Author Archives: Admin

Cyclists Targeted for New Taxes

On March 2, an email sent out by a Washington state legislator surfaced that indicated that he is in support of a new tax on bicycle sales which acts as a carbon tax for cyclists who pollute the environment through the increased expulsion of carbon dioxide. This new tax, which is part of current tax legislation being proposed in the state to help increase revenues for the budget, is primarily being argued to force cyclists to pay for road construction, but is now being justified as a tax on the citizens of Washington state for simply breathing.

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The Witch Hunt Continues

Don’t you dare tell the truth about climate change, especially if you are a well known respected scientist.

A globally-renowned climate scientist has been forced to step down from a think-tank after he was subjected to ‘Mc-Carthy’-style pressure from scientists around the world.

Professor Lennart Bengtsson, 79, a leading academic from the University of Reading, left the high-profile Global Warming Policy Foundation as a result of the threats, which he described as ‘virtually unbearable’.

The group was set up by former Tory Chancellor Lord Lawson and are sceptical about radical policy changes aimed at combating global warming.

The Swedish climatologist, who has published more than 200 papers, said he received hundreds of emails from colleagues criticising his decision to switch to the organisation.

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EPA Tramples Water Rights

In addition to stealing land out from under ranchers, and kidnapping their cattle, the EPA is now demanding what you can and can’t do on your own property with your own water.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Watch Out Rockingham County

New scenic byway to celebrate mill towns along the Seacoast
Union Leader Correspondent

DURHAM — While some hope to capitalize on a new scenic byway that stretches 12 miles in four communities, others are wary of the impact of regional influence.

During a biannual meeting May 8, members of the New Hampshire Scenic and Cultural Byway Council unanimously approved the Mills Scenic Byway and included it into the state’s Scenic and Cultural Byway Program.

The Mills Scenic Byway travels through downtown Newmarket, Durham, and Madbury along Route 108. As Dover declined to participate in the process, the byway continues along Route 4, Roberts Road, Main Street and Front Street in Rollinsford.

The byway will help highlight the historical mills — which are being converted into housing, business and local centers — in the communities, according to Kyle Pimental, senior regional planner with Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC).

Pimental said some Dover residents expressed concerns that the designation would bring about a loss of local control.

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The Wildlands Project – Agenda 21

This past month, the government reinforced locks and installed new fences on the private property of a rancher in New Mexico to protect a mouse and to block the cattle from a watering hole (story below); they are looking to steal land along the Red River; and they are squeezing out ranchers throughout the West, taking the land off the tax roles and turning it over to mice, chicken, lizards, and frogs.

The land grabs began more than two decades ago.

Thanks to the extremists involved in The Wildlands Project of 1992 and their cozy relationship with greedy government bureaucrats, ranchers throughout the West are being squeezed off their land. They work in conjunction with liberal Federal judges who aid and abet the theft.

For those of you who still deny the manifestation of Agenda 21 we present the Wildlands Project, an effort to return most of the land to the wild and remove humans from it. This didn’t start under the Obama administration but it has certainly been accelerated under it.

In this comprehensive article we see the plan laid out in the simplest terms.

The Wildlands Project, now called the Wildlands Network, works in coordination with the government and other extremist groups. They have “set aside the goal of preserving 50% of the North American continent as ‘wild land’ for the preservation of biological diversity,” according to their own stated goals on their website. It conforms to the UN plan outlined in the map above.

The Wildlands plan is to create larger public lands by acquiring private lands adjoining public lands.

“Re-wilding” the land that they have set aside for nature requires moving humans into human settlements.

David Foreman, former board member of Sierra Club, is the current Director of the Rewilding Institute. He believes, as do many of his colleagues, that we must control human population growth. “We must stabilize and then reduce population to stop driving extinction of species, destruction of ecosystems, and production of greenhouse gases,” he said.

Foreman is the Founder of Earth First which he described as a warrior society in the 1980′s. It is believed he has engaged in assault and vandalism and has promoted violence.

How Foreman sees humans in relation to the rest of the world is clear: “An individual human life has no more intrinsic value than does an individual Grizzly Bear life. Human suffering resulting from drought and famine in Ethiopia is tragic, yes, but the destruction there of other creatures and habitat is even more tragic.”

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Regional conference will address climate change preparedness

According to this article in the UL, the climate hoax loons will meet in Manchester soon.

New Hampshire will host a regional conference this week about how communities can plan for climate change.

“Local Solutions: Northeast Climate Change Preparedness Conference” is being held Monday through Wednesday at the Center of New Hampshire at the Radisson in Manchester.

The conference is sponsored by Antioch University New England in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Bob Perciasepe, deputy administrator of the EPA, is scheduled to give the keynote address on Monday. Gov. Maggie Hassan will discuss New Hampshire’s efforts to prepare for climate change on Monday at 12:30 p.m.

Other speakers include Bina Venkataraman, White House senior adviser on Climate Change Innovation, and Cameron Wake, a leading climate change researcher at the University of New Hampshire.

The conference is the kickoff event for the new Center for Climate Preparedness and Community Resilience at Antioch University New England in Keene.

About 450 officials from across the Northeast are expected to attend, said Michael Simpson, the conference organizer and head of Antioch’s environmental science department.

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Must See Videos Debunking Climate Change as Hoax

For those who still don’t understand the underlying goal of the climate change ‘hoax’, here are three excellent documentaries.

Global Warming or Global Governance?

Dr. Don Easterbrook Exposes Climate Change Hoax

Lord Christopher Monckton ends the Global Warming Debate and proves its a Hoax