Author Archives: Admin

Jose Fernandez on Agenda 21 – God Damn the United Nations!

Listen carefully to this man’s words about how Harvey Ruvin’s Agenda 21 as implemented in Miami-Dade area has ruined his business and his life.

Direct Link:

Mr. Fernandez is Cuban and in some spots hard to understand so we have tried to transcribe his words as closely as we can below, with some interpretation for clarity.

OK before I state my name I am going to hold the Constitution it’s is the law of the land and I hope that no public servant would be against that…. am I OK?

OK I am not here to beg, to ask, I already past that time.

I am Jose Fernandez (gives address in Miami-Dade County)

I am here to remind you, all of you, the commissioners and especially the mayor that you work for us, you’re a public servant, you’re our employee. When you got your position you had to swear to protect, establish, and promote this constitution.

I represent hundreds and hundreds of families whose Constitutional rights have been violated. They are getting suicide. I lost my family. I lost my business. OK? And I am losing my patience.

All of this is happening because the government of Miami-Dade is implementing and agenda called Agenda 21 made by the United Nations, and I am not talking to you politicians but I am talking to the United States people that you get educated.

Agenda 21 is sustainable development is meant to destroy our Constitution, like we’re suffering now.

Why has the TV banned all our problems? Because you the government and the special interests have the power to silence the TV that’s why my truck, the Constitutional truck is three years in the street with the picture of all of you, is out there.

And Mr Carlos Jimenez with the pacifier, now he will have to explain what that means to those who are not Cuban.

You are following and agenda that is unconstitutional and sooner or later you will be charged by treason by we the people and you know what treason means.

I’m taking all the responsibility, me, Jose Fernandez, I declare Mr. Harvey Ruvin, an agent of United Nations, who has been implementing Agenda 21 for the last 20 years. And if he wants to take it to court with me, so be it.

But for your sake politicians, we the people are getting tired and we don’t believe in votes anymore. Be careful, you destroy many families, your families will be in the hands of everybody.

God Bless America. God Bless United States. God DAMN the United Nations!

Hey Rindge, Here Comes HUD!

Yes Rindge, even though you have expressed your disapproval of it, your regional planners are plowing full steam ahead with the Granite State Future program.

This is the federal government’ enforcement of ‘sustainability’ and may mean loss of your property rights.

Rindge residents need to scream bloody blue murder. Your zoning is about to be determined by the wealth redistributors who are working for the UN.

Rindge Overlay Zoning

Rindge is Correct to Fear HUD

Considering all the evidence that has come before us regarding the way HUD is determined to reshape our towns and cities in the vision of the federal government and international community, Rindge residents have every right to be worried.

This article in the Kenne Sentinel Source states:

“Some town residents are worried that the $24,820 of grant money, which comes from the federal office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), opens the door for a federal takeover of the small town.

Rindge officials, as well as officials from HUD and N.H. Housing Authority say many of the concerns are unfounded, and the townspeople of Rindge can still vote down any proposed changes to zoning laws at the March town meeting.

“As far as it (zoning changes) being forced on communities, it still has to be passed at the local level,” said Rindge Selectman Roberta Oeser. “I hope the people realize that they’re the ones that get the final say.””

While this is true, most people do not understand where the money is coming from and why it is being offered, and will simply rubber stamp the zoning or planning board ‘recommendations’ at town meeting time without having examined the consequences of acceptance.

They also stated: “Town selectmen accepted the $24,820 grant in April of this year, after competing with other towns across the state for the money. The town’s money comes from about $500,000 HUD gave N.H. Housing Authority.”

The Regional Planning Commissions get money from HUD, with the Nashua RPC being the lead group on something called the Granite State Future project — a ‘sustainable communities initiative’. To support this is against the NH GOP platform. Each town is subject to inclusion in one of the nine regional planning commissions (unelected boards) which doles out the money to each own. They did not have to compete for it, but were told they needed to follow these ‘advisory-only’ suggestions. However, once a contract is signed with HUD, that is where the trouble begins.

The article goes on to say “The purpose of the grant is to help the town’s planning board make recommendations on zoning changes and commercial development. The planning board hopes to make lot sizes smaller to encourage a tight-knit village area in West Rindge.”

This is true, among other things it hopes to change. The term ‘tight-knit village’ refers to compact housing which would be utilized in the future when all residents are herded into the cities and away from rural development. This arrangement is a regional goal. Another goal, stated in writing, is to remove all local control on such matters in favor of decisions made by these regional government boards. It is NOT necessary for towns to ‘find the money’ elsewhere for a project they do not need or want if they haven not signed onto HUD, or is it? You cannot have it both ways. The terms ‘advisory’ and ‘voluntary’, always being claimed by the RPCs, do not seem to jive with lawsuits however… which brings us to the Westchester case.

The paper and Ben Frost are also WRONG about the Westchester case.

“Much of the fear expressed in Rindge comes from the example set by U.S. v. Westchester County, a case where Westchester County, N.Y., was sued by the federal government for not fulfilling the terms of the municipality’s contract with HUD.

The county of Westchester was accused by the Anti-Discrimination Center of Metro New York Inc. of segregating the county by preventing low-to-moderate-income housing in certain communities. The county was also accused of failing to take action to change zoning laws to be in compliance with federal fair housing regulations.”

This is completely untrue. Westchester complied IN FULL with the agreement to which they had signed. HUD merely wanted to go a step further and require MORE.

Westchester fought back and won.

HUD has admitted in various documents we have posted here on GSF(s) that it seeks to change the economic and racial demographics of an area by imposing new zoning laws that would result in the forced mixing in the aforementioned two areas. Westchester is a middle-to-upper class area and no one is barred from living there due to race. Anyone who can afford to live there can buy a home there. But that was not good enough for the meddlers at HUD. They wanted to make an ‘example’ of the town of Westchester, and force it to completely trash all zoning laws in favor of their redistributive laws.

Gregory Carson, a NH ‘republican’, and HUD Field Office Director for New Hampshire, spoke incorrectly when he said “It does not apply to Rindge or any town in New Hampshire…. No one in New Hampshire has defrauded the government for hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Wow! To suggest that Westchester ‘defrauded’ the federal government of ‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ would likely come as a great surprise to Rob Astorino. Carson then later admitted that “the language of the contracts are the same whether the grant is going to Rindge or to New York City.”

The fact is, once a contract with HUD is signed, the voters have no say in the matter. Zoning must be changed to comply with the ‘outcomes’ that HUD desires.

Read and watch Rob Astorino tell the TRUE story of what happened in Westchester, NY.

It is just a matter of time before it happens here.

Here Come the Taxes – Water Sustainability Commission

Formed by the Executive Order of then Governor John Lynch in 2011, the NH Water Sustainability Commission is getting ready to accept funding to realize some of the goals in the report it created, on the premise that the public requested them to do so.

Apparently they have found funding to support the 7 goals in this report:

Read about the project here:
WSC Project RFP Final 11-25-2013

Nancy Pelosi Speaks on Behalf of Implementation of Agenda 21

In 1992-93, Representative Nancy Pelosi spoke in favor of S.J.RES.69.IS – a resolution to pass Agenda 21 laws. So next time someone says they don’t know what Agenda 21 is, or that it’s a ‘conspiracy’, ask them if the Congressional Record in the Federal Register is just a figment of our imagination?

As Freedom Outpost states:

“Twenty-one years ago, after George Bush Sr. signed onto the Rio Accords adopting Agenda 21, this nightmare began in our nation. That was close to the end of his Presidency. As soon as Clinton came in, he doubled down on Agenda 21, creating the President’s Council on Sustainable Development by Executive Order. The Federal government agencies were then directed to implement Agenda 21 throughout their policies. The American Planning Association was given millions to create a “Legislative Guidebook” called “Growing Smart,” all based on Agenda 21 policies. When George Bush Jr. came in, the agencies continued on their march to use Federal money to control the entire United States through these UN directed global planning initiatives. In spite of all of the terrorism and the ensuing wars, Bush and Congress just kept right on feeding Federal money to implement Agenda 21 across the nation. Then, Obama was elected in 2008. What happens? Obama quadrupled the efforts. He created the “Sustainable Communities Initiatives” grant program through HUD. Not satisfied that would do it, he then created “The Sustainable Communities Partnership,” tying the EPA, Fed DOT, and HUD together so that all environmental, housing, and transportation programs laser focused on federally controlling every major population area of the United States. Not satisfied yet, Obama then created the White House Rural Council. This time, he figured he would capture all of the rest of the more rural and open land of the United States and bury those areas under the same Agenda 21 policies.”

What was once local, is now affected by the international, and we daresay, the unconstitutional.
Don’t let anyone tell you that Agenda 21 is a conspiracy or doesn’t exist.

RPCS Know Their Days Are Numbered

At around 00:25:00 the NGO trade association for the unelected RPCs and their ‘lobbyist’ go over the proposed NH legislation that would stand in the way of their ‘work’, work that you and I did not ask for, but that we are paying for with our tax dollars.

No more grants without some sort of public oversight
No more lobbying the NH legislature on behalf of the federal government with our tax dollars
No forced ‘workforce housing’ laws
No more RPCs by 2015 – DISSOLVED

For unelected boards that are supposed to be ‘advisory-only’, these highly paid bureaucrats sound pretty smug and sure of themselves. But after 40+ years, people are finallly waking up to this sanctioned corruption and they are not going to stand for it anymore.

PS – This is a perfect example of crony capitalism and undue influence and gross violation of the GOP platform.

Selectmen of Loudon Get Schooled on GSF

To the Editor:

What follows is a true New Hampshire story. It’s relevant if you live up north in Pittsburg, down south in Hollis, west in Claremont or east in Rye.

Last night the Selectmen of Loudon, NH asked me to come to one of their regular meetings. I don’t live in Loudon.

Months ago I authored a pamphlet titled Granite State Future – The Real Facts. It was given to the Loudon Selectmen a month ago and they wanted to know more about the topic. You can read the pamphlet here:

I walked into the meeting room and just three men were sitting at a standard folding cafeteria table passing letters to one another and then depositing them into a large plastic bin. It was a bureaucratic conveyor belt.

No one else was there, even though there were 40 soft chairs to sit in. No one. Not one Loudon citizen was in the room watching decisions being made. Not one citizen was there participating. Are you one of these people in your town?

After fifteen minutes, Mr. Krieger cordially asked me to approach the folding table and introduce myself for the record. They asked me to tell them about the Granite State Future. I did.

“Are you telling me you’ve not been contacted by Michael Tardiff, the executive director of the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission about the Granite State Future,” I said.

“No we haven’t. We have NO CLUE what the Granite State Future is about.”

“Well, for starters you should go to,” I suggested.

Wow. I almost fell over I was so shocked. I shouldn’t have been, because this is the same thing I’m encountering all over the state. Selectmen in countless NH towns have not heard about the Granite State Future, even though it’s been in motion since February, 2012.

On that dark day the nine NH regional planning commissions signed a legally binding contract with the Federal government mandating NH zoning and planning mirror what the Federal government wants, not what you or your Selectmen want.

Why didn’t Mr. Tardiff come to Loudon months ago before I showed up last night? That’s easy. The nine NH regional planning commissions don’t want you or your Selectmen to know what’s going on. They don’t want you to know they control every aspect of your life here in NH. They don’t want to remind any elected officials that they, the RPCs, are filled with unelected bureaucrats making critical decisions about every aspect of your life. It’s time for you to wake up.

Tim Carter

The Food Police Are Coming

If you think the RPCs are just about sharing fire trucks and conserving land, you are quite mistaken.

Since Agenda 21 is all-encompassing, RPCs have branched out well beyond their purview into health, education, food, energy, transportation, communication, etc.

This is the kind of thing you will continue to see popping up in your child’s classroom:

How Could This Happen?

How Could This Happen?

[Click for Larger View]

While schools in the US are not charging parents for the extra food, (the above is a private facility that also has to follow government licensing guidelines) parents of children in US public schools have been reporting that their childrens’ lunches are being scrutinized and in some cases taken away. Instead, the children are given some other food as a ‘compliant meal’.