Rosa Koire describes what Plan Bay Area would do to her state. It is the same everywhere.
“This fight is not local — it is national. The United States is undergoing a radical transformation as hundreds of regional plans are approved by complicit or ignorant city councils and county supervisors. These plans are called Sustainable Ohio, PlaNY, Granite State Future, One Valley One Vision, Power of 32, Vision 2050, Blueprint, Focus, One Region, Seven50 — look around for it in your town. Plan Bay Area/ One Bay Area is the name for the Plan in the San Francisco nine county 101 city area. This plan is similar to all of the regional plans in the nation — it calls for high density residential/mixed use (Smart Growth) transit oriented development in the center of every city and town, development that will be subsidized by your tax dollars. Regional plans are called ‘living documents’ and are designed to change every 4 years — updating is what they call it. These plans become more restrictive every time.
Plan Bay Area is different. It is your future if you don’t stop it.
Plan Bay Area is the most radical, damaging regional plan in the United States. We believe it is the template, the model, for the rest of the Plans. Plan Bay Area identifies Priority Development Areas and Priority Conservation Areas and establishes quotas. Plan Bay Area requires 80% of all future residential development and 66% of all future commercial development to be constructed in just 4% of the land area in nine counties and 101 cities. Hundreds of thousands of acres will be undevelopable. Land that is inside of urban growth boundaries. Urban land. This will devastate land values and land use for generations.
Plan Bay Area places a de facto building moratorium on all rural property in all nine counties. Plan Bay Area says that 100% of development must be in urban areas. Plan Bay Areas calls for 0% — zero — of non-farm development in rural areas.
Plan Bay Area is creating the ‘islands of human habitation’ called for in UN Agenda 21. Restricting development to high density multi-story apartments and condos in the center of your city while imposing new zoning codes that don’t allow for anything else, your government is redesigning the future. You are paying for it. If you object you’ll be ignored, shamed, ridiculed, called a racist, a NIMBY, selfish, and a patriot. When did ‘PATRIOT’ become a bad thing? When regionalization/globalization began erasing your jurisdictional boundaries. Your city, county, state, and ultimately, federal boundaries.
Plan Bay Area empowers regional unelected boards as the governing body for the ‘region.’ Through federal mandates the money for infrastructure, eminent domain, land development, and transportation transformation comes into your ‘region.’ The money is managed and distributed by a regional board — the metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and council of government (COG).
You’ll see grant money from the Partnership for Sustainable Communities (HUD, EPA, DOT), and from private foundations partnering with government. Local governments starved for funds and directed by state legislation reach for these grants without realizing the consequences.”