Author Archives: Admin

Attention Sanbornton!


The town planning Board of Sanbornton has scheduled public information meetings on May 1, 2014 and May 10, 2014 to discuss six proposed amendments to the Sanbornton Zoning. Two deal with workforce housing.

The Planning Board has already held an official Public Hearing on March 20.

The first meeting will be held on Thursday, May 1 at 7:00 PM at the Old Town Hall, 19 Meeting House Hill Road.

The second meeting will be held on Saturday, May 10 at 10:00 AM, also at the Old Town Hall.

Information on the state’s Workforce Housing statute (NH RSA 674:58-61) will be available.

We need you. This could come to your town any time now.

Save Your Land Meeting a Success

Save Your Land Keene held an informational meeting on Saturday April 26th featuring Rep Jane Cormier and Ken Eyring, GSF researcher.

Attached is a picture of a person who challenged the speakers.

We are hoping someone can identify this person, who refused to give his name or sign into the event.

The event-goers did note he had no facts to back up his assertion that Ken or Jane were wrong in their research on HUD contracts via Granite State Future RPC “central planning” schemes.


Scientist Admits: IPCC Report Fudged

A top US academic has dramatically revealed how government officials forced him to change a hugely influential scientific report on climate change to suit their own interests.

Harvard professor Robert Stavins electrified the worldwide debate on climate change on Friday by sensationally publishing a letter online in which he spelled out the astonishing interference.

He said the officials, representing ‘all the main countries and regions of the world’ insisted on the changes in a late-night meeting at a Berlin conference centre two weeks ago.

Three quarters of the original version of the document ended up being deleted.

And for those of you who say the UN has no power or influence over American affairs on climate, the article goes on to say…

IPCC reports are supposed to be scrupulously independent as they give scientific advice to governments around the world to help them shape energy policies – which in turn affect subsidies and domestic power bills.

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Update: UN IPCC Official Admits ‘We Redistribute World’s Wealth By Climate Policy’

SPLC Launches Hysterical Attack on Critics of UN Agenda 21

Even the government is no longer listening to the hate group, known as the Southern Poverty Law Center

The self-styled “civil rights” organization Southern Poverty Law Center, which despite mounting controversy maintains some links to government agencies, released a bizarre and factually challenged screed attacking critics and opponents of the deeply controversial United Nations plot known as Agenda 21. Apparently unfamiliar with the definition of basic words such as “conspiracy” and “theory,” or with the UN plan itself, the SPLC also lashed out at “activist groups,” “mainstream politicians,” voters, “extremists,” and others who question or oppose the UN agenda for what it calls “sustainable development” in the United States.

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These Folks Understand the Problem

NH has its own little ‘shadow’ government. And these two guys noticed. Here is their letter we found at Seacoast Online.

To the Editor:

What is the Local Government Center (LGC) and New Hampshire Municipal Association (NHMA)? They are nonprofit organizations that have legal features of both government and private entities (aka, quasi-public or quasi-private) much like the Rockingham Planning Commission, or the Granite State Future. None of the positions held in these organizations are through election.

Establishments of this ilk continue to multiply and flourish in New Hampshire and there is very little notice of the detrimental consequences affecting the rights of New Hampshire’ citizens.

On April 9, a hearing was held on changes proffered by the LGC and NHMA to the people’s Right-to-Know Law, RSA 91. The following is the text of the change: (k) Consideration of written advice or information from the public body’s legal counsel.

This addition would exempt from public scrutiny any pertinent documents of the people’s business that a board does not wish to make available to the public by invoking attorney-client privilege. This change is an assault on the State of New Hampshire Constitution Part First Bill of Rights [Art.] 8.

When most of us are dutifully earning wages to meet our family responsibilities, lobbyists, paid employees and attorneys are petitioning our elected officials at hearings we are unable to attend, which contributes to the burdensome and irresponsible increases forced upon us by federal, state, county and town governments and last but not least the ‘Sacred Cow’ aka the public school system.

We are tired of funding these onerous institutions through dues, fees and salaries included in our town and school budgets, which are in turn used to promote special interests that circumvent the New Hampshire State Constitution as well as New Hampshire RSA laws always to the detriment of the people. In layman’s terms we are financially contributing to our own political demise.

Jim Berlo & Jim Johnson

Western States Want Feds to Surrender “Federal” Land

Well this is a good start! There is nothing in the Constitution that states the federal government has the right to buy up land and then keep it from the people.

Federal land-lording is also unwise for a variety of pragmatic reasons, experts argue, and there can be little doubt as to how America’s Founders would have felt about it. “I would say the last thing you want is the federal government’s ownership of lands,” R.J. Smith, a senior fellow in environmental policy at the National Center for Public Policy Research, told Newsmax. “That’s not why this country was founded. That’s what the Founding Fathers were trying to escape — the king’s house, the king’s land, the king’s everything.”

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When the Government Wants Your Land

What’s behind all the land grabs we have read about of late?

When the government wants your land, what can be done about it? Not much it would seem from stories like this one in Colorado where long-time owners were forced to give up their property for a pittance.

The UN’s attitude about private property is clear: private property ownership is viewed as unfair and a detriment to social justice. The American government’s taking of more and more land would seem to be in line with this philosophy.

“Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable….”

~ Item #10 in the UN agenda at the 1976 Habitat 1. American delegates supported this policy…

Government control over land is not going to stop unless Americans stand up to the internationalism that has bred these ideas.