Author Archives: Admin

Mills Scenic Byway Another Thing You Don’t Need

Come Learn More About the Proposed Mills Scenic Byway!

Come share your input, comments, and constructive feedback on the proposed 12 mile byway that would travel through Newmarket, Durham, Madbury, and Rollinsford.


Photo Credit: Eric Gendron

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
7PM to 9PM
Durham Public Library
49 Madbury Road, Durham, NH

The proposed Mills Scenic Byway is a 12.1 mile route that travels through the Towns of Newmarket, Durham, Madbury, and Rollinsford. This route offers a clear depiction of small, yet vital communities, located along the coastal shores of the Lamprey, Oyster, Bellamy, Salmon Falls, and Cocheco Rivers while retaining the character and appeal of historic mill towns. These charming scenes paint an illustration of New England river towns that possess a past that has seen a steady transformation from early sawmills to a thriving textile industry, which has in turn given way to dozens of smaller businesses and residential opportunities.

In the spring of 2012, all four participating communities endorsed the Mills Scenic Byway’s proposed designation by writing letters of support, which were signed by each governing body. The Byway was then given conditional approval by the NH Scenic and Cultural Byway Council on November 6, 2013. In order for the Council to officially designate the Mills Scenic Byway as a state byway a public hearing is required.

Upon completion of this public hearing the State Byway Council will consider designation of the Byway at its next meeting, to be held on May 8, 2014.

For more information:

Kyle Pimental, Senior Regional Planner
Strafford Regional Planning Commission


Letter to Reps and Editors

Dover residents nearly had taxes imposed on their roofs, driveways and walkways. You will see this “impervious surfaces” tax rear its ugly head in every town, eventually, if it is not stopped. To highlight the importance of letters to the editor, here is one very excellent example of a letter a Dover resident sent to her representatives and could also have been sent to her newspaper:

Honorable Members of The House Municipal and County Government Committee;

I wish to express to each of you my strong support for HB 1573. Here in New Hampshire — the “Live Free or Die” state — we must take a strong stand against yet another Federal Government intrusion based on the Marxist concept of central planning. HUD’s mandate to Regional Planning Commissions to “mitigate” private and individual property rights is in direct violation of our Constitution with no accountability to the taxpayers. Planning Boards — if needed at all — should be elected locally, funded locally, and accountable locally. The whole movement being perpetrated by HUD is clearly in lock-step with the U.N. Agenda 21 — which has a clear mission of forcing the United States into surrendering its sovereignty to a central world plan of redistribution of resources controlled by a group of third world thugs. A clear example of this nefarious plot occurred last fall here in Dover, New Hampshire.

Christopher Parker, Dover’s Director of Planning and Community Development went on a junket to Cuba for the stated purpose of “implementing urban agricultural strategies.” If he wanted to learn about agriculture, he could have taken a short trip to The Thompson School of Agriculture at U.N.H. in Durham — one of the very best schools specializing in the subject. Why would he go to Cuba, which has a tropical climate, and is a communist country with socialized agriculture and central government planning? What is Castro’s Cuba good at? Mr. Parker’s claim that Dover “has been working to boost participation at the community garden” is the main reason for going to Cuba, and that “he hopes his time in Cuba will help him find innovative ways to encourage others to participate in this unusual brand of farming.” With government spending at record levels, our city fathers think that it’s a priority to expand a half-acre community garden? All this begs the question: Did he go to Cuba to learn about agriculture and help local farmers, or did he go to learn how to increase government’s control of (i.e., socialize) farming? America has been the “world’s bread basket” because farmers have been free to do what they do best: grow food. The Soviet-style state-controlled farms that Cuba has had have been repeatedly shown to be failures. Why, then, the trip? Was it to learn better farming methods or to learn techniques to get government’s nose into yet another segment of American enterprise? We’re in the throes of coping with the introduction of socialized medicine, and now the seeds are being sown for the next step in the destruction of American exceptionalism: socialized agriculture. I smell what could be a rat, but it is probably the stench of the Marxist U.N. Agenda 21 lurking in the shadows.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean L. LaBrack
Dover, NH

Jean eventually did submit to Fosters and it was printed.

Big Turnout for HB 1573

Yesterday supporters of HB 1573 (a bill to rid us of this regional nightmare in NH) was heard before the Municipal and County Government Committee of the NH House of Representatives.

Rep Jane Cormier, the sponsor of the bill, kicked off the testimony.

Reports were that the chairperson, Rep. Porter, said at the opening of the hearing that it was the biggest attendance by the public she’s ever seen at any of her committee meetings.

It was standing room only. Many packed along the wall and a few in the hallway.

So many wanted to testify, that each person was only given three minutes.

According to one activist in attendance, “Everyone testifying AGAINST the bill, of course, had a dog in the fight. Some financial interest. All testifying in SUPPORT also had a dog in the fight, “our private property RIGHTS.””

You can still write to the committee in support of this bill!

Follow its status here.

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Regional Invaders Are EVERYWHERE

Behold western New York’s regional plan, “One Region Forward” and their slick website. It’s a virtual PR campaign for Agenda 21.

One Region Forward

It has all the familiar buzzwords and doesn’t attempt to hide what it is about. No need to translate for those of you who are experienced in fighting this, but for newbies to this site, we’ll give you a little overview.

Sustainability – What does this even mean? This is the hook, the scare tactic, that makes people think if they don’t hop on the regional bandwagon, something terrible will happen. Chances are the ‘data’ they are using has long been debunked. Chances are it came from the United Nation’s IPCC. Create the problem, then provide the solution. This is called the Hegelian Dialect.

Public Engagement – Only a very small percentage of the population even know what these unelected groups are plotting for controlling their “…land use, transportation, housing, energy and climate, access to food, and more.” The wording is almost exactly the same as what we have seen for Granite State Future in NH.

Visioning – Whose ideas are these anyway? These sessions are where these unelected boards for the shadow government known as regionalism are duping a small percentage of the public into thinking these ideas came from them. If your area is doing visioning, it’s best to get to these sessions ASAP and start challenging them. They will try to ‘lead’ you to the ‘right’ decisions. This is called the Delphi Technique.

Why We Plan – Make no mistake about it, this is not about anything other than herding the populace into metropolitan areas for the purpose of CONTROL. This is called New Urbanism. As the site says “One Region Forward is directed by a steering committee composed of government, nonprofit, and academic organizations with capacity and experience in transportation, housing, economic development, community health, public engagement, and regional planning.” So your tax dollars are funding a bunch of unelected soviet-style boards, who are partnering with academics and special interest groups, and corporations and crony capitalists, to determine where you can live, how you can travel, what you can eat, how much medical care you can receive, how much energy you can use, and even what your children will learn in school!

New Urbanism – Events with speakers from the Congress for New Urbanism are featured prominently on the sidebar. Some of these folks come straight from the Kyoto agreement meetings of the 1990s. Others are Democrats like John Norquist, who leads the Congress for the New Urbanism. They are either stupid or complicit. We think it’s the latter.

Sustainable Communities Planning Grants – One Region Forward, like every other of these poisonous programs, is made possible by the Sustainable Communities Regional Planning program from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Our federal government is fully committed to promoting the policies put forth in Agenda 21 as we see from the Congressional testimony of Nancy Pelosi and the listing in the Federal Register, as previously laid out by the UN in Kyoto in the 1990s, using illegally created agencies such as HUD, EPA, and the DOT and YOUR OWN TAX DOLLARS. Sadly people must learn that this money is not free, it is their own tax money, and in fact, it is being used against them.

It clearly states:
“The program is part of the federal Partnership for Sustainable Communities, a collaborative effort between HUD, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to coordinate federal investments in smarter ways and to help regions develop plans and strategies that tackle the inter-dependent issues of housing, land use, transportation, environmental stewardship and economic development. The Erie and Niagara County Consortium leading One Region Forward was one of 29 communities out of 140 applicants nationally to win this competitive grant in 2011.”

Niagra may have ‘won’ this grant, but the people won’t win anything once the mandates are forced upon them as part of the agreement. In fact they will be giving up more and more of their rights and freedoms if they participate in this supposedly voluntary effort, an effort that is more about control by the global elites.

It is a deal with the devil.

Florida Regionalists Propaganda Machine

Florida’s regionalists are not happy with the activism of the Florida citizens who wish to pull out of the “Seven50” (now reduced to Three50) program.

They in fact blatantly lie about the situation with Westchester, claiming that Westchester did not fulfill its obligations under their own HUD grant.

This of course is NOT true. HUD wanted MORE than was asked for in the grant.

Once again they are calling Rob Astorino a liar.

Read more…

Gilford Says No More Dues to the LRPC

Gilford BudCom strikes 2014 funds for regional planning commission

As more and more towns are seeing the folly of regional government, they are voting to withdraw from the regional planning commissions as well as opting out of Granite State Future.

GILFORD — The Budget Committee voted last week to eliminate $8,500 for funding for the Lakes Region Planning Commission from the proposed 2014 town spending plan.

LRPC dues are part of a line item in the Planning Department’s budget.

According to Budget Committee Vice Chair Kevin Leandro, the vote came after very little discussion on a motion by member Sue Greene. He didn’t recall the actual vote but said at least seven members of the 12-member committee supported withdrawing, including Chair Phyllis Corrigan.

Greene said yesterday that in her mind the LRPC is an additional layer of government and politics not needed by the town of Gilford or its residents. She also said she couldn’t justify the $8,500 an year.

About two-thirds of the funding for regional planning commissions comes from state and federal sources and Green said the LRPC expends $369,000 to its employees in salaries alone.

“Planning decisions need to be made by local planning boards,” she said. “It’s another area where local decisions are impeded.”

Good for you Gilford. Your residents will thank you.

City of Port St. Lucie Orders Withdrawal Resolution

And then there were three…

In the first video, the Port St. Lucie City Council discusses withdrawal from the Seven50 Plan, one of several of Florida’s federal grant proposals to bring seven counties under regionalism. This makes four of the seven counties to reject it, and the action starts at 2:00:00.

City of Port St. Lucie Orders Withdrawal Resolution

We’ve embedded the video here for your convenience…We have set it to start at the point where they are discussing the Seven50 plan automatically.


Testimony for HB 1573 for January 16

HB 1573 is a bill that would allow towns and cities in NH to retain local control in the face of the push toward regionalism.

There are other bills that would enable regionalism by allowing towns to appoint, not elect, their officials, and would allow them to remove issues such as zoning from the ballot. This means that the voters would not get to approve changes. This is not what the citizens of NH want.

HB 1573 will be heard before the Municipal and County Government at 1:00 PM in the Legislative Office Building Room 301-303 on January 16, 2014.

Write to the Municipal and County Government Committee or call them at 271-3317 to register your support for this bill.

Write your Representatives to ask them to support this bill. Find your legislators here:

You can follow the bill’s progress here:

Background information on regionalism can be downloaded here in PDF format: Testimony HB 1573