Author Archives: Admin

Agenda 21: An Accepted Fact Driving Sustainability and Regionalism

No longer can it be said that Agenda 21 is a ‘conspiracy’.

From the confab in 1992, to the entry in the Federal Register, to the video where Nancy Pelosi is recommending on the House floor that it be implemented, we know it’s the driving force behind regionalism and that unelected regional planners are promoting its ideas.

The question is, what are YOU going to do to help preserve NH’s rural look and feel, prevent it from being ‘urbanized’ and protect your property rights?

From our friends in NY:

09-28-2012 7:25 pm – John W. Wallace

I am sure that most Americans, including many residents of New York’s Capital Region (where I live) and other rural areas of America, have never heard of a United Nations’ program called ‘Agenda 21.’ Even if they have heard the name, they are most likely unaware that Agenda 21 poses one of the greatest threats to their individual liberty, freedoms, property rights and even their country’s sovereignty.

The Agenda 21 movement started on the international level more than 20 years ago as various international non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) combined their global plans for a new world order with their counterparts in the worldwide “green movement” to thoroughly outline an agenda that would completely change and curtail human activity on the planet. Most prominent in these plans was one written and delivered by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the UN-sponsored Earth Summit back in 1992. It was called Agenda 21. Proponents of the ideas outlined in the original Agenda 21 plan said it was just a suggestion with no teeth for enforcement in the United States.

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No Proof of Man-Made Climate Change, Says Greenpeace Co-founder

No Proof of Man-Made Climate Change, Says Greenpeace Co-founder
by Jack Kenny

There is no scientific proof of man-made climate change, a co-founder of Greenpeace told a committee of the U.S. Senate, rebutting claims made by environmental activists, prominent politicians, and a steady stream of media reports of a nearly unanimous “consensus” among scientists about “overwhelming” evidence that man-made emissions of greenhouse gases — mainly carbon dioxide — are responsible for global warming.

“There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years,” Patrick Moore said in his prepared remarks to members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Tuesday. A Canadian ecologist and business consultant, Moore was a co-founder of the environmental activist group Greenpeace as a Ph.D. student in 1971. Moore left the group in 1986, after it made what he described as a “sharp turn to the political left ” and began espousing policies he could not longer support, though opposition to global warming was not then among them.

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Save Our Town Rindge Has a Message for Voters

The Monadnock Ledger-Transcript refused to print Save Our Town’s Viewpoint article, so GSFs has posted it here.

As if the continued deception from the federal government is not enough (if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan), now we have to deal with it in Rindge. It’s called the “Crossroads Overlay District”. Yes, deception at its worst. This “new” proposed district would have a whole new set of rules that would be implemented at the intersection of Rts. 119/202. Want to know more? I called the planning board and was told to either go on line or go to the town hall to learn more, as it is too lengthy to put on the ballot. So, that being said, how will you know exactly what you will be voting on? Well, I am going to do my best to fill you in.

My group, Save Our Town, attended every meeting pertaining to the Plan NH Charette since last October. This is the plan that the “Crossroads Overlay District” was spawned from. The discussion was about zoning changes brought about by two HUD planning grants the town accepted. The zoning changes would be to reduce the current 2 acre minimum for a building lot in the West Rindge Village District, and the Gateway Central District, to 1 acre. That discussion changed around mid November by including East Rindge, and Rindge Center.
Now, fast forward to late November, early December. Enter the “Crossroads Overlay District”. Never was this term mentioned throughout the whole process. Now, suddenly, with 2 or 3 meetings left before the board’s vote to put this on the ballot, they announce this. Our group was shocked. They are now proposing that the minimum building lot be ½ acre in the “new” proposed “Crossroads Overlay District”. Yes, ½ acre!

Now for the deception part. When you enter the polls this coming March 11th, you will see article 2 there cloaked in all its deception. It will ask you if you are in favor of the adoption of the “Crossroads Overlay District”. It says that “it will allow a specific set of uses, with specific frontage, yard, and area requirements for those uses”. What is doesn’t tell you, is that “specific area requirement” will be ½ acre. I’m sure if they put that on the ballot, it wouldn’t have the slightest chance of passing. Everyone knows that ½ acre zoning would be detrimental in keeping Rindge rural.

Now for the really deceptive part. Some might read this and say, how can they do that? Well, it seems since it is technically a “new” district that is being proposed, they are not required to tell you that the acreage requirements are being changed. Technically there is no change since this would be a “new” district, with “new” zoning requirements. In my opinion, if the planning board was to be truthful, they knew this plan would never pass as written. So they found a way to put it on the ballot without you really knowing what you would be voting on. Make no mistake, this WILL change the zoning requirement at Fogg’s intersection to ½ acre lots if this is passed! One must ask, if this plan is so good for the town of Rindge, and it is “what the people want”, why use deception to sell it? Shouldn’t it sell itself?

One last thing. Some town officials will tell you that this is what the residents of Rindge want. After seeing an article in the Ledger today stating that 500 surveys were sent out in 2001, I thought about a few things. That is less than 1% of the town’s population. How many were favorable in support of this plan? How many people were aware back then that this plan would change the lot size requirement in all 3 village districts from 2 acres to 1 acre, and from 2 acres to ½ acre at Fogg’s intersection? In all the meetings that our group attended from this past October to now, the only ones in favor were either involved in town government, or were paid people from Plan NH.

Yes, deception is alive and well in Rindge, for now.

Larry Cleveland
Save Our Town

More on Attempts to Inventory, Tax, and Control

21st Century Wire has the story Tracking and Charging: Trans-Texas Corridor/ NAFTA Superhighway Control Grid Underway.

“Most people still think that due to public pressure, Texas governor Rick Perry had abandoned the controversial Trans-Texas Corridor/NAFTA Superhighway project. That was true, however…

As Aaron Dykes of Truthstream Media finds out, the infrastructure and control grids have been quietly continued behind the scenes, and in true globalist fascist fashion, American roads are being handed over to foreign companies (see full story below). Drivers will not be the given the option – they will be forced to drive – and pay on the new fascist highway system in the US.

The EU is similarly pushing an identical system in tandem to NAFTA’s scheme – an EU scheme where bikers will even be forced to pay via RFID.

As we recently discovered in New York state, the car transponders that the corporate state are trying to mandate for all drivers to use RFID chip technology. One concerned NY citizen did an independent analysis on the many ways his car using NY’s ‘E-ZPass’ could be tracked and discovered that he was being tracked and his data traceable in unexpected places, far and away from any toll road barriers.

Known under the pseudonym of ‘Puking Monkey’, he drove around New York City only to find that his transponder became active multiple times on the short drive from Times Square to Madison Square Garden in mid-town Manhattan.”

Watch and listen to how many times his receiver triggers his makeshift reader alarm:

Visit the article above where you can follow many embedded links with examples… namely, the story from Truth Stream Media.

Here is an exerpt:

“…RFID transponders are about tracking more than toll payments – they are used by law enforcement and government agencies to monitor innocent citizens accused of no crime while logging detailed movements in a database:

Many toll road systems now use tracking devices for pay/authorization, and they have also been used by police to catch criminals. From the beginning, these transponders were designed as a payment collection system AS WELL AS a tracking system. Here’s a link to the patent proving that intention: “Open road cashless toll collection system and method using transponders and cameras to track vehicles.” Adding further insult to injury, states like Texas do not hire toll booth operators, refuse to take cash and require drivers to adopt transponders or pay much higher rates via mail after photographing license plates and auto-mailing a bill to the registered address for payment!”

US Sinks to #30 in Protection of Property Rights

If you believe the United States is a bastion of economic freedom and the safest place to accumulate property knowing your rights are protected, you may have to think again. This report reveals what many have feared:

Shock Report: U.S. protection of property rights drops to 30th among nations

CC by Paparutzi
The link between economic freedom and prosperity is undeniable: the nations with the most economic freedom also offer people the best quality of life. In the United States, that quality is slipping away at an alarming rate.

According to Fraser’s 2013 “Economic Freedom of the World” report, “Unfortunately for the United States, we’ve seen overspending, weakening rule of law, and regulatory overkill on the part of the U.S. government, causing its economic freedom score to plummet in recent years.”

From 1980 to 2000, most reports generally considered the United States the third freest economy in the world behind Hong Kong and Singapore. Today, we are in 17th place.

But the slippage of our economic freedoms pales in comparison to the plummet of property rights and their legal protections in the United States. Once a Mecca for those who value their personal and property rights, today the U.S. places a meager 30th among the world’s nations.

Even Socialist countries like Finland (1), Germany (15) and Chile (26) have a greater respect for property rights than the U.S.

Property rights mean little without a legal system that supports them. The United States falls short in this category too. It took the Sacketts of Priest Lake Idaho, four years of legal actions, just to gain the right to sue to protect their own property from a questionable EPA classification as a wetland. Today, the battle continues in court.

As the Fraser report notes, “the protection of rightfully acquired property is a central element in economic freedom.” When regulations expand beyond basic protections and create barriers to voluntary exchanges, they reduce economic freedom.

HUD’s 2013 regulation, “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” enables the agency to interfere in local planning and a Nov. 1, 2013 Executive Order, affords the president nearly unlimited authority to infringe on neighborhoods, property rights and livelihoods in the name of climate change preparedness.

“Protection of property rights under the rule of law, including the fruits of our labor is critical to freedom.” It is impossible to have freedom of exchange, if each person does not have full protection of their property rights.

Yet, in the attempt to appear socially just and environmentally conscious, Americans have displayed an unbounded willingness to welcome property rights’ infringements and even confiscation.

In America, the sweat of ones’ brow requires fealty to local, state and federal governments. This makes it nearly impossible for an hourly laborer to establish a fair market value for his toil knowing he will be fully rewarded.

While property rights are only one component of economic freedom, they are the foundation for living well today and accumulating wealth for tomorrow. As these rights slip away, so too do our hopes for the present and our dreams for the future.

John Anthony, Founder
Protecting rights together,
Sustainable Freedom Lab

Government Oversite Provides Closer Look at RPC Activity

Government Oversite is an organization that provides and insider’s look at what some RPCs are doing.

Through patient planning the SRPC has been questioned in public regarding their role in the Granite State Future, Sustainable Communities Initiative; the Regional Master Plan; funding sources and interpretations of the concerning grant language regarding property rights and the involvement of HUD in the regional master plan document.

Rob Collins, Brookfield planning; Ed Comeau, Brookfield planing and the Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) representative from Brookfield and other residents attended a SRPC outreach survey on December 7, 2013.

Cynthia Copeland, Executive director of the Strafford Regional Planning Commission is questioned regarding; Funding sources; RSA 36 obligations; Sustainable Communities Planning grant; HUD’s involvement; concerning anti- property rights language contained within the grant narrative; Nashua Regional Planning commission; Kerrie Diers, NRPC Executive Director;

This segment is packed with information and the exchange is intense, focused and detailed. Listen carefully. If you have time to watch the entire video it has valuable information.

Start video at 17:00

Leaked Draft Rule Increases Federal Power over Private Lands

“Federal control over private lands would be expanded significantly under a proposed rule reportedly drafted by the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (“Corps”).

Industry groups that develop or excavate property, or discharge to land or water should pay close attention to the proposed rule, not yet officially released. The EPA and the Corps contend the proposed rule clarifies federal power over “waters of the U.S.” under the Clean Water Act and will ease permitting delays. However, according to an unofficial draft of the proposed rule, the agencies expand federal jurisdiction over essentially all waters and wetlands that affect navigable waters downstream, including areas far upstream that may be wet only intermittently. In other words, this potential grab for more federal authority over intrastate waters means an increase in costs, burdensome permit requirements, and increased regulatory intrusion into how certain industries currently or in the future conduct their business.”

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Ideal Communist Cities


Lately some of us were wondering why 9 planners from NH traveled to communist Cuba to learn about ‘urban gardening’.

What is happening all over the country is not a coincidence. The new urbanism being pushed by the proponents of regionalism, in this case regional boards, recommends things that are reminiscent of communist cities.

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