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Confusion Surrounding Regional Planning Commissions

As we have reported before, the 9 RPCs in New Hampshire were created as “political subdivisions” in 1969, and operate under RSA 36 (45-53). They are taxpayer funded and thus subject to all NH’s 91-A (Right to Know) laws. You can see an example of one of their taxpayer-funded budgets here.

It would seem however, that their existence is fraught with contradictions. For example, while the state mandates the towns get help from the RPCs to write their master plans, towns are only paid members on a voluntary basis. Furthermore, when RPCs procure money for town projects through federal HUD grants, often there are requirements within those grants that would mandate zoning changes. This would seem to contradict the assertion that RPcs are “advisory only”. To make things worse, now some towns want to remove the right of the voters to approve zoning changes and there has even been a bill submitted to the NH legislature to allow this. HB 1124 permits towns to opt out of official ballot voting requirements for the consideration and adoption of zoning ordinances. The RPCs have used our tax money to hire lobbyists to promote these types of bills so they can push their agenda through even faster.

This succession of videos demonstrates the confusion over Regional Planning Commissions.

While RPCs are NOT NGOs, they are a layer of government over which the voters have little, if any oversight. Their boards are unelected. They interface with your town planning and zoning boards, but, does the voter get to vote on the changes they recommend, especially the ones mandated by these federal HUD/EPA/DOT grants they have procured on the town’s behalf?

RPCs may as well be NGOs since private corporations and their foundations and NGOs are their biggest influence. Private corporations have even provided them with PR firms to convince the voters that the ideas they promote are coming from the community when they are NOT.

This series of videos shows why towns are considering rejecting membership in this layer of unaccountable government.

To demonstrate just how little our legislature and local boards know about RPCs I present to you these videos.

In the first video, the Hampton Budget Committee is trying to figure out just what kind of group are the RPCs. One comes to the wrong conclusion that they are NGOs.

In this video, the Hampton Budget Committee states the requirement that towns take help from the Rockingham Planning Commission to write their master plan. This is correct.

At this meeting of the Hampton Board of Selectmen, Cliff Sinnott from the RPC is defending his existence and trying to prevent them from dropping membership. But one member says he doesn’t know who came up with these projects. Why? Because they are not coming from the community. In fact, Mr. Pierce states voters have turned down one particular project TWO OR THREE TIMES, a project that suddenly seems to pop back up when federal funds are dangled in front of the town. The RPC rep does state correctly that they are NOT a private entity but a layer of government created by the legislature.

In the following video, a citizen is discussing with the Hampton Planning Board the classifying of roofs, driveways, and walkways as “impervious surfaces” for the purpose of TAXATION. The board doesn’t want the voters to know this would restrict property rights, and claims it would be illegal to state that on the ballot, and yet the town can legally print a recommendation near the item that they recommend its passage. Go figure.

In this video the Board of Selectmen speak about the invisible strings that come with federal programs…

In this video, the Hampton Board of Selectmen wonder why they pay dues to the Regional Planning Commission and consider withdrawing. They seem to understand that it is another “central planning” body.

Now the question we have to ask is, do they even know what the Granite State Future program is?

Rindge Takes Action Against HUD

Submitted to the town of Rindge is a petition for an article to be placed on the warrant to remove the town’s membership from the Southwest Region Planning Commission and all its affiliates.

Also submitted were 2 other petitions for other articles. Petitioners gathered more than twice the needed signatures on all three.

The group “Save Our Town” has brought together a following that is unprecedented. Their first meeting attracted 200 people. The group accomplished this with a mailing of almost 2,200 flyers which SOT sent to every resident’s mailbox. Rindge is one of the towns that signed up for a planning grant made available through the NHHFA and financed by HUD.

One of the other petitions for an article to be put on the warrant is to require voter approval for all HUD grants in the future.

The voting day is March 11, 2014.
Please visit Town of Rindge website to confirm voting dates.

Let this be an example for all towns.

Zoning Off the Ballot?

In Bedford, the Town Council would like to remove your right to vote on zoning and leave it up to them. This would come in handy for satisfying zoning requirements handed down by way of HUD grants.

Coincidentally, someone has filed this bill HB 1124, which permits towns to opt out of official ballot voting requirements for the consideration and adoption of zoning ordinances.

Don’t let this happen!

The Municipal and County Government Committee will hear this bill on Thursay, January 16, in Room 301-303, in the LOB at 10:00 AM.

Appointed, Not Elected!

The push is toward regionalism and appointed, not elected officials. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

HB 1266 – This is NHMA policy bill that would allow towns to vote to authorize the appointment of the town clerk by the selectmen or town manager. Current law requires the town clerk to be elected.

The hearing is scheduled for next Tuesday, January 14, at 11:00 AM in LOB Room 301, before the Municipal and County Government Committee.

California Wants New Political Divisions ala ‘Sustainability’

Oh boy, hang on to your hats. If the push toward regionalism were not brazen enough, now the California Senate is looking to pass a bill to create a new political subdivision.

“California’s Senate Bill 1 is what the founding fathers fought against. Straight from the U.N. Agenda 21’s playbook, SB1 will give power to a county to form a “Sustainable Communities Investment Authority” (SCIA). These Authorities have the power of eminent domain and can confiscate private property to build “sustainable communities.” The bill essentially paves the way for the loss of any true private property in California, resulting in the loss of freedom and driving down home values. If the Senate passes the modified bill, only Governor Jerry Brown (D – CA) will stand in its way of becoming law.

This means that city and county governments can create unelected bureaucracies with the power to do what’s necessary to create “sustainable communities.” It also means that the definition of “blight” will change from the original definition of abandoned and decaying buildings on residential lots to a much wider definition including anything the bureaucracies need to create sustainable communities.”

Direct link to video:

Read more at Ben Swann’s website: California’s Dangerous Idea: Give unelected bureaucrats the power to confiscate the private property of Americans

“Promise Zones” Newest Federal Boondoggle

More Agenda 21 nonsense from Obama….

Later today at the White House, President Obama will announce the first ever “Promise Zone” communities.

“Promise Zones explore new strategies to bolster local economies. From education to housing to job creation, the program helps communities find creative solutions to their challenges—and that’s something every town and city can learn from.”

Just what we need are more intrusive programs, right?

Voice your OPPOSITION: Send a letter to Congress today.
Carol Shea-Porter – District 1
Carol Shea-Porter
(202) 225-5456

Annie Kuster – District 2
Annie Kuster
(202) 225-5206

Senator Kelly Ayotte
Sen. Kelly Ayotte
(202) 224-3324

Senator Jeanne Shaheen
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
(202) 224-2841

Today, Congress is debating whether communities will be able to keep doing this work.

The House and the Senate are still negotiating fiscal year 2014’s federal budget—including important programs that SUPPOSEDLY support community development.

Promise Zones are just one of the many federal initiatives that could be hampered—or eliminated—when Congress reaches a final budget deal.

We want to make SURE this program remains UNFUNDED.

Tell Congress to OPPOSE programs like Promise Zones: Send a letter to your representatives today.

Carol Shea-Porter – District 1
Carol Shea-Porter
(202) 225-5456

Annie Kuster – District 2
Annie Kuster
(202) 225-5206

Senator Kelly Ayotte
Sen. Kelly Ayotte
(202) 224-3324

Senator Jeanne Shaheen
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
(202) 224-2841

Or call to register your opposition to this program.

Senator Shaheen: (202) 224-2841
Senator Ayotte: (202) 224-3324
Congreeswoman Kuster: (202) 225-5206
Congresswoman Shea-Porter: (202) 225-5456

“San Antonio, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, southeastern Kentucky and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma—the first five Promise Zone communities—will get new resources to help them grow stronger from the ground up” they claim. But you and I know this means more federal interference, property rights stolen, and more tax money wasted.

Federal programs have HURT hundreds of other communities—and can HURT hundreds more—but Congress needs to hear from you to STOP IT.

Take a minute and send a letter today.

Support HB 1573 on January 16th

There will be a Committee Hearing on January 16th on HB 1573 in LOB 301 at 1:00 PM.

Please contact the Municipal and County Government Committee and attend and testify if you can.

RPCs (Regional Planning Commissions) are the top down unelected boards who are implementing the federal government’s idea of sustainability through control over your local government.

If your town has been threatened or affected by GSF, you need to be part of this because your testimony is proof that people do NOT want this interference and the RPCs are overstepping their original purpose. We hope someone from these towns will plan on testifying on the 16th for HB 1573:


Rep Cormier Speaks on HB 1573

Activist Susan Olsen and NH State Rep Jane Cormier recorded a good solid radio show on the problems with the NH Regional Planning Commissions on the December 27th edition of WTPL 107.7 “The Pulse” while sitting in for Brian “Bulldog” Tilton.

They hear from noted activists Tim Carter, Ken Eyring, Skip Murphy, and Jane Aitken who call in to talk about how this issue is being brought to the attention of legislators and voters.

RPCs were created in 1969 by RSA 36 but voters feel that they have gone far beyond their purview by becoming lobbyists for the federal government, which by the way, should be illegal according to NH statutes.

RPCs have noticed activity and have stepped up their propaganda machine with communications and lobbying to the NH legislature, using our tax money of course.

When bills come up for scrutiny before committees you can be sure their representatives will be there. This means we need to be there as well.

Most legislators don’t even know what RPCs are about or what they do. Proof of this is in the email one legislator wrote to GSFs stating that he wasn’t concerned about what the RPCs were doing because after all, we “elected these folks to make decisions for us”. Trouble is, we didn’t. And as caller Dave from Weare stated, legislators need to be aware of just who is calling them to lobby for the federal government and we need to watch what deals come to these legislators as a result of these regional projects.


GSF Propaganda Machine Fired Up

NH State Rep Jane Cormier has filed HB 1573 in an effort to fight intrusion by the federal government by way of the RPCs who seem to have become lobbyists for federal agencies and their mandates, ON OUR TAX DIME. There is already a law that says they cannot do this, BUT THEY ARE DOING IT ANYWAY.

A new law has been proposed to stop this practice across the board. HB 1560

Please support Cormier’s HB 1573. Bedford is vulnerable since now their Town Council wants to take zoning decisions out of our hands which means we would have NO oversight when it comes to HUD/EPA/DOT grants with ‘strings’ — strings that seek to alter zoning laws so the fed can impose social justice by leveling the playing field.

The Granite State Future program is not locally inspired, but rather is a federal government initiative to level the playing field in towns they see as ‘too economically or demographically homogeneous’.

Cormier Article Part I

Cormier Article Part II

Are You Ready to Abolish the RPCs in NH?

Representative Jane Cormier is on our side.

She has filed a bill in the NH legislature to abolish RPCs.

“She said that sheer number of references to the regional planning commissions in state statute belies the notion that they have only advisory authority.”

“All of those repeals,” she said. “How advisory is that?” That the commissions can be replaced by two planners at OEP, she said confirms that “municipalities will do just fine without the bloated bureaucracy,” which she described as “basically a money laundering thing.”

“The fight is on,” Cormier declared, “and we’re going for broke.”

Indeed we need to support Jane on House Bill 1573.

Read more… Cormier bill would abolish all regional planning commissions