Author Archives: Admin

What is Agenda 21 and Why So Dangerous?

Americans Awakening to the Threat

“Early in 2011, the Board of Commissioners in Carroll County Maryland voted unanimously to abolish the county’s “Office of Sustainability” and withdraw from the ICLEI program. Commissioner Richard Rothstein explained that the cost of the program wasn’t the greatest motivation for the commissioners’ decision. They took their action because of their awareness that ICLEI is “an organization with extreme beliefs on global warming that promotes United Nations big-government socio-economic policies…. In reality, Agenda 21-based sustainability programs seek government control of land, labor and capital….” City, county and community leaders across the nation should take heed.

The city of Edmond, Oklahoma, has also pulled out of ICLEI. In Maine, the state’s Department of Transportation cancelled plans for the “Gateway Project,” a plan to create unnecessary linkages among 20 communities. Some opponents of the Maine project expressed their belief that the idea stemmed from the overall Agenda 21 planning.

While some Americans now realize that Agenda 21 and its numerous stepchildren pose a danger to their communities and their nation, many more must be made aware. Far more than considerations about the cost and control associated with involvement, the more important overall threat posed by Agenda 21 is loss of independence at the community, county, state, and national levels. The designs of the globalists who are working to seize control of the world — piecemeal, step-by-step, bite by bite, or however else the process can be described — must be blocked. Our nation has always benefited from its diverse communities and independent-thinking citizens bound together loosely under the U.S. and state constitutions.”

Do not miss this excellent writeup from JBS on how the push for ‘sustainability’ was conceived at the United Nations and how it is trickling down as ‘soft law’ to the country, states, and towns we live in.

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Local Governments Reject UN’s Agenda 21

Sanbornton planners opening barn door with no fence in place

By now most of you have heard something about Workforce Housing, (WFH). The state enacted a law in 2008 that all municipalities look at their current housing and rental stock to ensure that their towns are not falling short on providing their fair share of WFH. The law states that if a municipality’s existing housing is sufficient to accommodate its fair share of the current and reasonably foreseeable regional need for such housing the municipality shall be deemed, “in compliance” with the law.

I agree that the way it’s worded could have been much better but, what do I know? I’m just a bottom feeder just as most of us are living outside of the government.

Anyway, that’s the law. It’s also asking all towns to look at there regions, (In our case, Belknap County) to see if “The Majority” of their region meets WFH, or do they need to make changes to comply.

Sanbornton’s existing housing stock is 71.60 percent per U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Belknap County. (2014). I think we are “In Compliance” with the law and will be for several years to come.

Now, you need to also take in consideration the rest of the towns in your region as they also contribute in the equation. OK, look at them, see where they are and make adjustments accordingly, if needed, and at the end of the day if your town meets the percentage needed for regional need, 51, 52, 55 percent, etc., done.

If your housing stock is sufficient, you are in compliance with the law and need to do nothing else. Not add, change or alter your existing town’s amendments for fear of a lawsuit? Is there a fear of lawsuits? Yes. There always is. You can’t escape that. Sorry. All you can do is try to be reasonable.

Why are we here? There were a few towns in the state, mostly southern New Hampshire, that the average working family could not afford to live in resulting in long commutes for the folks that worked in the Walmarts, Home Depots, etc., the same towns the planning boards throughout the state are using to scare the townspeople of possible lawsuits. So, along came RSA 674:58-61.

Sanbornton voted to accept a Federal Grant in 2013 to look at WFH and make changes if needed, at least that’s what most folks thought when it was voted in. Turns out that was incorrect, the WFH grants were broken into two parts. One was offered in 2011, to complete the study to see if your town already complied, which we do and Sanbornton decided not to participate in. The second round of grants, offered in 2013 was to assist if your town fell short of compliance. I would think that somewhere down the road at least some members of the board became to realize this. To be compliant with the second grant, you needed to a few things, one was to hold information meetings throughout the purposed changes you would create, and Sanbornton did not. Another was to enact amendments. Our board created the amendments, accepted them, and now, in the 24th hour, had a couple of meetings to be compliant. The sad part is we really do not need them at all. We should have done the study.

Why is the Planning Board asking for the changes, because they have to for compliance with the grant, not because we need them. Do not get me wrong, I know how hard it is to be on a board in any town. It’s the most thankless job one can do. I sat on the Budget Committee and got beat up regularly. Goes with the territory, nothing personal. I respect all the members on the Planning Board. They made a mistake, we all make em. I’ve made more than I’d care to admit. It’s human.

I and a small group of neighbors were alerted of this recently and are just trying to get the word out as the ramifications of these amendments will be very costly to the taxpayers of Sanbornton if passed. An earlier article was correct, there are only two WFH amendments on the ballot, 5 & 6. Amendment 3 & 4 change the existing cluster housing? The other problem is the grant money accepted to create all the amendments was flawed. We’re asking that you consider voting all the amendments down, for now, complete the study for compliance of RSA 674:58-61, draft a letter if we comply, which we do, or, I’ll play devil’s advocate, if we do not, try a different approach. If we did need to address multifamily dwellings, not rip up the current cluster housing that is allowed in Commercial and General Residential (zones), change it from three to five units, but add a five-unit WFH dwellings constructed per the ordinance, low cost materials, etc. Allow it in commercial, General Residential and if needed, into selected areas of our Agricultural zoned areas as some towns have done, keep control, not just open up the complete zone?

Talk about lawsuits, the board is going to have fun if these pass as purposed. It’s like opening up the barn door and letting the animals out with no fences built? Anyway, just a thought.

We’ve been called a NIMBY for our concerns on this issue and all I can say is, yes I am a NIMBY & proud of it, which means, Not In My Back Yard. As is every citizen that goes to the polls, local meetings, etc. Incidentally, all of our back yards make up our town. What I truly am in this case really is a concerned citizen. I fear that as proposed, these amendments could allow our town to develop much faster than it needs. Bottom line, we do not need to change any of our zoning now to accommodate RSA 674:58-61. Let’s complete the study.

I know the reason I am being called a NIMBY is because a developer owns a 33 acre parcel next to me. Incidentally, it has only eight useable acres. I guess developers will be able to include un-useable land in the equation to squeeze in the multi-unit dwellings? Some folks think I am most worried about that. Wrong. If there was the slightest chance that he could build, he would have already had an application in with the Planning Board, especially as the board pointed out how vulnerable we are for lawsuits without the amendments to save us. He would make sure that he has it in prior to the vote.

We comply with the RSA.

Thank You for your time, and please vote “No” on Amendments 1-6 on May 13, 2014.

Jody Slack

Transit Oriented Neighborhoods

In order to force us into urban living centers, where we would walk or ride public transportation rather than own cars, the DOT is pushing grants for something called “transit oriented developments”. (We are working on learning the status of “commuter rail” in NH… more on that later)

According to their website:

“TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT is the exciting fast growing trend in creating vibrant, livable communities. Also known as Transit Oriented Design, or TOD, it is the creation of compact, walkable communities centered around high quality train systems.”

We recently got this missive from Smart Growth America urging us to tell our Senators to approve of these grants.

Smart Growth America is only but one of the non-governmental influences that want to force ‘transit oriented neighborhoods’ on us… so we can become like Detroit!? People flee the cities because they DON’T want to be connected to them.


“Your Senator needs to hear from you today”
they wrote.

“Every day, more Americans are choosing to live and work near transit, but towns and cities are struggling to meet the demand. Voice your support for building more neighborhoods with transit.

Legislation introduced last week in Congress would make federal TIFIA loans or loan guarantees available for targeted parts of transit-oriented development projects. Have you contacted your Senator about the Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure Financing Act?

Congress is about to take up the next federal transportation bill. Now is the time to voice your support for development near transit. Send a letter to your Senators today.

Transit-oriented development is an investment worth making: Tell your Senators to support the new bill today.


Christopher Coes,
Managing Director of LOCUS,
Smart Growth America”

REMEMBER tell your Senator NO to the Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure Financing Act! It is money wasted.

NH Listens, or Do They?

We got this invitation to attend a “listening” event hosted by The Governor’s Commission on Innovation, Efficiency, and Transparency in State Government. They want you to let them know — how efficient and transparent is your NH government?

Wouldn’t you like to remind them of the truth, which is that using ACTORS funded by NGOs and corporate foundations, who employ the Delphi Technique, is neither transparent nor efficient?

Here is the full text of the invite:

Is Granite State Government as Efficient, Transparent, and Innovative as It Can Be?
Six Conversations Statewide on June 3rd

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 5:30 PM Doors Open, 6:00 PM Program Begins, 9:00 PM Program Ends


What makes a great state government? Different performance measures of state government might involve information, people, money, and infrastructure. So how do you think New Hampshire’s doing? The Governor’s Commission on Innovation, Efficiency, and Transparency in State Government invites Granite Staters to weigh in on how we can do better in the state of New Hampshire.

Join a conversation near you on June 3rd to share your ideas and priorities.

Refreshments and on-site childcare provided.

Your input will be part of an important conversation of residents that will be reported back to the Commission.

Michele Holt-Shannon
NH Listens


Hold on to your wallet and your pocket Constitution whenever you hear they want to make government more efficient, streamlined and avoid duplication of services.

Listen to what they are NOT saying.

This is implementation of their “steering” method designed to get predetermined outcomes under the guise of democracy.

It is an abuse of the system.

They win no matter which way the public opinion goes because they have already defined the terms using the question that has already been formulated by them and it directs public opinion down a funnel.

They seem to have figured out an ingenious system which guarantees the outcome they seek, an the outcome has already been decided… and by the unelected and politically well-connected.

It subverts liberty because it is not a system designed to elicit a government of, by, and for the people but it is designed to get them what they want by using the good will of the people through a charade.

It abuses the Constitutional system through the use of propaganda and fakery.

They are Masters of Deceit.

Related: Acting! All the World is a Stage

Obama Uses Hegelian Dialect to Push Control

The Obama administration did not disappoint when it followed through on its promise to scare us all over the hoax known as ‘climate change’.

Of course the next step in the Hegelian Dialect is, that after you create the crisis and sufficiently scare people over it, you then offer the solution.

In this case it is more government control, more restrictions and the push to take over every aspect of your lives.

Of course the climate ‘hub’ is located in Durham, specficially at UNH, who plays a big part in the promotion of Granite State Future…

Today, the Obama Administration released the third U.S. National Climate
Assessment – the most comprehensive scientific assessment ever generated
of climate change and its impacts across every region of America and major
sectors of the U.S. economy. The findings in this National Climate
Assessment underscore the need for urgent action to combat the threats
from climate change, protect American citizens and communities today, and
build a sustainable future for our kids and grandkids.

The question is, was the IPCC involved?

Read from the recently issued “FACT SHEET”: “What Climate Change Means for New Hampshire and the Northeast”

Obama’s Report

Still Think Agenda 21 is Not Real?

If you still think Agenda 21 is not a problem, see what the wealthy oil magnates say, the ones who actually created the hoax.


“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

“It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of Divine Nature.”
– Maurice Strong, first Secretary General of UNEP

You can bet that Strong and Rockefeller and the rest of the elites are not going to give up THEIR air conditioning any time soon, eh?

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Moultonborough selectmen question dues paid to regional planning commission

Well it’s about time SOMEONE questioned the money these unelected bureaucrats take from us while working for foreign entities against our own best interests.

MOULTONBOROUGH — When Jeff Hayes, executive director of Lakes Region Planning Commission, met with the selectmen last month the board used the occasion to challenge how the annual dues of the 30 member municipalities are assessed, an issue that has rankled the town for several years.

Paul Punturieri noted that the state statute establishing the regional planning commissions requires them to “determine on a reasonable and equitable basis the proportion of its costs to be borne respectively by each municipality.” He said that although Moultonborough’s population is approximately 4,000, because of its relatively greater portion of the total property value of the member municipalities, it bears a disproportionate share of the costs. The town, he said. pays approximately $10,000 a year, which is comparable to the contribution of Laconia, a much larger community. Stressing that he had no qualms about the services the commission provides, Punturieri said, “Just on principle we should stop paying other people’s bills.”

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