UN Ramps Up Push For Agenda 21

For skeptics who doubt there is a local push to implement Agenda 21 emanating from the global elites at the UN and abetted by our own State Dept, and that they are not hell-bent on creating and controlling the planned society of the future, we offer this evidence…


From “Complete Transformation of the Economic Structure of the World”

The United Nations is meeting in Qatar to negotiate a “complete transformation of the economic structure of the world,” explained Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at a Monday press conference.

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres told a press conference on December 3, 2012:

“It must be understood that what is occurring here, not just in Doha, but in the whole climate change process, is a complete transformation of the economic structure of the world. That does not happen overnight.”

Read more…

And from The UN General Assembly Has Launched Communist Agenda 21 Eco-World Governance we see that not only are children being used as ‘agents of change’ but…

The UN’s new “High Level Political Forum” for “Sustainability” – accepted by 179 governments, persuaded by Rothschild agent Maurice Strong at the fatal Rio Conference 1991 was inaugurated at the UN’s General Assembly on 224 September 2013. It is the government of the planned Agenda 21 world Communism ruled by a climate court of justice (Addendum) as agreed upon in Doha, December 2012. The West pays for everything because of its “historic CO2–emission crime”.

Maurice Strong started at the local level. Local authorities are obliged to report progress to the UN’s ICLEI. The Danish Parliament long ago secretly introduced it in Denmark.

It is a sneaking coup d’état for Adam Weishaupt’s/Rothschild’s one world government. Already in February of this year, EU Commissioner Potocnik announced the formation of the UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA), a world council on environmental affairs, something Achim Steiner of the UNEP said would go down in history.

Agenda 21’s aim is total population control and here amassing people like battery hens in “smart cities” and severing their access to nature – as in China, where the Father of the Agenda 21, Maurice Strong, is a counselor to the government.

Related: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/nov/21/global-warming-talks-progress-un-climate-chief

This very well put-together piece is worth a read for those who think there is no other impetus for Agenda 21..

World Climate Control Regime to be Implemented by 2015 [PDF File]