The Lakes Region Planning Commission held an open house last November 2013. The title ‘open house’ would have one thinking the public was welcome but apparently it was not viewed that way by some of the planners.
The Laconia Daily Sun characterized some taxpayers’ attendance with this contradictory article: Tea Party members crash LRPC Open House
Since regional planning commissions are state-created entities and part of taxpayer-funded government, they are subject to the very same right-to-know laws as any other public board or commission. (See RSA 91-A)
Here was the response from those who were accused of crashing: Tea Party members didn’t crash the party; we were invited
Apparently some planning board members share former Meredith Selectman Peter Miller’s desire for certain individuals to ‘stay out of local affairs’ and stick with federal issues. It is just amazing that Miller feels only SOME taxpayers have the right to be concerned over where their money is being spent. And in fact, federal programs are now intruding locally, so it’s very appropriate for all to get involved to fight them there.
And so it began.
In addition to the highly unethical way public input is gathered at ‘listening’ sessions, RPCs are now denying taxpayers the right to know answers to the many questions they have about the Granite State Future program and the role of the RPCs in implementation of same.
Citizen Tim Carter has asked Jerry Coogan of the Lakes Region Planning Commission, to meet with him and other members of the public and the legislature, but thus far has been refused. Carter has demanded that Regional planning officials should answer questions in public and we agree. Mr Coogan stated that “…the public has no guaranteed right to speak at a public meeting….” Please read the full exchange here: Letter from Coogan to Carter
Demand your local regional commission answer all your questions. They are required to by law. Find them from the flip menu on the right column on any page from our main website.