Author Archives: Admin

People’s Climate March

“To Change Everything, We Need Everyone”

Yes, you read that right. That is their motto.
And they mean it.

Agenda 21, based on the climate HOAX, wants to control everything and everyone on the planet.

Behold the People’s Climate March website.

And the irony? One of their biggest partners is NH’s “350” organization.

Who funds the network?

None other than the biggest and richest oil family in the world, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Yes you read that right. The Rockefellers.

If we do not fight back, foundations and their funding will be the death of us, from education to the environment, to how we can live… they work to control everything on behalf of the global elite.

How SPLC Uses YOUR Tax Dollars Against YOU

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) criminals are going after anyone who questions the government’s central planning nightmare. This appeal from Tom DeWeese is being posted for awareness and not to ask anyone to send money. We do ask that you sign the petition however.

Hammer these criminals on Twitter @splcenter and on FaceBook at Southern Poverty Law Center.

I need your help by signing the “Citizen’s Demand for Congressional Investigation of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).”

Let me explain.

The American Policy Center (APC) and I have been openly attacked by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

To date, there have been FOUR separate “special reports” released by SPLC against me personally – painting me as a hate-driven domestic terrorist!

Of course, SPLC has a long history of attacking organizations and individuals who defend the Constitution and oppose big government programs.

They regularly accuse us of racism and hate because we want to stop the massive growth of government and the wasteful spending programs that are bankrupting our country.

I get used to such attacks. It’s what they do to try to discredit us.

But this time the attack is different. It truly frightens me because the outcome of this new SPLC attack against APC and me could result in government investigations, the banning of my ability to travel, or even the destruction of APC.

Here’s why I’m concerned.

The Southern Poverty Law Center issued a new report titled “Agenda 21, The UN, Sustainability and Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory.” That report targeted me personally as a leader in the “anti-government Patriot movement.” And the SPLC report said I am part of a network of radicals peddling hysterical conspiracy theories against our Government.

Worse than just the SPLC report – is the fact that it was used as the bases of even more attacks from two national magazines – Fortune Magazine and Newsweek Magazine.

Newsweek’s attack was a cover story called “The Plots To Destroy America.” The article quoted SPLC’s Mark Potok, saying, “These kinds of theories…(are) completely distorting any rational discussion we can have in this country.”

In fact, along with the national magazine articles, the SPLC attack was followed by others over a two month period, including one from the American Planning Association, the Natural Resources Defense Council and All focused on me as being a danger to the nation.

It is obvious that these attacks were part of a coordinated effort headed by the SPLC to destroy me, APC and our efforts to stop Agenda 21.

That’s because we are starting to have a major impact in stopping Agenda 21. In fact- the SPLC report said exactly that – “The anti-Agenda 21 movement has had a demonstrable impact…”

Bottom, line – I have succeeded in leading an effective movement to stop Agenda 21 – and they are scared of me. So they are now organizing to destroy our movement.

So, the SPLC has done everything possible to paint APC as a dangerous, radical fringe group intent on overthrowing the US Government.

In earlier reports against me, the SPLC indicated that I am violent and advocate violence and hate.

Have you ever seen one single word written by me that advocates violence? Of course not – because I have never done it. I am opposed to any kind of dangerous rhetoric calling for violence – it would be an incredibly stupid thing for our side to do. I have said so at any meeting or on any radio show where it is even suggested.

I believe the dumbest thing our side could ever do is perpetrate violence against the government. To do so would mark the end of our ability to speak out. It would be the destruction of our movement.

When I talk to audiences or write articles and refer to our efforts as a “fight” – I am talking about “Political Action in a “War” against “POLICY.” Nothing more.

But the SPLC has twisted those words to make it sound like my movement against Agenda 21 is a hot bed of hate, ready to explode in violence across the country.

Such a report can have dire consequences against me and APC.

And here’s why.

The Southern Policy Law Center is working directly with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to define domestic terrorism and to pinpoint potentially violent groups that fit that description.

In 2009, the DHS issued several reports, both written with the help of the Southern Poverty Law Center. One was entitled “Right-wing Extremism.” That report targeted groups like those which fight to stop abortion and illegal immigration as hate groups and potentially violent terrorist groups.

But in fact, the report was even worse as it also targeted people who are concerned over our bad economy, oppose the creation of a North American Union, oppose same-sex marriage, stockpile food, fear communist regimes and oppose loss of US jobs to overseas nations. These people, said the DHS, are potential terrorists.

How many of these include your beliefs? Do you consider yourself to be a terrorist? Of course not. And neither do I.

In addition, the Missouri state Fusion Center (a coalition of Federal, State and Local police agencies organized to respond to terrorist attacks) produced its own report on potential terrorists that included people who voted for Ron Paul.

Again, the Southern Poverty Law Center helped to prepare that report.

These reports were sent to law enforcement agencies across the nation. Police were alerted that these people were possibly violent.

So those on the list could be put under surveillance, restricted from travel on airplanes, and even have their personal financial records checked.

In fact, that is one of the reasons why early reporting of the Boston Marathon bombing hinted that it was done by right wingers.

In fact, one reporter, David Sirota, said, “If you care about everything from stopping war to reducing the defense budget to protecting civil liberties to passing immigration reform, you should hope the bomber was a white domestic terrorist.”

That rhetoric is straight out of the SPLC. Truth means nothing anymore – the only word that counts apparently is the SPLC political agenda.

And it’s why there was a deadly attack at the Family Research Council a couple of years ago. They were targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a dangerous hate group because they oppose abortion.

That’s how dangerous the Southern Poverty Law Center is to freedom.

Now, clearly, with its most recent attack, SPLC has targeted me and APC. They have gone beyond mere criticism of our policies to attempting to make us appear violent and dangerous.

The result could be the destruction of APC – clearly that is SPLC’s goal. APC could lose its tax-exempt status. I could be banned from boarding air planes to travel to speeches and conferences. With the government now moving to take over the internet, there is a very real possibility that APC could lose access – and that would silence me for good.

That’s why I can’t ignore this attack. I must fight back.

And that’s why I’m demanding that the US Congress closely investigate the Southern Poverty Law Center and its ties to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Why does this agency of the federal government allow a private group to have such powerful input into its investigations and official reports?

Does the government pay SPLC from our tax dollars?

Who is responsible?

SPLC is a dangerous group, guilty of the hate it claims to fight. It is trying to take away the Constitutional rights of Americans to hold opposing views. It seeks to destroy any debate or opposition to its ideas.

That wouldn’t be a threat to you and me, except for the fact that SPLC is so closely tied to one of the federal government’s most powerful (and in my view) dangerous agencies – DHS.

And that’s why Congress must investigate those ties and SPLC’s influence over government policy.

Please, it is urgent that you sign the “Citizens Demand for Congressional Investigation of the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

Click here to demand a Congressional Investigation of the Southern Poverty Law Center

I must have thousands of these petitions to force Congress to take action!

Second, APC needs to be strong to stand up to SPLC and its rich war chest. I need to be able to counter their attacks against APC.

I desperately need your financial support. Please help me with a contribution of at least $25. That will help me get more Citizen’s Demands for Investigation printed and mailed to more Americans across the nation. It’s the only way we have to bring enough pressure on Congress to act.

The SPLC has millions of dollars from private foundation grants and from contracts with federal agencies like Homeland Security. In short they are attacking me with our tax dollars.

I have only loyal Americans like you.

The SPLC has targeted every patriotic American in the nation just because we want to see the US Constitution recognized as law of the land. Those Americans need to know they have been targeted.

I need to reach them to counter this monster that threatens our freedom. I can do it only with your financial support. Please help.

Whatever you can send, please do it today. It’s vital that Congress act immediately to stop the threat of the SPLC once and for all.

Click here to demand a Congressional Investigation of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Tom DeWeese

P.S. The Southern Poverty Law Center labels any American who advocates that the U.S. Constitution is the law of the land as a potential domestic terrorist, dangerous to the nation. The question that must be answered is why the Department of Homeland Security is working with them to make those attacks legitimate. Help me stop them!

Whatever Happened to Global Warming?

Whatever Happened to Global Warming?
Now come climate scientists’ implausible explanations for why the ‘hiatus’ has passed the 15-year mark.

Sept. 4, 2014

On Sept. 23 the United Nations will host a party for world leaders in New York to pledge urgent action against climate change. Yet leaders from China, India and Germany have already announced that they won’t attend the summit and others are likely to follow, leaving President Obama looking a bit lonely. Could it be that they no longer regard it as an urgent threat that some time later in this century the air may get a bit warmer?

Read More…

Founder of Weather Channel: There is NO Significant Global Warming

Ironically, the college course that drove Al Gore to this mission on global warming garnered him a D grade.

But then he got a Nobel Peace Prize for his powerpoint.

Another take away from this video is that most of these studies showing supposed proof of global warming are funded by the government, the same government co-opted by globalists looking for an excuse for ‘world government’.

Global Governance and Religion

If there was ever any doubt in your mind about whether the environmental agenda (Agenda 21) is being used to bring about global or “world” government, this is just one of the smoking guns.

The United Nations has even attempted to recruit religious groups to their cause.

This damning document says it all.

Information Packet for Religion and World Order Program Project Global 2000

Any candidate who still espouses man-made global warming is falling in with the enemy.

Those Who Charge “Conspiracy” Should Read Facts

The United Nations

Less than 20 years after the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded, World War II had arrived and once that war was over, America was ready to join “the League of Nations.”

The United Nations’ 18 acres of prime Manhattan land was donated by the Rockefeller family (the CFR’s chairman is David Rockefeller).

America sat down in San Francisco with Alger Hiss and joined the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations – Alger Hiss, a charter member of the CFR; Alger Hiss, whose sympathy with communism can no longer be denied.

The U.N. Charter and constitution is a thin paraphrasing of the Soviet model which Alger Hiss borrowed from when he coauthored it. The U.N. constitution is therefore a Marxist socialist paradigm.

World regionalism is spelled out clearly in the U.N. Charter, Chapters 8 through 11, using such terms as “regional arrangements, intergovernmental agreements, and metropolital areas.” Advocates of one-world socialism have already divided the world into 85 regions for policing purposes. In adopting the U.N. Charter, Congress has established the Charter as the Supreme Law of the land (Fugi v. State of California, 1950-52).

Following are just some of the policies of the United Nations:

– Control of all zoning matters in the United States and the control of our national parks, rivers and historical sites.
– Control over whether women are allowed to have babies.
– Control over the economic and judicial policies of all nations.
– Programs are being processed to create a tax on citizens of the United States as a permanent method of UN funding.
– The United Nation has its own Army and United States soldiers must swear allegiance to this foreign government. Remember Michael New.

Please read the full article The United Nations and follow the embedded links and other references.

Building One America – Regionalism’s Ruse

One Bay Area: A Template for Regional Governance Advocated by “Build One America”

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

From the notes:

Stanley Kurtz wrote a book, Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities exposes the efforts of the administrative state, in conjunction with social equity interests, to regionalize decision making and funding for what in the past have been local government decisions. It includes requiring suburbs to take their “fair share” of all income levels. No where is this more obvious than in the San Francisco Bay Area with the One Bay Area Plan/Plan Bay Area. Regional unelected bureaucrats tell every city in the Bay Area how many housing units they MUST be prepared to accommodate. For many of the small village type towns, this will force their urbanization and destroy their uniqueness. Kurtz identifies an organization called Building One America. Here is a video, in their own words, of their plans.

Terms used by Build One America in the video include:

Zoning out the poor
Affordable housing
Affordable transportation
Livable communities
Regional Opportunity Agenda
Combating poverty=controlling urban sprawl
Vestiges of segregation=suburbs
Suburbs must do their “fair share”
Metropolitan wide accept responsibility

All these terms and ideas are spread liberally throughout the One Bay Area Plan. MTC-ABAG are the epitome of regionalisation, taking control out of the hands of local city councils and mayors. The Obama Administration is firmly behind this effort through the support of Valarie Jarrett and Ronald Sims. California is one of the initial test cases. This is soon to be unleashed across the country if Obama gets a second term.

This is a shortened version of a video that was posted on the Building One America website ( The complete video can be viewed here

Megacities — WHY?

New urbanism has an ulterior motive that is dark.

The Nightmarish Megacities of the Near Future speaks to the goals of Agenda 21 and how it will be implemented under the guise of “smartness”.


The Truth About Megacities Is Out In the Open

Where ever you find a bold new initiative related to the plans of the global elite, you will find documentation arising from various think tank organizations in support of these goals. With regard to the coming forced subjugation of the American population to the “stack and pack” megacities, two important papers, the 3-D: Infrastructure for California’s Future and the National Academy of Public Administration’s “Memos to National Leaders: Partnerships as Fiscal Policy”, jump to the front of the line in espousing the megacities concept.

These papers focus on how tax restructuring can be used to finance and build the new megacities. I wrote about these tax plans emanating from Obama’s community activist mentor, Mike Krulig and his group known as Building One America, in a previous article. These papers detail the plan to depopulate and destroy the suburbs and the rural areas of America while diverting the tax base derived from the suburbs and rural towns, cities and counties and using that money to construct the infrastructure of the megacities.

Please read the full article The Nightmarish Megacities of the Near Future for embedded links.

Another Bite of the Apple

When voters say NO, they mean NO.

Apparently the town officials in Salem and Bow don’t understand the meaning of the word.

Bow is preparing to ignore the will of the voters, and Salem is suspected of a bit of this as well.

Salem it seems, intends to use a survey in order to “justify” the changes in zoning they want to make without public input.

It pays to pay attention!

What did YOUR town vote down that is being reconsidered? Let us know…