Author Archives: Admin

Clear Plan 2030

This video is of the Clear plan 2030 Alabama Anniston meeting on 11/18/13.

No matter where it rears its ugly head in America, the Agenda 21 plans are all the same in every state, as is the reaction to them by an awakened public.

The first woman to comment notes that their feedback is never recorded. And that the plan’s terminology and goals resemble something more like the Soviet Union.

She makes no bones about what these plans are about — SOCIALISM

Notice how few people are in attendance? Citizens better wake up and find out what these bureaucrats are doing without their permission.

Global Governance and Education

A few weeks ago, education guru Marc Tucker came to NH to speak to the legislature. We must not neglect to mention that the takeover of the system and brainwashing of students is but one essential piece of the plan for the progressive regionalization and eventual totalitarian restructuring of the country and the world.

Our take on the Marc Tucker speech in Concord last week…

While many of our colleagues are to be commended for doing their best to expose Common Core “standards” as inferior, we say, to even discuss the program as if it had anything to do with academic “standards” is to give CC a legitimacy it does not deserve.

There are no academic “standards” involved in CC or any of the other federal programs that have been handed down over the years on the advice of illegal and unqualified representatives of special interest groups like Marc Tucker’s.

While Tucker sought to pump the maximum fear into parents — that if Common Core were not adopted, their children would not be able to ‘compete globally’ — keep in mind that not one of these educrats from the education industry or their local mouthpieces have ever been able to define the term “compete globally”. Common sense would tell you that to compete anywhere, you simply need to know your subject areas, whether it be math, languages, or the sciences. But there is no common sense in Common Core. It is merely a way to infuse the collectivist mindset of the state upon the children and to prepare them for the global utopia envisioned and dreamed of by these auxiliary elites. Numerous examples can be seen just about anywhere, for example, in any school exercise — most recently we saw one that suggested obeisance to the state, and the tromping of individual rights for the “collective” — both presented as fact — and matter-of-factly in a lesson about apostrophes.

After what we have seen done to children in the public schools for the last 35 years, here is our advice: parents need to march down to their nearest local school board and demand that all political agendas be scrubbed from the curriculum, and teachers be put back in charge of teaching a course of academics with a solid scope and sequence that does not include the fear mongering by the extreme-left, anti-constitutional, political “change agents” and proponents of international rule.

Notice to the criminals who have illegally seized our educational system and are using our children for political mules — the gloves are off and we are coming after you.

On Marc Tucker’s Credibility by Sandra Stotsky

Seven50 Beaten Down to Five50

The Port St. Lucie county commissioners wisely voted to reject the Seven50 Plan for their area in Florida. This is the second time the plan has been rejected, bringing it down to just five counties to be conquered by the regionalists.

Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask – UN Agenda 21” and founder of the Post Sustainability Institute gave a talk on what regionalism is all about. It is not different from what is going on in NH with Granite State Future, or in any other states.

She talks about how the American Planning Association (NGO) was given a grant to write a book about the plan for ‘change’. The book was published in 2002 and so it began, the new urbanism movement hit America.

Indian River County had already rejected it, now it’s on to Martin County!

Public Participation at RPC Meetings Weak

Linked below is a PDF of two action items brought before the Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC).

SRPC Public Comments 2013

Here is a list of acronyms to help you understand the content:

SMPO: Strafford Metropolitan planning organization: the SMPO is an area designated as a transportation planning region. It’s boundaries are set by population and are required by the Federal Highway Act.

GIS: Geographic Information System: This is the nomenclature given to a layered computer database of area infrastructure.

CMAQ: Congestion Mitigation Air Quality: this is a funding source from the federal government that is appropriated for transportation projects that reduce pollution.

Transportation Improvement Plan; Amendments are triggered when there is a change to an existing transportation project. Each must go through a public comment period of 30 days and be voted on by the Commissions policy committee.

NHDES: New Hampshire Environmental Services

Federal Highway Act: The congressional act that supports transportation infrastructure.

Title VI. Civil Rights Act:
Added to the transportation act to incorporate social and environmental justice to aid in a fair and equitable inclusion of underserved populations regarding transportation project.

The public comments section on page 3 lists the comments received by the public. There were only two respondents. One is the NHDES representative on the SMPO and the other is a SRPC member town commissioner. We don’t consider this adequate public comment as required by the Federal Requirement for fairness and equity under the Federal Highway Act and Title 6.

This is not a ‘consensus’ of the people by any stretch.

And so it goes… same for the listening sessions and charettes, more often they are attended by the very members of the boards and commissions themselves or, their paid facilitators.

Regional Planners Branching Out to Mental Health

Posted by NH Listens: (see new URL on our “About” page for all NH Listens content)

We are so looking forward to the conversation tomorrow evening. Thank you to the over 400 granite staters who are registered to attend…

400 people? We hope that’s because they want to question what business these unelected regional planning commissions have to do with this subject?

Since when does a regional planning commission have anything to do with YOUR MENTAL HEALTH?

(The NH Listens website has now been moved to

Bedford Zoning Decisions in Jeopardy

Bedford rejected a warrant article to allow its Town Councilors to approve zoning without public vote in 2010.

This attempt must be defeated once again. If the Council can approve zoning decisions and changes without a public vote, this means that zoning changes recommended by the Regional Planning Commissions due to their HUD grants could be implemented with absolutely ZERO approval by the people.

This must not happen in Bedford or anywhere else.

November 07, 2013 8:09 PM
Bedford voters may be asked to let council decide zoning

Union Leader Correspondent

BEDFORD — Voters may be asked to allow the Town Council to rule on which zoning amendments will become town law in the future, without amendment proposals going on the ballot.

The change in the zoning ordinance process was first brought to voters in March 2010 but was rejected. That proposal had been recommended by the town’s Economic Development Committee in 2009. If the Town Council and the Planning Board agree to put a similar zoning amendment on the March 2014 ballot, voters would be asked to authorize the Town Council to approve future zoning amendments, which is within the council’s purview under state law and the Bedford Town Charter, said Town Manager Jessie Levine.

Read more…

Beware of the Sustainability Movement

First published in the Valley News

To the Editor:

The Claremont Business Corridor Project is underway; it is a continuation of the city center project, and information on it can be accessed at Claremont was awarded a community planning grant for sustainable development through New Hampshire Housing Finance. According to that agency’s website, municipal projects eligible for funding include those involving the creation of a master plan (and regulations) for pedestrian and bicycle routes, zoning changes, preservation of natural resources and creation of village centers.

Officials point to how this grant will improve Claremont, but the origins of the sustainability movement paint another picture. Sustainability originates from the 1992 U.N. Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro to address climate change. At that summit, President George H.W. Bush and 178 representatives from other countries signed the Climate Change Convention. This summit resulted in the 300-page U.N. Agenda 21, which can be viewed at That document’s Chapter 7, which concerns human settlements, addresses “sustainable city networks” as well as nonmotorized transportation modes, including cycle-ways, foot-ways and public transportation.

Since the conference, President Clinton used an executive order in 1993 to form a presidential commission on sustainability. That continued until 1999; you can view the details at www.

The sustainability plan is going full steam ahead under President Obama through a 2012 executive order. The White House Council Strong Cities and Strong Communities is being implemented through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency. You can view this information at

Sustainability will affect us all by infringing on our individual and property rights, as well as absorbing the budgetary impacts resulting from grant requirements. It is important to find out what lies behind sustainability.

The following websites provide excellent information:, and

Cynthia Howard

RPCs to Lobby Legislature

The Rockingham Regional Planning Commission has planned a session for State Representatives on November 13. They are using your tax dollars to pay a lobbyist. Is this even legal?

Rockingham Planning Commission Legislative Forum
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 6:00—9:00 PM
Unitil Headquarters 6 Liberty Lane West Hampton, NH

Refreshments, Meet and Greet (6:00 PM)
Welcoming Remarks (7:00 PM)
RPC Project Updates
RPC Legislative Priorities < -- no authority, but want laws made? FOCUS TOPICS
With Background Information & Discussion
1. Transportation Funding
2. Flood Hazards & Coastal Vulnerability Assessment

Adjourn (9:00 PM)

To RSVP: Contact Roxanne Rines at or 778-0885

Floridians Revolt Over AGW Abuses

“A coalition of twelve Florida based organizations has sent a letter to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi stating, “We the undersigned, ask that your office immediately launch an investigation into the possibility of widespread official misconduct potentially involving fraudulent activity and malfeasance, by elected and appointed officials. While our concerns are primarily involved with SE Florida, the results of such an investigation may affect all Floridians, with likely national ramifications.””

Fifteen organizations representing over 15,000 citizens have sent a letter to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi with the subject: “Request for Investigation into Possible Official Misconduct by Florida Elected and Appointed Officials on the Matter of Manmade Climate Change.”

The letter and attached ‘Brief’ describes multiple allegations of potential misconduct and fraud by Florida officials in their use of climate reports and climate science from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN-IPCC) and similar US government climate reports in a “…long term conspiracy by …officials and their science advisors to deceive Floridians about the full range of causes and effects of climate change.”

Read more at: