Update: Goffstown, Portsmouth, and Bedford are participating. If you live in Bedford, your survey is here: tiny.cc/PlanBedford
The World Health Organization, an NGO associated with the United Nations, is soliciting towns in NH to sign up for their AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities program, we have learned.
While we understand the growing need for towns and cities to be ‘senior’ friendly, we don’t understand why the UN or the WHO should have to be involved. They are after all, NGOs.
So far, no NH towns have signed on, but “226 communities (and counting), from Texas to Michigan, from Honolulu to Washington, D.C.” have, the site boasts.
“Participation in the network involves following a multi-step process of improvement. A link to the community’s age-friendly action plan has been added to this list if the town or city has reached Step 2 of the improvement process.”
It’s hard to keep up with these folks… they are relentlessly working to influence US towns and cities toward accepting the UN’s agenda, while at first glance appearing to be helpful advocates for your well being.
What gives the right for these NGOs; the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the American Planning Association, and AARP to influence your town’s Master Plan via unelected Regional Councils?