Author Archives: Admin

EPA Wants More Money But We Want it SHUT DOWN

Listen to US Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala) question EPA head Gina McCarthy who is unable to say whether IPCC climate models, on which the EPA bases its actions, were false or not…

The “pushback” in the real world is that like us, people want the intrusive out of countrol agency known as the EPA to be SHUT DOWN.

Actually drought in the west is due to climate MANIPULATION by our government and the outright SHUTTING OFF of water supplies to the farmers.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Texas to Fight Agenda 21

Following in the footsteps of officials in other states, lawmakers in Texas introduced legislation that would prohibit some state and local government participation in the deeply controversial United Nations “sustainability” scheme known as Agenda 21. With bills targeting the UN program introduced in both houses of the legislature and outrage about Agenda 21 still growing across Texas and the nation, activists and lawmakers are hopeful that the state will succeed in protecting property rights, self-government, and economic freedom from the Obama administration-backed UN scheme. However, elements of the establishment media and UN-loving forces in Texas and beyond have already made clear that they intend to fight back.

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Support HB 487 to Elect Planning Boards

House Bill 487 would require that planning board and zoning board of adjustment members be elected.

This bill is due out of Committee on 3/5/2015.

It has never been so important to ELECT planning and zoning boards as it is now.
Please write to this committee and ask them to support this bill.

The Raw Deceit of Envision Utah

Another plan that is attempting overtake the American way of life, this time in Utah. Yes this is going on in every single state in the nation, not just NH.

The Raw Deceit of Envision Utah
By John Anthony
Sustainable Freedom Labs

Planners call Envision Utah a ‘national model’ for regional planning. The Brookings Institute cited Utah as a “leader in [voluntary] regional planning…”

Behind the inflated congratulations lies sophisticated deceit and manipulation fast becoming the standard for regional planning.

Envision Utah began over 15 years ago as a public-private partnership offering recommendations to cities and counties to preserve open space, increase transportation choices and more.

Envision Utah claims to have one of regional planning’s most successful outreach programs. Nearly 2000 people attended 50 workshops and 17,500 responded to online and mail-in surveys. Yet, the turnout is no wonder.

In one of the longest-running marketing campaigns in planning history, Envision Utah proponents assured residents that joining the plan was voluntary. There would be no un-elected regional councils, no regional plan, and the community would design the planning scenarios. This ‘no-risk’ campaign effectively disarmed community members’ objections, leaving planners free to advance their programs beneath a mantel of “neutrality”.

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Cenergistic Scandal: There Is More To This Story

As you know, contributors to this blog are constantly attempting to bring to light the root of the ‘sustainability’ problem; the effect that federal grants have on town and school government affairs.

Behold what is going on in Windham, NH with the Cenergistic Company.

When a town or school district is operating in such a way that transparency problems arise, you can bet it has to do with unpopular spending. It is especially a problem when the board in question is considering buying an unvetted program for which large amounts of taxpayers monies will be spent.

What you are seeing here is the effect of Agenda 21 and/or Granite State Futures and the government’s push for ‘sustainability’.

The government’s ‘green’ movement envisions herding the populace into many utopian cities, cities that have never proven to save anyone a cent nor clean up the pollution, despite their assertions. And many companies have been created to take advantage of this green push.

It doesn’t make sense that you are healthier if you live in a more compact area than if you live in the country… but this is what they are claiming.

Along comes a company like Cenergistic, at the ready to take whatever taxpayer monies can be had with the swish of a pen from a local board of 6 or 8, sometimes a board that is unelected. In this case, it was an attempt to sell to an elected school board, a contract for a ‘behavioral energy audit’ — which would seem inappropriate for public buildings. As far as energy wasting behaviors, what ever happened to common sense? We now must hire companies to tell us what to do? Fortunately since this board is elected, one watchful member spoke up.

Cenergistic is an example of one of many predatory companies that are the ‘stakeholders’ you often hear about, the crony capitalists who are at the ready to swoop down on towns who go ahead with plans that voters never voted on and boards sometimes were not allowed to see beforehand.

Agenda 21 is a conspiracy alright. It’s a conspiracy to dupe the citizens into controlled areas of population, and steal their money in the process, padding the pockets of corporations all over the USA.

HUD Grants Will Be Used For Social Engineering

We covered this issue here before, but another article was brought to our attention from 2013.

HUD’s New ‘Fair Housing’ Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

According to HUD, long-term solutions include “helping people gain access to different neighborhoods and channeling investments into under-served areas.” The mapping tool may guide development and zoning decisions, for example.

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NH Does NOT Want Commuter Rail

Will this never stop? People said NO to commuter rail, but if we recall correctly the last Executive Council we had spent money for a ‘study’ on it anyway. Beware whenever there is a study on anything, it’s a done deal. Then there is this.


Strafford County Regional Planning is gearing up to “Derail” more of our tax dollars to fund a railway system. Their goal(?) is to reach up into the northern ski areas and down to support transport visitors to the Olympic Games. (Should they even be held here.)

Are the NORTHERN Counties aware of this?
A “private company,” Golden Eagle Railway is part of this effort.
(We really need to know who the investors are in this scam)

Pictured above is Bob Jaffin of Strafford County Regional Planning Commission…

He’s the same guy who wants a Taj Mahal built for regional planning and is “flabbergasted” by the taxes, and says he may need to move.

There was also this article by John Nolan, Rochester Times Editor…