Author Archives: Admin

Facilitators and Actors Will Be Used to Sway Public

If you have been following the regionalism issue, you are well aware that the meetings held by the unelected boards known as Regional Planning Commissions (charrettes and listening sessions) to discuss plans created by HUD, are “facilitated” by outside groups such as NH Listens. NH Listens is of course nothing more than a PR firm that works on behalf of the Carsey Institute, a liberal foundation based at UNH.

The goals of these outsiders and NGOs is to revisit issues you have already said NO to at town meeting, and to come between you and your town officials when things don’t go the government’s way. The trick is to get the town to sign agreements with HUD in exchange for federal tax dollars. The consequences are dire, because in doing so, you have just thrown away your rights on zoning and planning issues and must follow the dictates of the “master plan” that the RPC has helped the town create, incorporating HUD’s wishes.

Because of your activism and your questions about who they are and what they are doing and by whose authority, they have discovered that their facilitation gig is up and now are using ACTORS to teach their facilitators how to handle you.

In addition to attending these meetings, and the ensuing town meetings where the public will vote on the plans, we encourage you to attend these training sessions and become a facilitator yourself. The biggest complaint by the few real ‘citizen’ (not stakeholder) attendees that witnessed the Delphi technique was that their contrary information was often not recorded or considered in the published results. (Note that in all the sessions discussing Granite State Future, of the boasted 600+ participants statewide, only around 100 were bona fide taxpayers with no axe to grind or crony beneficiary.)

Here is the notice to attend:

“Many people feel alienated from public life, but the good news is that public officials have the power to address many of the frustrations driving people away from being engaged. In this interactive lab we will practice real-life scenarios, learn about best practices, and give public officials tools for creating meetings that deal with conflict in a healthy and professional manner. We will work with UNH Theatre professor David Kaye and his group, PowerPlay Interactive Development, to gain new insights, techniques, skills, and practice for the unexpected in public meetings. This workshop held in partnership with UNH Cooperative Extension. CEUs available. The $25 fee may be waived for students and those with financial need. Just let us know!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015
1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
46 Donovan Street
Concord, NH

Thursday, February 12, 2015
4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Manchester Health Department
1528 Elm Street
Manchester, NH”

All the best,
Michele Holt-Shannon
NH Listens


Residents of Pittsfield NH beware.

You are about to be “Delphied” on January 8th.

You have to ask, why doesn’t anyone ever question this? This is happening all over NH. Small towns have town meetings, people vote on the spending and the planning and zoning, and how they voted was honored, up until now that is.

We’re not sure why people in Pittsfield, or any town in NH for that matter, need a PR firm and its facilitators to go over issues that were already voted DOWN at town meeting? These issues are not “stuck”. That is code for “we could not get this or that past the taxpayers and are coming in for a second bite at the apple”. These issues should be over and done with but are not. The trick is to revisit them when the rest of you aren’t looking!

These are NOT your ideas, where are these ideas coming from?

Who hired these foundations and their PR firms to help a minority of “stakeholders” direct your local officials? Did the people of Pittsfield vote to invite these PR firms in to push issues that are bygone?

We hope someone from Pittsfield will attend this session and ask, where did your ideas come from and who invited you here?

Partial notice from “NH Listens” the PR firm that will hold a session on January 8th…

Solving Public Problems-
The Deliberative Dialogue Process

Thursday Jan. 8
6:15 pm Dinner
6:30-7:30 pm Program
Location: Pittsfield Youth Workshop at 5 Park St.

Solving public problems is a challenging task. Pittsfield Listens- in partnership with NH Listens- seeks to build engaged community that can share their experiences and resources for getting ‘unstuck’ and solving public problems that affect NH residents’ everyday lives. We welcome Pittsfield community members and groups to join and learn more about:

– the process of public engagement and deliberative dialogue;
– how Pittsfield Listens and this process of public engagement can be a resource to solving local issues;
the role of the facilitator, and what it means to become trained to facilitate small groups in community wide conversations. This is a great precursor to the upcoming training in February;
how Pittsfield Listens moved through this process in 2011 to support giving more voice to people in the community as part of the redesign efforts of Pittsfield Middle High School.

RSVP requested, though not required. This helps us plan for food and childcare. Contact Molly at or call/text 603-312-6980.

See what happens when children are politicized by the Annenberg Institute? They will be promoting things that cost the taxpayers, and of which they have no clue about the impact.

What is Next from the Nutty Regionalists?

[This post has been updated on 4.9.2017 with regard to “Resiliency Officers”]

Regionalism promotes urbanism. And urbanists have an idea of how they think YOU should live your life and where.

To that end, thanks to the Rockefeller Foundation of course, they have a new buzzword that has spawned a new layer of bureaucracy — “resiliency officers”.

Don’t laugh. This is for real.

“To that end, the Rockefeller Foundation has launched the 100 Resilient Cities initiative, which currently has just 67 member cities (more will join as time goes on).”

Do you know if your city is on the list of 67?

Read more about the new Officers…

SWRPC Hearing on Granite State Future

Meetings such as this one need to be attended heavily.

Granite State Future aka Monadnock Region Future

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

For review: Remember, every plan is the same, they originate from HUD/Feds, and these entities who are unelected are lobbying for removal of your right to vote on them!

RPC Member Complains About Taxes?

Rochester Taxpayers, are you “Flabbergasted” by your taxes? Mr. Robert Jaffin, in a recent LTE is also “Flabbergasted,” by “his” rising taxes, while his property loses it’s value. Mr. Jaffin claims “the Rochester City Government is on an unsustainable and downward spiral, based on tax revenues they are trying to raise.”

Additionally, he specifically credits the Mayor, the City Manger as well as the City Council for making it TOO expensive for him to live here….. Hallelujah!

What is the significance of his letter? Mr. Jaffin failed to mention he is a member of Strafford County Regional Planning Commission, a proponent of the “Agenda 21” scheme.

This self appointed group is determined to insure we are taxed and controlled in every way, from their location in the Rochester Community Center. Yet, Mr. Jaffin, in another LTE, proposed demolishing that very building to construct a new “Taj Mahal” with multiple vehicle parking levels. SCRP obtains funding thru state and federal grants, for programs our taxes “already” fund. They do nothing but squander our money on their grandiose world view, while city’s and towns willingly abdicate control of your rights, to these unelected scoundrels.

This is a group who has no problem attempting to control our property rights, tax rainwater, or provide “Broadband Internet Services”, etc, while he and his ilk thrive on power. Mr. Jaffin is a hypocrite for complaining over his own taxes while he is personally adding ever to taxes and Gov control. My bad, I forgot these mundane things, like taxes, are not supposed to apply to the “elite”.

Maybe Mr. Jaffin should look in the mirror when he wants to blame someone for the cities higher taxes. There was yet another letter from Jaffin last month… wanting even more old buildings REFURBISHED.

Citizens, demand Strafford County Regional Planning be evicted and disbanded.