Urbanism and Sustainability and the Origins of the Idea

For those of you who still think the UN is a toothless organization that does not have plans for every aspect of human life on this whole planet, please peruse their websites. Even one small part contains vast amounts of panels and commissions, treaties and resolutions, recommendations and goals, for everyone.

For example, from “Global Forum on Human Settlements” — “Although the common goals of improving quality of people’s life and achieving urban sustainable development are clearly set, yet the actual implementation and realization of “The Future We Want” remain a daunting task. How can Rio+20 decisions be best implemented? Each country and each city will have to draw up an appropriate plan for sustainable development in line with its own needs and get all the stakeholders involved. A greater degree of international information exchange and cooperation will be essential to meet the challenges ahead.”

In conclusion, they state that “The benefit of convening the conference is to motivate and encourage more countries, more enterprises, more organizations and the public to actively participate in the practice of building sustainable cities and achieving sustainable transport systems, to inject vigor for the realization of the livable city, smooth transport system, clear water and blue sky, to provide positive energy for the realization of each one’s dream for a livable home and the healthy growth of future generations.”

This is interesting since they seem not to care about the global spraying program that clouds our sunny skies and causes aluminum poisoning in living things and crop death and destruction.