIsummit in […]

City States – What This Means

As Stanely Kurtz wrote in a recent article: What state is Dubuque in? If you answered Chicago, you are correct. Chicago’s no state, you say? Don’t be so 18th century — so “constitutional.” Dubuque is in Chicago, which is now a kind of state. Or to put it differently, the Obama administration is in the […]

NH Activists Lauded in National Review Article

The biggest reason to attend town meetings which are coming up in your town soon! National Review author Stanley Kurtz has mentioned some of our best NH activists in his latest article about Obamazone and the “Affirmatively Fair Housing Act” and the reason why towns should reject HUD grant funds. To all our volunteers, those […]

Regionalists Praise Gulags, Concentration Camps for “Urbanism”

A blog entitled “Intercultural Urbanism – An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Urban Culture, Space, Architecture, and Design” curated by Dean Saitta, Department of Anthropology, University of Denver, has really jumped the shark. In this article he suggests that we recognize “the need to drive the conversation away from luxury developments and toward sustainable construction, and to […]

Affirmative Action Housing Effective July 2015

How and Why is HUD Being Allowed To Make Laws? By Mandating! AFFIRMATIVE ACTION HOUSING EFFECTIVE JULY 2015 by Diane Kepus The social engineering in this new rule, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH), was first proposed in 2013. It was finalized this past June with a boost from the Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 Texas Department of Housing and Community […]

Stop Funding Federal HUD Goals

If you want to stop regionalism, you MUST stop this!!! The current federal transportation bill will expire on July 31, 2015. In the coming weeks Congress will negotiate about dozens of programs and debate how to fund billions of dollars worth of projects. What will the current political landscape mean for local transportation projects, Complete […]

Florida’s Boondoggle – Regional Planning Councils

For anyone who thinks the scourge of Regionalism/Urbanism has not touched every single state in the nation, we offer you this story of Florida. Florida has ELEVEN Regional Planning ‘Councils’. In NH, the NINE groups (plus one) are called Regional Planning ‘Commissions’, but they are basically the same kind of unelected boards, and they do […]

Facilitators and Actors Will Be Used to Sway Public

If you have been following the regionalism issue, you are well aware that the meetings held by the unelected boards known as Regional Planning Commissions (charrettes and listening sessions) to discuss plans created by HUD, are “facilitated” by outside groups such as NH Listens. NH Listens is of course nothing more than a PR firm […]