Less than 20 years after the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded, World War II had arrived and once that war was over, America was ready to join “the League of Nations.”
The United Nations’ 18 acres of prime Manhattan land was donated by the Rockefeller family (the CFR’s chairman is David Rockefeller).
America sat down in San Francisco with Alger Hiss and joined the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations – Alger Hiss, a charter member of the CFR; Alger Hiss, whose sympathy with communism can no longer be denied.
The U.N. Charter and constitution is a thin paraphrasing of the Soviet model which Alger Hiss borrowed from when he coauthored it. The U.N. constitution is therefore a Marxist socialist paradigm.
World regionalism is spelled out clearly in the U.N. Charter, Chapters 8 through 11, using such terms as “regional arrangements, intergovernmental agreements, and metropolital areas.” Advocates of one-world socialism have already divided the world into 85 regions for policing purposes. In adopting the U.N. Charter, Congress has established the Charter as the Supreme Law of the land (Fugi v. State of California, 1950-52).
Following are just some of the policies of the United Nations:
– Control of all zoning matters in the United States and the control of our national parks, rivers and historical sites.
– Control over whether women are allowed to have babies.
– Control over the economic and judicial policies of all nations.
– Programs are being processed to create a tax on citizens of the United States as a permanent method of UN funding.
– The United Nation has its own Army and United States soldiers must swear allegiance to this foreign government. Remember Michael New.
Please read the full article The United Nations and follow the embedded links and other references.