Ward 10 Alderman Phil Greazzo addressed public concerns about the rezoning project in the planning stages for Second Street. What kinds of changes are being proposed for the second oldest business corridor in Manchester? What kind of federal strings are attached? Where is the project now and what happens next? Barbara from Manchester asked a couple of great questions, too! Rich finished the segment with a monologue on getting federal dollars back: “Math is a finite thing, and the federal math simply doesn’t add up.”
On page 11, the UNICEF Manual Climate Change and Transformation, states: “to help children become agents of change.” The term “agents of change” is used five times in the Manual. In addition, it twice refers to “adolescents as climate change agents,” and describes “the role of youth themselves as change agents in sustainable development. For quality education to be transformative, we need to see changes embedded in district, village and school development plans. “The scaling up and mainstreaming of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction needs to be ensured throughout the education sector.”
Strafford Regional Planning Commission
Press Release
September 25, 2013
GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE for New Hampshire coastal watershed communities
The Green Infrastructure Program will create a framework of technical and educational resources to build resilience and municipal capacity in coastal watershed communities.
Hello Coastal Watershed Municipalities and Stakeholders:
The Green Infrastructure Project Team is seeking applications from Coastal Watershed communities that have recognized the importance of local stormwater control, and are interested in being community leaders in Green Infrastructure implementation. The project team will work with selected communities towards achieving a comprehensive municipal strategy that will aid in federal and state permit compliance, improve water quality, and reduce local flooding.
In Phase II of this project, we will work with several communities to implement a variety of Green Infrastructure strategies including a combination of high impact, high-visibility demonstration projects; and non-structural elements such as preparation of new/revised stormwater ordinances or regulations; and community outreach and engagement.
If your community is interested in applying for the Phase II implementation cycle, please complete the attached Application Form. Additional information is included in the attached Instructions document.
Applications must be received by November 5, 2013.
Submissions may be mailed or emailed.
Mail: Julie LaBranche, Rockingham Planning Commission,
156 Water Street, Exeter, NH 03833
Email: jlabranche@rpc-nh.org
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your project or preparation of your application, please contact the Project Team, and we would be happy to assist you. Email: James.houle@unh.edu or jlabranche@rpc-nh.org
Thank you on behalf of the Green Infrastructure Project Team.
Author Stanley Kurtz (“Spreading the Wealth”) spoke on air about Obama’s plan to urbanize and regionalize under the guise of ‘sustainability’. But this has been going on since 1992 under previous regimes. Obama has merely stepped up efforts to use the EPA to enforce things he can’t get passed in Congress.
Kurtz has brought the issue of Agenda 21, regionalism, and urbanization into the mainstream without mentioning that it was the impetus for the federal government’s current policies.
Agenda 21 – not just a theory, but a reality! Wake up people.
According to this article in Seacoast Online: An education conversation: A time for all of Dover to engage, “Dover Listens will host a Community Conversation on Education this year. Planning and information sharing will take place this fall, and thoughtful, extended conversations will be organized for January and February of 2014.”
The article states in part that “Dover Listens is a nonaffiliated, diverse group of citizens whose sole purpose is to provide a safe and fair forum for its diverse residents to get informed, discuss community issues, and ultimately help shape the future of Dover. Ensuring and securing a range of perspectives is critical to our mission.”
They neglected to tell you that “Dover Listens” is the PR firm for the Strafford Regional Planning Commission which is basically an unelected board of lobbyists for HUD’s mission for Dover and other towns and cities in the area.
If you do not attend and steer the conversation yourself, you will be sent in a predetermined direction.
Please watch the SRPC’s webpage for the dates of these 2014 sessions on Education. You might find that something you already voted down, being brought up again.
In Alton, the residents held an informational forum on the Granite State Future program which seeks to change zoning and planning for regional areas in NH using HUD grants as the money as obtained by the Lakes Regional Planning Commission.
Listen carefully.. another reason to attend your town meetings and stop HUD’s use of grants to force economic and racial integration, mixed use housing, cluster housing, bike paths, commuter rails, parks, food and farm control programs and even interference in the educational system.
“The Workforce Housing Council (WHC) is a statewide organization that promotes ways to increase and diversify the supply of housing so employers will view our state as an attractive place to live and work.”
“Workforce Housing” means a broad range of owner and renter housing, meeting the needs of families and individuals that represent the majority of New Hampshire’s diverse workforce and whose income is generally below 120% of the area median.
Workforce Housing is permanent housing, intended as a primary year-round residence, that is available to households regardless of age.
Workforce Housing can include, but is not limited to, subsidized and affordable housing. It is best provided near places of employment.”