Alton Forum on Granite State Future

In Alton, the residents held an informational forum on the Granite State Future program which seeks to change zoning and planning for regional areas in NH using HUD grants as the money as obtained by the Lakes Regional Planning Commission.

Listen carefully.. another reason to attend your town meetings and stop HUD’s use of grants to force economic and racial integration, mixed use housing, cluster housing, bike paths, commuter rails, parks, food and farm control programs and even interference in the educational system.

Video URL:

Remember, RPCs make ‘suggestions’ but once you sign onto that HUD grant, their ‘suggestions’ become a MANDATE.

Read about what Workforce Housing really is:

“The Workforce Housing Council (WHC) is a statewide organization that promotes ways to increase and diversify the supply of housing so employers will view our state as an attractive place to live and work.”

“Workforce Housing” means a broad range of owner and renter housing, meeting the needs of families and individuals that represent the majority of New Hampshire’s diverse workforce and whose income is generally below 120% of the area median.

Workforce Housing is permanent housing, intended as a primary year-round residence, that is available to households regardless of age.

Workforce Housing can include, but is not limited to, subsidized and affordable housing. It is best provided near places of employment.”