Who is the Carsey Institute?

This is but ONE of the wealthy foundations that greatly influence government affairs in NH, particularly what our RPCs are doing. They are the impetus behind “NH Listens”, the PR firm used to dupe residents about Granite State Future.

UNH grad donates $20 million to create public policy center

DURHAM — Emmy-winning television producer Marcy Carsey, Class of 1966, has made a gift of $20 million to the University of New Hampshire to support the creation of the new Carsey School for Public Policy. The gift marked the second- largest donation in the university’s history.

“It is crucial that we prepare leaders for the governmental, private and nonprofit sectors who can translate rigorous research into effective policies and practices to solve the complex issues of our world,” said Carsey, a cum laude graduate in English literature from UNH The Carsey School will be distinguished from other public policy schools in that faculty and students will not work within a single discipline, such as political science or public administration. Its work will involve sociologists and environmental scientists, health care experts and economists, demographers and foresters. It will train future leaders, both in the United States and around the world, to use research to solve problems. A national search for the school’s first director will begin soon.

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