The UN Wants to Manage Your “Human Settlements”

“The National Association of Regional Councils is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization and public interest group that advocates for building regional communities through the representation of multi-purpose, multijurisdictional regional councils (RCs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). These organizations serve local elected officials and community leaders in developing common strategies for addressing complex issues in the areas of transportation, economic development, homeland security and environmental challenges. A recognized authority and leading advocate for regional organizations and solutions, NARC is a unique alliance with representation from local elected officials, RCs and MPOs nationwide. NARC has an active membership, representing more than 97% of the counties and 99% of the U.S. population. Of the 39,000 local governments in the United States. (counties, cities, townships, etc.), 35,276 are served by RCs.”

Yes, these are your unelected, unaccountable, soviet-style top down boards working in conjunction with the United Nations to change New Hampshire’s way of life.

Please read more about the UN and NARCs.