Author Archives: Admin

Update on Cliven Bundy Land Rights Activist

Recalcitrant Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy is heading for what he hopes will be a good old-fashioned Western showdown over land rights.

But this time without guns.

The veteran cowboy, whose armed standoff last year with the Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights on federally-administered public lands almost led to violence, is taking a new tack in his battle for state sovereignty: lobbying the Nevada Legislature.

Backed by hundreds of supporters, Bundy plans to swarm a Tuesday legislative meeting to discuss a bill proposed to rein in Washington’s far-reaching might in Nevada.

Read more…

Another Land Grab in the Making

While citizens are being herded into compact cities and steered away from rural lands, the government is taking more of those lands for itself.

Continuing its pattern of bypassing Congress and acting unilaterally through administrative fiat, the Obama White House in February designated three new areas as “National Monuments.”

While two of the designations — one in Illinois, the other in Hawaii — involve relatively small parcels of land, the designation of 21,000 acres of Brown’s Canyon in Colorado represents a significant federal lockup of land.

Read more…

Regionalism Destroying San Francisco

From Freedom Advocates… please read and watch the video to understand what is happening in NH.

Superior Court (Alameda County) Rules in Favor of ABAG and One Bay Area
Litigation Seeks to Protect the American Form of Government

In a result oriented decision, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Evelio Grillo ruled against Freedom Advocates and others in the war over protecting Cities and Counties from a transformation of local government (One Bay Area). The new form of government in the San Francisco Bay Area is run by ABAG (Association of Bay Area Governments). ABAG has jammed a $300 billion national taxpayers funding program that extorts all 101 cities and 9 counties in the Bay Area. ABAG is a COG (Council of Governments). COGs are directed and funded by the federal government and are extra-Constitutional. Total transformation is the Agenda – including massive stack and pack housing on 3% of the area’s land mass, abolition of private property, public transportation in replacement of private auto use and attacks on rural housing – pure Agenda 21 and “justified” on the basis of ‘climate change.’ A convenient excuse for restructuring government! As the Bay Area goes, so will Los Angeles and then San Diego. The Bay Area cities have been lured to remake their zoning ordinances in order to qualify for receipt of a share of One Bay Area’s $16 billion ‘start up’ fund to be distributed soon by ABAG, unless there is Court intervention.

The One Bay Area plan intends for the San Francisco Bay Area to become the first American City-State (see video here).

[Editor’s note: You will hear the ABAG proponent admit that it is about erasing borders and it is the same reason for the attempted urbanization of NH]

Newspapers in the Bay Area essentially do not report on the transformation. The public is unaware. COGs came to California by decree of then Governor Ronald Reagan, who declared as justification: “The era of horse and buggy government is over.” Liberal politicians + Conservative politicians = Globalists. The real battle is Globalism vs. America. Where do you stand?

Read the Court Ruling here.


Without warning or notice, the IRS terminated Freedom Advocates’ tax exempt status in 2013. However, you can once again make tax deductible contributions to Freedom Advocates through our fiscal sponsor, the Edward Charles Foundation. Help expand the understanding of globalism and make a contribution to Freedom Advocates.

You can also make tax deductible contributions by mail. Make checks out to ‘Freedom Advocates’ and send to: Freedom Advocates, P.O. Box 3330, Freedom, CA 95019. Thank you!

Read the ABAG litigation documents and more at:

Be sure to also read Timothy Kassouni’s “Seven Reasons Why Plan Bay Area is Illegal & Bad Policy for California.”

Bedford – Heading for an Agenda 21 Ghost City?

UPDATED: Here is a more extensive video on how deserted this rapid transit station is. Money wasted! Take note NH!

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

This video shows you what the City of Annaheim, CA looks like after the failed ‘compact city’ philosophy was instituted. Loft apartments are empty and train stations remain unused.

The program there in Orange County is called America 2050

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

The Town of Bedford NH voted for an ‘overlay district’ in 2012. Stay tuned for more information on what that vote means for the rural town of Bedford.

Florida’s Boondoggle – Regional Planning Councils

For anyone who thinks the scourge of Regionalism/Urbanism has not touched every single state in the nation, we offer you this story of Florida.

Florida has ELEVEN Regional Planning ‘Councils’. In NH, the NINE groups (plus one) are called Regional Planning ‘Commissions’, but they are basically the same kind of unelected boards, and they do basically the same things. Their plan, called “Seven50” (NH’s is called Granite State Future) aims to change seven counties in 50 years to the urbanized utopia envisioned by the crafters of Agenda 21, using federal monies from HUD/EPA/DOT, and with their local operations and personnel funded by YOUR local, state, and federal taxes. NH’s commissions hide behind the cloak of being ‘advisory’, and optional…


In NH, the towns at least still have the option of NOT joining their RPCs, while in Florida, Under CURRENT LAW, ALL Florida counties must be a member of a Regional Planning Council – and are required to pay dues that come out of the residents’ TAXES.

In Florida, we suspect that someone reached out and touched Florida Senator Wilton Simpson and caused him to completely revise his bill to eliminate RPCs and instead, place language in the bill to refund them. NH also saw a bill in the 2014 session that was intended to eradicate RPCs, but it too, failed. We suspect the influence was felt from too many special interests who stand to benefit from the flow of federal money, and that those voices were stronger than those of the taxpayers.

With permission from Karen Schoen in Florida, we reprint her story which echoes very closely what goes on in New Hampshire. Her newsletter starts off with a plea to eliminate these groups.

Karen notes these facts which are true of all regional boards… and of NH’s state GOP platform as well…

Councils feed federal grants to the counties (and some cities). These federal grants are far from “free” and they push “sustainability” measures onto the citizens at the expense of property rights.
Over time – these councils lead to the loss of representative government. In January 2012 the RNC unanimously passed a resolution against U.N. Agenda 21, and it was included in the 2012 Republican Party Platform.


TAKE ACTION! Special Interest Groups stop the elimination of Regional Planning Councils
By Alexander Snitker on March 13, 2015 in Property Rights

We recently alerted you to the bills filed by Senator Wilton Simpson (SB 484) and Representative Debbie Mayfield (HB 873).

These bills – as filed – WOULD HAVE eliminated Regional Planning Councils.

The 11 Florida Regional Planning Councils receive Millions of dollars of Federal Government grants to promote “Smart Growth” and “Sustainable Living” growth management plans.

“Smart Growth” plans (such as Seven50 in south Florida) have the possibility of stripping away our property rights as the plans push for higher density urban centers. This would move towards giving up our cars for the use of bikes, transit or walk to work and shop.

Regional Planning Councils comprise a fourth layer of Government – BETWEEN the local city /county and the state government.

This NEW layer of Government diminishes the local control and authority of city and county governments for self-government – through “home rule” as provided for in the Florida Constitution.

The WHOLE POINT of LOCAL CONTROL and SELF-GOVERNANCE… is that local elected representatives can be held accountable by the voter-Taxpayer.

We KNEW this would be a tough fight.

Many special interests have been taking large amounts of federal grant money through these regional planning councils for years – and would not want to see it go away.

Typically legislation is debated through committees and the special interest groups will always try to pressure legislators to accept amendments to weaken the bill through the various committee stops.

WHAT DID SHOCK US… is that Senator Wilton Simpson AMENDED and WEAKENED… HIS OWN BILL!!!
…before the it was even heard in its first committee stop, for which he serves as the Chairman.

Senator Simpson filed what is known as “Strike-All” amendment to his own bill. A “Strike-All” amendment actually strikes all of the current language of a bill and inserts completely new language.

The new Regional Planning Council bill by Senator Simpson not only does NOT eliminate Regional Planning Councils, but Senator Simpson GUARANTEES $2.5 million for Regional Planning Councils for this NEXT YEAR’S Budget!!

Senator Simpson’s new bill DOES eliminate ONE of the 11 Regional Planning Councils (Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council) – and moves those Counties to other existing Councils.

Senator Simpson’s new bill also DELETES some of the current statutorily-required duties of Regional Planning Councils, such as holding Public Meetings on matters associated with Electrical Power Plants or presenting any reports on the impact of a proposed Electric Power Plant, and power companies installing Transmission lines.

Also, under this new bill, Regional Planning Councils CANNOT REPORT on the impact of a proposed natural gas transmission pipeline.

I would have to imagine electrical power companies like Duke Energy and FP&L are happy to get relief from the Regional Planning Councils, but you and I did not receive any relief from the destruction of our private property rights being perpetrated by Regional Planning Councils.

Representative Debbie Mayfield was disappointed that we couldn’t even have a debate in Committee on WHY we need to ELIMINATE Regional Planning Councils!!

Under CURRENT LAW, ALL Florida Counties must be a member of a Regional Planning Council – and are required to pay dues that come out of YOUR TAXES.

Representative Mayfield will be offering an amendment to allow Counties to OPT-OUT of Regional Planning Councils, for which she is already taking heat from the special interest lobbyists. At least Representative Mayfield is willing to fight for us and not the mega-wealthy special interest groups.

This new bill by Senator Simpson smacks of the typical CRONY CAPITALISM that we all are sick and tired of.

We couldn’t even get Senator Simpson to stand strong for us even in one committee, and his own committee at that!

Karen’s newsletter then goes on to appeal to the readers and asks them to write to the Representatives on the committee and provides their contact information…

TELL them that you are tired of an unelected council bypassing local government authority and pushing a one-size-fits-all growth management plan using our tax dollars.

Related Reading:

10 Reasons to Say No to Regional Plans

Regional Planning brings Regional Governance


Understanding Sustainable Development for the People and Their Public Officials

Another RPC is Born

Another regional group that reaches across states has been formed. This is the 10th RPC basically.

Northern Borders Regional Commission

Grant funding to be announced shortly.

The Northern Borders Regional Commission (NBRC) was created as a federal-state partnership under legislation approved in the 2008 Farm Bill, with the aim of addressing economic and community development needs of severely distressed areas in the Northern Forest region.

The NBRC’s target area includes 36 counties across these four states, including 14 counties in New York, six in Vermont, four in New Hampshire and another 12 in Maine.
NBRC provides assistance for projects in these seven priority sectors:

– Basic public infrastructure;
– Transportation infrastructure;
– Telecom infrastructure;
– Workforce training and business development;
– Renewable and alternative energy sources;https://ui.constantcontact.
– Resource conservation, tourism, recreation and preservation of open spaces; and
– Health care and public services in distressed communities.

Check with the NH Department of Resources and Economic Development for future announcements:

Grant Information

The federal government is regionalizing the states and the states are regionalizing the towns. We must stop the creation of more top down governance without your input, mostly influenced by international groups and NGOs, in favor of de-centralization and more local control.

Marlow is About to Be Scammed by Plan NH

“Plan NH is an organization of architects, land planners, legislators, bankers, Realtors, engineers, and construction companies that have come together to assist towns in their development, according to Victor Reno, Marlow resident and a member of Plan NH’s board of directors. Plan NH is based in Portsmouth.

Marlow Board of Selectmen Chairman Robert Allen said the board met with the Monadnock Economic Development Corporation — the Keene-based not-for-profit development investment firm — and it recommended the town participate in Plan NH.”

What gives these non-governmental organizations the right to tell Marlow residents what they need or want in their own town? This is a scam and Marlow should have rejected it.

Spread the word, folks.

Read more…

Marlow Voters Approve Money to Plan for Town’s Future [PDF]

Planning Commissions Get Private Grants to Promote Federal Programs

How do you feel about your unelected planning commissions getting private money from foundations to help them impose federal programs upon your town or city that will change the rules?

The following document was just released.

Among other programs that benefited, note among the beneficiaries are Nashua Regional Planning Commission, NH Listens, and the Granite State Future program.

FINAL 2014 Community Grants Express Operating Project By Region [PDF File Highlighted]