“No wonder Mikhail Gorbachev moved to California where he stated that environmentalism will bring socialism to America.”
Mark Olbert, is a member of the City Council in San Carlos, California. This correspondence comes from his website for staying in touch with his constituents.
“These are emails that I’ve received regarding the 1/23/2012 Council discussion of the City’s membership in ICLEI.
If you did not bother to do your homework on sustainable development origins what else will you be willing to buy-into just because everyone else is doing it? No wonder Mikhail Gorbachev moved to California where he stated that environmentalism will bring socialism to America.
Surely your mothers taught you as children not to jump off a roof just because your friends want to do it.
If instead you looked at your ill-fated, extensive, extra-political district, cross-jurisdictional boundary commitment to regional planning then you do not understand your oath of office, and you are not representing your constituents; there is taxation without representation, and Gorbachev will lead you.
Let’s say you believe that the UN Local Agenda 21 Programme is a hoax. Ask the former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz who stood up to the UN before the Supreme Court.
UNLA21 adversary, Ted Cruz (chief lawyer representing Texas before the Supreme Court), not prone to conspiracy theory, fought the World Court (judicial arm of the UN) which had the nerve to issue an order against the US judicial system. Cruz was opposed by 90 foreign nations and G. W. Bush. Cruz argued that the POTUS has no constitutional authority to give away Texas sovereignty to the UN, and the World Court has no authority to bind the US justice system. He won 6-3. (3 in favor of lost sovereignty? This is what has happened to America.)
Do your homework. Be sure to know with certitude whether the UN is actually blind-siding you.”