Obama Using the EPA Against You

As he warned he would, Obama is using the EPA to do things he otherwise would not be able to get passed in Congress. One of the effects of this is the implementation of the Agenda 21 program, or in NH otherwise known as Granite State Future.

The purview of Granite State Future is like Agenda 21 in that it is not just about conserving resources but about controlling every aspect of your life.

“Through the stroke of a pen, President Obama on Friday used his executive powers to elevate and take control of climate change policies in an attempt to streamline sustainability initiatives – and potentially skirt legislative oversight and push a federal agenda on states.

The executive order establishes a task force of state and local officials to advise the administration on how to respond to severe storms, wildfires, droughts and other potential impacts of climate change. The task force includes governors of seven states — all Democrats — and the Republican governor of Guam, a U.S. territory. Fourteen mayors and two other local leaders also will serve on the task force.”

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