Urbanism’s Hidden Goal – No More Single Family Homes

The writer of this article makes no bones about the purpose of urbanism.

He states among other things, that “pervasive, single family homes are, like private automobiles, obsolete for the future.”


Further, he states “But they must eventually become either antiques (like old colonial dwellings in New England and along the Acela Corridor) or be folded in to reasonable human settlements that come about as a result of smart planning, humane design and caring attention to the thought of persons like Christopher Alexander“.

The link takes you to a blog by Stephen C. Rose whose bio lists him as “Founder Editor Renewal Magazine, Chicago. World Council of Churches, Geneva Editor RISK. Albert Schweitzer Center, MA. UNICEF DOC NY, UNDP NY. Editor Choices.”

It pays to know the enemy.

Related: Council on New Urbanism