According to this September 18, 2017 article in the Valley News, “The threat of potential cuts to federal transportation spending has left one Upper Valley agency questioning how it can continue to provide services without its main source of revenue.
The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission, which represents 27 communities in New Hampshire, is currently discussing the formation of a nonprofit some say could attract foundation support and provide stable funding into the future, allowing the organization to continue its efforts promoting regional transportation projects.”
And just what do you think the agenda of such a ‘foundation’ might be? If past experience is any indication, it’s not something we should celebrate.
The article goes on to explain when and why “regional planning commissions” were created:
“Created by the Legislature in 1968, New Hampshire’s nine regional planning commissions are designed to help the state’s communities by assisting in the drafting of master plans, developing zoning ordinances and sometimes providing staff to work alongside local land use boards. The commissions also help municipalities secure grant funding and facilitates development of the state’s transportation plan.”
Of note, is that they are discussing a partnership with the “North Country Council” which is NH’s little-known “tenth” regional planning group. This group overlaps international boundaries into Canada.