Author Archives: Admin

UN Ramps Up Push For Agenda 21

For skeptics who doubt there is a local push to implement Agenda 21 emanating from the global elites at the UN and abetted by our own State Dept, and that they are not hell-bent on creating and controlling the planned society of the future, we offer this evidence…


From “Complete Transformation of the Economic Structure of the World”

The United Nations is meeting in Qatar to negotiate a “complete transformation of the economic structure of the world,” explained Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at a Monday press conference.

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres told a press conference on December 3, 2012:

“It must be understood that what is occurring here, not just in Doha, but in the whole climate change process, is a complete transformation of the economic structure of the world. That does not happen overnight.”

Read more…

And from The UN General Assembly Has Launched Communist Agenda 21 Eco-World Governance we see that not only are children being used as ‘agents of change’ but…

The UN’s new “High Level Political Forum” for “Sustainability” – accepted by 179 governments, persuaded by Rothschild agent Maurice Strong at the fatal Rio Conference 1991 was inaugurated at the UN’s General Assembly on 224 September 2013. It is the government of the planned Agenda 21 world Communism ruled by a climate court of justice (Addendum) as agreed upon in Doha, December 2012. The West pays for everything because of its “historic CO2–emission crime”.

Maurice Strong started at the local level. Local authorities are obliged to report progress to the UN’s ICLEI. The Danish Parliament long ago secretly introduced it in Denmark.

It is a sneaking coup d’état for Adam Weishaupt’s/Rothschild’s one world government. Already in February of this year, EU Commissioner Potocnik announced the formation of the UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA), a world council on environmental affairs, something Achim Steiner of the UNEP said would go down in history.

Agenda 21’s aim is total population control and here amassing people like battery hens in “smart cities” and severing their access to nature – as in China, where the Father of the Agenda 21, Maurice Strong, is a counselor to the government.


This very well put-together piece is worth a read for those who think there is no other impetus for Agenda 21..

World Climate Control Regime to be Implemented by 2015 [PDF File]

Racism Now Being Used as Excuse by HUD to Impose Transit Lines

This is the bottom line… HUD is trying to prevent economic and racial ‘sameness’ in places they feel are too racially or economically homogenous.

There is never a provision in zoning that prevents any type of person from traveling or living wherever he can afford it, but HUD is using zoning as an excuse for imposing new transit lines and zoning changes that towns may not want.

Although the article does not mention HUD, it states that “The city council has until September 11, 2013 to begin complying with the Federal Highway Administration order. They will meet again on August 12 to decide how to proceed.”

Since when does the federal government decide these things? When the towns take federal grant money from HUD and the DOT.

Read more..

And here..

Regionalism being used to impose ‘fair housing’…

Obama administration using housing department in effort to diversify neighborhoods

In the Name of Diversity, Social Engineering Coming to Communities Everywhere

Obama’s HUD to Expand Middle Class

Public/Private Partnerships and the People Promoting Them

Some background reading on regionalism and the dangerous power grab of public-private partnerships.

Walter Tejada Elected to National Association of Regional Councils

The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships
“Advocate and facilitate the formation of public-private partnerships at the federal, state and local levels, where appropriate, and raise the awareness of governments and businesses of the means by which their cooperation can cost effectively provide the public with quality goods, services and facilities.”

Private-Public Water Partnership, UN Agenda 21

Granite State Future Publishes “Listening” Reports

NH Listens, the PR firm for the RPCs “Granite State Future” program has published the “results” of their listening sessions.

You can read their reports online here: or download the PDF file: Granite State Future Summary Report Standalone file.

Many who attended noted that much of the feedback they gave at these sessions was NOT recorded.

Also, they note that over 600 people from 115 different NH towns were involved in these conversations.

That means that there was an average turnout of ~5.25 people per community.  Not what we would call a “public consensus” by any means.

The majority of the people that showed up at the “Listening Sessions” are “stakeholders”. Perhaps a more accurate term would be “beneficiaries”.

A very small number of people from the general public attended these meetings.

Why We Oppose Agenda 21

Note: While we do not recommend the formation of property rights councils as advocated by DeWeese, we recognize his contributions in the way of explaining what the Agenda 21 program is and does and what it means for towns and cities in the US.

Why we Oppose Agenda 21
By Tom DeWeese

Agenda-21 – It’s important to note that we fight Agenda 21 because we oppose its policies and its process, not just its origins. Why do we see it as a threat? Isn’t it just a plan to protect the environment and stop uncontrolled development and sprawl?

As the late Henry Lamb of Freedom 21 put it, “Comprehensive land use planning that delivers sustainable development to local communities transforms both the process through which decisions that govern citizens are made, and the market place where citizens must earn their livelihood. The fundamental principle that government is empowered by the consent of the governed is completely by-passed in the process…the natural next step is for government to dictate the behavior of the people who own the land that the government controls.”

To enforce the policy, local government is being transformed by “stakeholder councils” created and enforced by the same NGO Agenda 21 authors. They are busy creating a matrix of non-elected boards, councils and regional governments that usurp the ability of citizens to have an impact on policy. It’s the demise of representative government. And the councils appear and grow almost overnight.

Sustainablists involve themselves in every aspect of society. Here are just a few of the programs and issues that can be found in the Agenda 21 blueprint and can be easily found in nearly every community’s “local” development plans: Wetlands, conservation easements, water sheds, view sheds, rails – to- trails, biosphere reserves, greenways, carbon footprints, partnerships, preservation, stakeholders, land use, environmental protection, development, diversity, visioning, open space, heritage areas and comprehensive planning. Every one of these programs leads to more government control, land grabs and restrictions on energy, water, and our own property. When we hear these terms we know that such policy originated on the pages of Agenda 21, regardless of the direct or indirect path it took to get to our community.

You’ll find Watershed Councils that regulate human action near every trickling stream, river, or lake. Meters are put on wells. Special “action” councils control home size, tree pruning, or removal, even the color you can paint your home or the height of your grass. Historic preservation councils control development in downtown areas, disallowing expansion and new building.

Regional governments are driven by NGOs and stakeholder councils with a few co-opted bureaucrats thrown in to look good. These are run by non-elected councils that don’t answer to the people. In short, elected officials become little more than a rubber stamp to provide official “approval” to the regional bureaucracy.

But the agenda outlined in Agenda 21 and by its proponents is a much bigger threat that just land use planning. They openly advocate massive reduction of human populations. Some actually call for as much as an 85% reduction in human populations in order to “save the planet.” David Brower of the Sierra Club said, “Childbearing should be a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license.” The UN’s Biodiversity Assessment says, “A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion.”

They also openly advocate the destruction of modern society as Maurice Strong, the head of the Earth Summit said, “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrial nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?

This issue then is not about simple environmental protection and modern planning. It is about a complete restructuring of our society, our values and our way of life. They use as their model an urgency based on global warming and climate change, claiming there is no need for discussion on these dire issues. Yet science is showing more and more proof that there is no man-made global warming. Are we to completely destroy our society based on such a shaky foundation?

And that is just what the proponents are rushing to do.

Barack Obama has issued a flurry of Executive Orders to bypass the Congressional process and dictate sustainable policy. In 2011 Obama issued EO # 13575 creating the White House Rural Council. It brings together 25 Cabinet Secretaries to enforce multi-jurisdictional enforcement of farming virtually controlling every decision for food production. It is a major assault on American farm production intended to enforce Sustainable farming practices. In truth it will only lead to food shortages and higher prices as farmers have no ability to make a decision without the approval of 25 government agencies, working at cross purposes and causing chaos in farm production.

On May 1, 2012, Obama issued EO # 13609, dictating that the government must enforce coordination of international regulatory policy. Those international regulatory policies are UN-driven and the basic translation means enforcement of Sustainable Development policy.

The fact is, we fight Agenda 21 because it is all-encompassing, designed to address literally every aspect of our lives. This is so because those promoting Agenda 21 believe we must modify our behavior, our way of doing everyday things, and even our belief system, in order to drastically transform human society into being “sustainable.”

We who oppose it don’t believe that the world is in such dire emergency environmentally that we must destroy the very human civilization that brought us from a life of nothing but survival against the elements into a world that gave us homes, health care, food, and even luxury. Sustainable Development advocates literally hope to roll back our civilization to the days of mere survival and we say NO. Why should we? We have found great deception in the promotion of the global warming argument. We believe in free markets and free societies where people make their own decisions, live and develop their own property. And we fully believe that the true path to a strong protection of the environment is through private property ownership and limited government. Those who promote Agenda 21 do not believe in those ideals. And so we will not agree on the path to the future. And our fight is just that – a clash of philosophy. There is very little room for middle ground.

Tom DeWeese is President of the American Policy Center, Editor of The DeWeese Report, and author of the book, “Now Tell Me I Was Wrong.” He has been an activist for the causes of limited government, individual freedom, free enterprise and private property rights for more that 45 years.

Granite State Bullies in Rindge

As we posted, over 150 people attended a meeting last week in Rindge, NH. There is now a large group of folks working to oppose Granite State Future planning in that town.

We have learned that some people supporting the plans visited some businesses in town and demanded that the promotional flyers for the opposition be removed from the stores’ windows and bulletin boards or they would be boycotted. The business owners complied.

Here is a blog from one of the supporters of the agenda:

While admitting she is a fan of grant money, she apparently does not understand that RGGI is a scam that redirects money to special interests and does NOTHING to make us more ‘sustainable’.

“I wish I could get more grant money for other projects. I understand that RGGI funds will become available soon for municipal projects. I’d like to apply for some of that funding to move us along a more sustainable path. What do I mean by sustainable? I mean that it takes less resources and that we may even provide some of the power for our buildings, so that it becomes less costly to “sustain” them.”

Further she asks “After all, what is the biggest penalty HUD could impose if you violated their rules? You guessed it: You would have to return the money.”

Not so… Apparently she has never seen the video by Rob Astorino in which Astorino talks about how his county went along with HUD’s requirements and yet, that wasn’t enough. HUD ended up suing them because they wanted even more control over zoning, more section 8 housing, and more forced economic and racial integration, as HUD views local zoning as ‘racist’.

Her anger and emotions got the best of her and she also exposed her agenda for Rindge (money from RGGI) and let us know that one of her allies is head of the town’s public works department.

This person and her story demonstrates the bullying tactics being used against anyone who dares to question Granite State Future and the HUD grants thereof.

Don’t let it happen in your town.

UN, Agenda 21, ICLEI, and the ‘Sustainability’ Hoax

How it’s all connected is chronicled here:

Except for, all other embedded links were removed by the UN and are noted by an asterisk*.


Second International Survey of Local Agenda 21 Initiatives
[A joint project of ICLEI*, Capacity 21/UNDP* and the Summit Secretariat*]

The ‘Local Agenda 21’ approach has been recognized as one of the most proactive and successful ways to adapt the goals of Agenda 21 to the local level. Since the 1992 Rio Conference on environment and development, this approach has generated local action plans, implementation activities and tangible results in balancing the economic, environmental and social needs in hundreds of local communities, towns, and cities around the world.

A joint survey conducted by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives and the Secretariat of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development for the five-year anniversary of Rio Conference in 1997, identified over 1800 Local Agenda 21 initiatives at various stages of implementation and found many more to be in-the-works. The results of the first survey* were submitted to the Special Session of the General Assembly to Review progress in implementing Agenda 21 (June 1997, New York). Governments and other participants of the 19th Special Session of the General Assembly to review progress in achieving Agenda 21 objectives expressed their appreciation of the results of the survey and the information it provided to the inter-governmental process.

This encouraged the World Summit Secretariat, ICLEI and Capacity 21 / UNDP to launch a second international survey for the ten-year anniversary of Rio in 2002. The second survey will measure the scope of Local Agenda 21 activity around the world ten years after the adoption of Agenda 21; assess the impact of on-going Local Agenda 21 activities; identify tangible outcomes of local agenda 21 activities on environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable development; and, identify regional and global trends in the context of key sustainable development issues. The Second Local Agenda 21 Survey was launched in Fall 2000. The results will be collected and analyzed by the end of 2001 and a Survey report will be available by January 2002. For more information contact Ms. Judy Walker at ICLEI ( or Ms. Zehra Aydin-Sipos (

Rep Burt to the Rescue This Time in Rindge

Once again, the importance of LOCAL CONTROL and what is going on right here in your town was highlighted when some of our GSF warriors traveled to help the residents of Rindge.

From the Ledger-Transcript:

“RINDGE — A group of approximately 200 Rindge residents met at the Rindge Recreation Building on Tuesday night to hear Save Our Town Director Larry Cleveland, State Rep. Jack Flanagan of Brookline and State Rep. John Burt of Goffstown speak about their concerns with accepting N.H. Housing Finance Authority and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development grants.

Cleveland began the non-town-sponsored meeting by sharing with the audience what he found out in January: The town of Rindge had plans to change the zoning regulations for the area at the intersection of Routes 119 and 202, and the town would be using $24,800 in grant money from the NHHFA and associated with HUD to help with these zoning regulation changes. The suggestions for these new regulations were outlined in the Rindge Charrette, a compilation of ideas created over a two-day intensive and open-to-the-public session in January 2012 with help from the Plan NH non-profit.”

And therein lies the problem. Non-profits, NGOs, and other special interests from out of state seem to be driving the discussions about whether towns should change their zoning laws to satisfy the demands of HUD which seeks to redistribute the wealth through zoning.

“A number of people showed up to the charrette last January and helped with the conceptual design of West Rindge Village,” Pini said. “After that, the Planning Board adopted the design as part of the Master Plan.” She added, “However, we currently don’t have zoning regulations that allow for that design.” ”

Indeed, HUD expects zoning to be changed just as it did in Westchester NY. And that non-profit who “helped” of course was none other than Plan NH who ran the Delphi Session.

The words Granite State Future were not mentioned in the article, but thank goodness the people of Rindge woke up just in time.

Read more..

Corridors of the Future

“Corridors of the Future is a Federal Highway Administration program to select key interstate highway routes for massive expansion. These projects are related to the NAFTA Superhighway program, and several of the proposals would be similar to the Trans Texas Corridor highway design — massive widening of interstate highways and/or new highway routes with parallel truck only lanes to facilitate huge increases in truck traffic between Mexico, the US and Canada.”


Read more…

Agenda 21 Destroying Waterside Businesses in Austin, TX

We’d heard that Austin was pretty much taken over by the urbanists/regoinalists and here is a clip that shows why.

In Austin TX, the city govt is selectively enforcing Agenda 21 as a tool to squeeze out small businesses under the guise of’ ‘Saving the Earth’, while big businesses are allowed to thrive with no regulation under this ILLEGAL UN plan being forced upon the Citizens of our republic.

Make no mistake… Agenda 21 (GSF in NH) is a tool to close up small businesses making the employees as well as the owners of these businesses dependent and subservient to the government. The UN has NO BUSINESS being in America directing things that should be strictly under local control.