This post is a preview to an upcoming article on how some changes are being made in the way Agenda 21 will be implemented in the United States. Here is a quick outline of what is to come.
– The UN has been attempting to erase all references to Agenda 21 on their website. Due to the vast number of pages involved, this may take forever. Agenda 21 is now a household word and it’s not looked upon very favorably. The public is catching on.
– The UN has also decided that the term ‘sustainability’ has gotten an equally bad rap. So they have dissolved their United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development and focused their attempts to spread ‘global governance’ by creating two new commissions which would work under the premise of ‘economic resilience’ with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Who can argue against economic resilience?
– At the same time, the head of the UN’s ECOSOC Tweeted the real reason this must be done: more ‘global governance’ is needed in order to better redistribute the wealth. We have no idea what this type of social justice has to do with sustainability, but that is how these bureaucrats think.
– Right on cue, the US State Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a notice stating that since Sustainable Communities Initiative grants were not funded in this year’s budget, they would still be included, but under the Office of Economic Resilience (OER)
– The APA, a non-governmental association of planners including unelected regional commissioners to whom they dictate, announced the changes on their website.
Anti-poverty, economic, all of this is no coincidence.