Agenda 21 The Plan for Your Future

Witness what is going on at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.

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“Government is using environmentalism to confuse the public and the Left/Right paradigm to divide the public so they can enslave us in an Agenda 21 future where we have no property and no rights. The last rancher — “the last man standing” — across the Mojave Desert to the Pacific Ocean, Cliven Bundy, is in a fight for his rights and your rights against a federal bureaucracy that’s out of control.

The government preaches “sustainability” and preservation of water and endangered species. But people who collect rainwater on their own property are fined and thrown into jail in Oregon. And in Florida, the government tries to evict a woman because she’s off the grid using solar power and rainwater, citing violation of “international codes”. And in Nevada, the same bureaucracy that is closing public lands to ranchers who have had grazing rights since 1877 in order to save a tortoise, is killing over a thousand of the same tortoises in their care.

When the government takes your property, takes your cattle — YOU become cattle, dependent upon them for food.”