The End of the Suburbs

That is what regionalists and new urbanists would love to see… no more dream home on your plot of land in the country.

In this article is a discussion which should give you an idea why our own RPCs are doing ‘health impact studies’ on their HUD projects. Since the word ‘sustainability’ has gotten such a bad rap, now they have turned to things like ‘economic resilience’ and ‘health’ to brainwash you into thinking you should be herded into a city.

“Suburban sprawl “has taken a huge toll on our health,” wrote Ms. Gallagher, an editor at Fortune magazine. “Research has been piling up that establishes a link between the spread of sprawl and the rise of obesity in our country. Researchers have also found that people get less exercise as the distances among where we live, work, shop and socialize increase.”

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