Author Archives: Admin

Kelly Ayotte Backs Obama’s Climate Plan

Seems that NH Senator Kelly Ayotte is not doing much to help the situation by Backing Obama’s Climate Plan

From the watchdog group CFact:

Could the U.S. and other prosperous nations find themselves hauled before a UN climate court to account for perceived global warming sins and asked to pay restitution?

That possibility edged closer this week when the draft agreement the UN hopes to adopt in Paris this December suddenly included an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice.”

This would allow developing nations to sit in judgment over the U.S. and its allies, but not subject those nations to the tribunal’s jurisdiction themselves.

This is not the first time that a climate court has appeared in a UN climate text. In 2011 a nearly identical provision crept into the draft at the UN’s climate summit in Durban. The provision was stripped from the text after CFACT’s Climate Depot blew the whistle and Marc Morano’s exclusive was picked up by the media.

This time they substituted the word “tribunal” for “court” and insist that the body will be “non-judicial.”

They must have thought we wouldn’t spot the thin edge of the wedge until after it was inserted.

We have three different drafts of the UN climate pact available for you to inspect at The June draft is around 80 pages long and reads like a radical’s wish list. The French hosts of the upcoming conference stripped the draft down to around 20 pages on June 5th, hoping to create a version that would be easier to slip through.

Over 130 developing nations led by South Africa and egged on by China and India refused to work with the short draft and this week negotiators in Bonn put out a draft nearly twice as long. That’s when the “climate tribunal” was inserted.

The pre-Paris negotiations have become quite contentious. Climate radicals and developing nations are demanding severe restrictions on the developed world along with hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth redistribution.

The American negotiating position has for years been to hold the line against these demands.

The question is, how far will President Obama sell out America’s interests in order to get the developing nations to sign?

Judging by the recent Iran nuclear deal, it appears that Obama and Secretary Kerry may be willing to give away the store in order to claim a foreign policy victory.

Nothing being proposed in the UN climate talks will meaningfully alter the temperature of the Earth. None of their so-called “solutions” can pass a cost-benefit analysis.

It would be a mistake to sign any version of a climate agreement currently envisioned.

We intend to dig through this process and make sure the public knows about any “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” and other equally bad provisions before President Obama signs us on to them.

We’ll need your help to share the facts and get them out.

NHCRN Bears Watching


A Community Rights legal group ( planned to demand their “collective rights” at town meetings across Maine, NH and Mass., as stated in their invitation to meet in 2012. Once again they are going to invade town meetings in 2016. Since the group SOMETIMES may hit on a issue with which we agree, but not always, they bear watching. Please remember that in 2012, they refused to allow a sitting state representative access to their meeting.

CELDF Excludes Sitting State Rep From Planning Session

Here are the details on their event for 2016.

Dear NHCRN Members, Supporters, and Friends,


Representative Susan Emerson of Cheshire County, District 11 has submitted the NHCRN proposed language for a constitutional amendment to recognize the Right of Local Community Self-Government at the state level!


You will find the NHCRN proposed Right of Local Community Self-Government amendment language and the 2016 Community Rights Resolution in support of the proposed amendment on the website at:

The NHCRN Quarterly Update is attached in PDF format which may, or may not allow active links when opened. For best viewing, please visit the NHCRN website at, or click on this link to go directly to the Quarterly Update file –


NHCRN Quarterly Meeting

Right of Local Community Self-Government Amendment Sponsored!
NH Community Rights Resolution for 2016 Town Meeting!

Sunday, November 1st from 2:00 – 5:00 PM
(Daylight Savings! – Remember to turn your clocks back one hour)

Barnstead Town Hall, 108 S. Barnstead Rd., Center Barnstead, NH 03225

This is an opportunity to come together and share what is happening in our communities and across our state. This is an “open” meeting, so please feel free to invite friends and neighbors from your surrounding communities!

Light Refreshments will be Provided

If you have questions about the upcoming NHCRN Quarterly Meeting, or would like to make a suggestion for an Agenda Item, please email

All the best,


Michelle Sanborn
NHCRN Coordinator


Salem’s Master Plan

ADDENDUM: April 17, 2016 – Union Leader Article on Salem’s “mixed use” district.

This is Agenda 21 in all its glory, or not.

They have it all down pat.

It’s a show; a charade; a farce; a joke on the people.

They set up a subcommittee of the planning board with special insiders who have set the agenda and who already know the predetermined outcomes. [They don’t allow public comments until the vote to recommend.]

Salem just lost its last local newspaper that might come back as a regional paper at a later date.
We lost the Salem Observer newspaper as well earlier this year. Some info about Salem is being reported in the Windham Independent, but most Salem people seem completely unaware.

NO notices were sent out to abutters who have a property interest.

No notices were given to individual residents for this Overlay District [which comes straight out of the Community Redevelopment Department].

It was all manufactured by the Economic Development Action Committee. [EDAC]

Salem’s Overlay District, Per Master Plan

31 States File Suit Against EPA Water Rule

We have to ask, why isn’t New Hampshire part of this lawsuit?

(CN) – The Sixth Circuit on Friday stayed a new Environmental Protection Agency rule defining “Waters of the United States” that 31 states accuse of trampling their sovereignty.

Attorneys general from 31 states asked the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers in July to delay implementation of a Clean Water Act rule for at least nine months for judicial review.

The rule defines “Waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act. The states claim it asserts federal jurisdiction over streams, wetlands and other water bodies previously considered to be under their jurisdiction.

Sixth Circuit Stays New EPA Water Rule

Liberty Farm The Story of Martha Boneta

Martha Boneta is the kind of person who need to be protected from the government.

Even if you don’t own a farm, this is a must-see story.

“The film, just 28 minutes long, tells the story of Martha Boneta, who bought a small farm in Virginia and tried to make a go of it by selling produce and so on. She was viciously harassed by a variety of government agencies and environmental groups who evidently intended to drive her out of business.

It appears to be a classic example of the abuse of regulatory power to promote private interests and ideological agendas. Ms. Boneta’s farm home was subjected to repeated and apparently purposeless inspections of closets, bathrooms and so on. At one point, she was cited for holding an “event” without obtaining thousands of dollars worth of licenses and permits. The “event” was a birthday party for a friend’s daughter.”

Farming in Fear



Do you live in Marlowe? Do you know anyone who does? Please let them know about this event.

Marlowe will be invaded by the Regional Planners of Plan NH who will hold “charrettes” or Delphi Sessions with the public to create your “Master Plan” according to HUD.

“The rural community of about 750 people will be the focus of a Plan NH planning event, called a charrette, on Friday and Saturday. Experts in architecture, design and community development will meet with residents to listen to their thoughts about the community, and tour the town. The experts, who are volunteering time, will then analyze information and make recommendations.

‘Marlow is a fabulous little town that is one of those towns in the state that really is still rural,’ said Robin H. LeBlanc, Plan NH executive director. “It’s just a little gem.'”

And we suppose Marlowe residents want to keep it that way!

Sentinel Article:

Two sessions have been scheduled — Friday (THAT IS THIS AFTERNOON!) at the John D. Perkins Sr. Academy for residents to provide input for the charrette. The first session will begin at 3:30 p.m. and end at 5 p.m., and the second session will run from 6:30 to 8 p.m. In-between the sessions will be a potluck dinner, from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.

Community members can then return to the school on Saturday at 2:30 p.m., when the team will present its recommendations. The team will provide a written report to the town later.

Straight Talk from Tom DeWeese

from Tom DeWeese

Do you want to FIGHT… or do you want to WHINE?

This week the UN will hold yet another international gathering to announce what can only be called a “re-boot” of Agenda 21 – as they are determined to finish the job to “Transform the World.”

I guarantee you will not like that transformation!

BUT, this event gives our movement a huge opportunity to put Agenda 21 in the headlines of every newspaper and newscast in the nation.

There they are – perhaps 50,000 strong – The Pope, 189 Heads of State, NGO’s, diplomats, bureaucrats – all the people who have been claiming that Agenda 21 is a hoax – all sharing the stage to introduce a new 17 point, 15 year plan to “TRANSFORM THE WORLD.” Those are THEIR words!

They are confirming everything we’ve said about Agenda 21. They are proving we have been telling the truth! They are helping remove the tin foil hats from our heads! What more could we ask for???


Every day I receive notes, calls, and emails, from people saying we have lost the Republic- that the fight is over.

And then they spend a lot of words telling ME about how SOMEONE must DO SOMETHING. (usually translated to “I” must do something).

Well, you see – I HAVE DONE SOMETHING. I have spent the past 23 years fighting Agenda 21. First I sounded the alarm – as few listened.

Then over the past 5 years I’ve been working to answer the call of SOMEONE MUST DO SOMETHING!!

I’ve created teaching webinars, tools, strategies, written manuals, and created the most extensive Stop Agenda 21 Action Kit ever presented.

I’ve traveled the nation, speaking, teaching and motivating people in nearly every state. My intention is for them to be inspired to take up the battle, to do some research of their own community situation, and engage in the fight. Some do. Many don’t.


So let’s try this again! Over the past several months I have created some new tools and ideas to carry our fight to the enemy.

And these are FREE!

Again, – these are for YOU to do something!

Four Questions

In April, I issued a Sledgehammer Action Alert calling on all Anti-Agenda 21 activists to begin to bombard Presidential candidates with a series of questions.

I said if the candidates are asked these questions over and over at every speech, our fight against Sustainable Development policy will begin to take center stage in the campaign. In fact, these questions can be asked of any candidates or elected officials.

Here they are:

Property Rights Question
1. If elected, what actions will you take to protect the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment and disposal of private property by its owners?

Regional Government Question
2. If elected, what actions will you take to eliminate these massive grant programs and to stop federal efforts to enforce creation of non-elected boards, councils and regional governments?

Federal Grant Program Question
3. If elected, will you take action to help stop the erosion of local control by ending federal grant programs that dictate local planning programs?

Social Justice Question
4. If elected, will you take action to shut down the federal Department of Education and return education policy to the states, making sure to end these orchestrated attacks on the attitudes, values and beliefs of the children?

For more tools, please visit American Policy Center

Will the EPA’s “Clean Water Rule” Rule Affect You?

Researched by D. Niwa

Remember several years ago when they passed the new additions (include non-navigable waterways) to the “Clean Water Act”, and we said it would lead to this?

Will the EPA’s “Clean Water Rule” Rule Affect You?

Some will be affected directly, everyone else will be affected indirectly due to the impact on businesses. Links below to four articles about the “Clean Water Rule.”[1] Too bad that most U.S. policy-makers have not and are not paying attention to this issue because it is coming back to bite us.

Note: This is an extension of U.N. Agenda 21 “sustainable development” plans. The EPA is a lead agency in the U.S. to implement environment-related United Nation’s global policies. The plans are adopted and put into U.S. legislation by elected officials in the U.S. Congress. In this case, authorization comes by way of the congressionally-approved “Federal Water Pollution Control Act.”

[1] Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Water Rule: Definition of ‘’Waters of the United States’’; Final Rule, Federal Register, Vol. 90, No. 124, June 29, 2015. Download pdf:

EPA water rule takes effect in some states
By Timothy Cama – 08/28/15 09:37 AM EDT | The Hill

Excerpt: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) started enforcing its controversial water pollution jurisdiction rule Friday in all but 13 states.

Friday marks 60 days after the rule, known as the Clean Water Rule, was published in the Federal Register and the day that the agency planned to start enforcement along with the Army Corps of Engineers.

In response to a petition from 13 states, a North Dakota federal judge temporarily blocked the rule’s implementation late Thursday, ruling that the states would likely suffer if it took effect and that they are likely to succeed when their underlying lawsuit against the rule is decided.

Excerpt: The preliminary injunction, Harrison said, applies only in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.

Here’s What You Need to Know About EPA’s Overreaching Water Rule
U.S. Chamber Staff | Aug. 28, 2015 – 11:45AM

Excerpt: EPA’s controversial Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule went into effect–but not everywhere.

It drastically expands the reach of the federal government.

How 4 Industries Will Get Soaked by Federal Water Rule
Senior Editor, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
AUG 28, 2015 – 5:00PM

Excerpt: Editor’s note: EPA has begun enforcing its new definition of Waters of the U.S. This post, originally published on November 13, 2014, looks at how specific industries will be affected by this federal overreach.

Farmers and home builders know that doing business will drastically change for the worse if the new definition of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) goes into effect.

For farmers, they fear they “may not be able to weed and feed your lawn, spray for bugs, landscape with treated lumber and wood chips, fill in a low area with soil, or even dig a hole without” a federal permit.

For home builders still recovering from the Great Recessions’ housing market collapse, the new water regulations will mean added costs and uncertainty. As a Missouri home builder told the House Small Business Committee, “Builders would face new, costly delays just waiting for the agencies to determine if a road ditch is a ‘Water of the United States.'”

They’re not alone. From retail stores to gravel companies to railroads, many other industries will be harmed by this federal overreach. Here are four examples taken from comments to federal regulators from the U.S. Chamber and 375 other trade associations.

[Wyoming] A Wyoming Rancher’s Case Shows Why So Many Businesses Are Worried About EPA’s Water Rule
Sean Hackbarth, Senior Editor, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
SEP 01, 2015 – 9:30AM


Wyoming rancher Andy Johnson wanted to build a pond on his property for his cattle. He got the necessary state permits and did it. Cattle now drink from the pond, and birds and fish call it home.

But Johnson didn’t ask federal officials if he could build the pond. EPA came along and told him he had to fill it in. Johnson refused and is being fined $37,000 per day by the agency.

Johnson’s fight with the federal government illustrates why there has been such outcry over EPA’s new water rule, the Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS)—a rule that extends federal jurisdiction over nearly every body of water in the United States.

Are You Guilty of Thought Crimes?

Apparently some folks think you ought to be prosecuted for thinking ‘wrongly’.

As outrageous as it may seem, it is true that “…20 climate scientists are asking President Barack Obama to prosecute people who disagree with them on the science behind man-made global warming.

Scientists from several universities and research centers even asked Obama to use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) to prosecute groups that ‘have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change.'”

SO, if you have not accepted AWG as a science you would be prosecuted as a thought criminal?

Read More…