Why you are receiving a second update to this article: PLEASE READ! We just learned that this is a bill in congress that would basically allow lobbyists and their corporate sponsors a permanent voice in the US legislature! They will basically codify regionalism! No more excuses about it being “voluntary”.
See the bill here: Summary: S.1904 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
“This bill directs the Departments of Commerce, Energy, House and Urban Development, and Transportation, the National Science Foundation, and, as appropriate, the Departments of Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Labor, and State to establish the Interagency Council on Smart Cities to promote coordination of the activities and funding from federal agencies related to smart cities or communities.”
Note: A very important update to this article has been made today, 2-15-2018, which is why you are getting a second notice to read it. We actually spoke to the person in charge of Venture Smarter. The man seems not to understand the agenda he is supporting. Please scroll to the bottom of the article to see the update. ~ Editor
Seems that even with Republican majorities in both the NH legislature and US congress we can never be guaranteed that conservative policy will prevail.
Perhaps those Republicans who helped create this group and participated in it, should be voted out.
Take this newly formed Congressional Caucus on Smart Cities
“Venture Smarter is proud to support federal, state, and local efforts to build smart cities and regions across the country. We are especially happy to support the bi-partisan congressional effort led by Congresswoman Clarke and Congressman Issa.”
Doesn’t Darrel Issa know that regionalism is the step toward one world government, which is socialism, and whose political divisions have no regard for our constitutional republic?
Addendum: We spoke with Mr. Zack Huhn from the Venture Smarter group. He claimed his group had nothing to do with Agenda 2030, regionalism or establishing regional governments. Oh really? He stated “regionalism isn’t a word we use”. Oh really?
Linked on the page is this: Smart Regions Congress Leadership Forum He then ironically asked me if I was “familiar with Metropolitan Planning Organizations or Regional Councils of Government”. Oh dear. What does he think their agenda is?
He said he was a “bit confused”. We think he is VERY confused if he thinks his group is not part of this globalist attempt to change how we govern ourselves by changing the political divisions of the country.