Author Archives: Admin

Agenda 21 in Pinardville

Girard at Large hits the nail on the head in these two clips of this morning’s show.

This is going on all over the country.

The names of the plans are different but the goal is the same — control of property and herding people into urban areas while limiting rural development using “sprawl” as an excuse.

Mixed use zoning is so that people will have to live and shop and work in the same place and not use cars.

Eventually HUD will be determining local zoning laws to create more racially and economically mixed neighborhoods as they already have been doing with mixed use zoning.

Forced integration if you will…

Yes the regional planners are just another layer of unelected government bureaucrats putting the people further from the governmental process and the “stakeholders” are the crony capitalists who stand to benefit from the resulting projects

It’s not just a conspiracy theory anymore.

See what HUD has planned for your local town.

Here is an entry from the Federal Register that lays out the plan for Agenda 21: (click for larger view)


Smart Growth America Schemes for Bigger Federal Role in Real Estate

Listen to the members of Smart Growth America as they scheme to promote a larger role for the federal government in local real estate development and sales and housing policies.

Social justice and racial and economic profiling are the key words here.

Rob Astorino, the Westchester County Executive, recently said, “What they are trying to do is to say discrimination and zoning is the same thing. They are not. Discrimination won’t be tolerated. I won’t tolerate it. Zoning though, protects what can and can’t be built in a neighborhood.”

Read more and watch the video after the ad:

Zoning is NOT racial or economic discrimination!

Residents Horrified at Plan Pinardville ‘Form Based Code’

Looks like the town is poised to take over property from Pinardville (Goffstown) under the new Plan Pinardville ‘smart codes’.

Please listen to Girard at Large for the details.

Update: Goffstown selectmen asked to dissolve Plan Pinardville committee

The Smart Code, the draft Character-Based Development Ordinance for Pinardville, is available for review at

The next meeting of the Plan Pinardville Ad Hoc Committee is Tuesday, Aug. 13, at 7 p.m. at Town Hall, Room 106.

New bill aims to make ‘smart’ meters mandatory for entire nation

Your help needed to oppose HR 2685, the Smart Meter Trojan Horse Act

New bill aims to make ‘smart’ meters mandatory for entire nation

(NaturalNews) There is a sinister agenda underway to forcibly convert every standard electric meter in the U.S. to the “smart” variety under the guise of promoting renewable energy interests. And one of the latest pieces of Trojan horse legislation pushing for this ominous transformation is the Smart Grid Advancement Act of 2013, introduced by Representative Jerry McNerney (D-Cal.) and co-authored by Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Penn.), which would force utilities all across the country to convert their customers to smart meters.

Thanks to a NaturalNews reader tip, we learned that Landis Gyr recently had a company voicemail message that admitted smart meter technology is part of the NSA’s “PRISM” spying and surveillance program. Since gaining national attention about this admission, Landis Gyr has apparently altered its company voicemail message to omit this indicting information.

H.R. 2685 has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee for consideration, which means this is the first point of contact in effectively killing this bill. has set up a helpful action page that you can use to contact not only the committee but also the bill’s sponsors and the rest of your Congressmen:

Read the full article here…

Vero Beach, Florida – The Programs are the Same

This is important information received from the Vero Beach Florida property rights people (American Coalition 4 Property Rights). What is happening to NH is happening in every state. You will recognize many of the elements in this recent newsletter…

In October of 2012, a group of concerned citizens attended a design charrette in the Vero Beach Board of County Commissioners’ chambers, presented by the “Southeast Florida Regional Partnership Sustainable Communities HUD Grant Initiative,” now known as “Seven 50,” meaning—control of seven Florida counties within 50 years.

This group of unelected, federally appointed bureaucrats using combined grants from HUD, DOT & EPA revealed that they would effect extreme changes in housing and transportation by building “sustainable communities” which are clusters of low income, high density population, HUD high-rise stack-and-pack housing in every neighborhood in every community in the United States. This plan will eliminate the use of automobiles by relocating us out of our suburban homes and forcing us to use mass transit.

With a recent infusion of $10 billion in taxpayer money, secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan, announced this week that during the months ahead, in the most ambitious social re-engineering project ever undertaken by the federal government, racial mapping in every neighborhood in every community in the United States will begin. In accordance with the current Administration, (in their own words), they plan to overcome “legal barriers” in order to install “sustainable communities” nationwide.

Having been voted out of Indian River County, Seven 50 has begun its master plan in St. Lucie County. In a report compiled by Seven 50 called “Social Equity Analysis and Opportunity Index for the Seven Counties of Southeast Florida,” Part 2, page 70 which states: “Downtown Ft. Pierce is very weak in social equity. Another land tract that scores high in the “opportunity census study is tract #3821.9 which includes the PGA Village and Country Club. Another tract, 3812.04 covers a barrier island containing three state parks noting in their report that these areas are “ethnically deficient” and are high priority target areas for implementing the “sustainable communities,” plan, as are gated communities which are deficient in social justice planning.” The report covers the entire county of St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Brevard and Monroe county as well.

HUD’s Community Challenge grant Program allows HUD to replace local master plans, zoning and building codes, while bypassing locally elected officials. Working hand-in-glove with the Building One America Program, homes in the suburbs will be taxed in the extreme to subsidize the “sustainable communities” in a massive redistribution of wealth. The American Planning Association in concurrence states, “We believe that planning should be used as a tool to eliminate the great inequities of wealth and power in our society.”

Instead of allowing the free market system to correct the past U.S. housing policy failures, Seven 50 promises to integrate more Regional Planning, more federal loans, more debt, more regulations by dissolving city and county lines, forming Mega-Regions, taking away local decision-making and mandating land use codes, zoning, transportation and housing reforms and bypassing our locally elected officials. This plan isn’t really about racial planning—it is about Central Planning by the federal government without your knowledge, without your consent, without your vote but with your tax dollars.

Indian River County was the first in the state of Florida to withdraw from Seven 50. Why? Because Seven 50 does not reflect our deeply held values of fiscal responsibility, smaller government, local decision-making, public participation in the future of one’s own community, the right to decide where and how we live and the right to private property ownership. The federalization/nationalization of our living spaces as mandated by the Seven 50 Plan runs counter to our constitutional right to own private property.

Our Florida counties of the Treasure Coast to the south have asked for our help in supporting their desire to have their publicly elected officials withdraw membership from Seven 50. We offer our assistance in educating the public so that they can make an informed choice about the future of their communities. We speak to civic organizations, churches, Home Owners Associations, clubs, and to your publicly elected officials.

If you and members of your neighborhood would like to learn more about the American Coalition 4 Property Rights and the Central Planners who intend to implement Regionalism under the name of Seven 50, please go to our website in St. Lucie and counties south, or to for Indian River County’s website.

I will be happy to provide additional information about how you can become informed and protect your right to decide how and where you live, and insure your constitutional right to private property ownership.

There will be a St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners’ meeting Tuesday, August 6th at 6 p.m., 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce where the subject of Seven 50 will be discussed. We have ten speakers who will educate the public as well as the commissioners. The meeting will last approximately one hour.

Please plan to attend the meeting. You will have the chance to become knowledgeable about Seven 50 and its vision for your future and for your children and grandchildren. Please take the time to become informed. Bring your family, friends and neighbors to join us on August 6th. We look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

Phyllis Frey, Chairperson
American Coalition 4 Property Rights
275 Date Palm Road
Vero Beach, FL 32963

Urbanism’s Hidden Goal – No More Single Family Homes

The writer of this article makes no bones about the purpose of urbanism.

He states among other things, that “pervasive, single family homes are, like private automobiles, obsolete for the future.”


Further, he states “But they must eventually become either antiques (like old colonial dwellings in New England and along the Acela Corridor) or be folded in to reasonable human settlements that come about as a result of smart planning, humane design and caring attention to the thought of persons like Christopher Alexander“.

The link takes you to a blog by Stephen C. Rose whose bio lists him as “Founder Editor Renewal Magazine, Chicago. World Council of Churches, Geneva Editor RISK. Albert Schweitzer Center, MA. UNICEF DOC NY, UNDP NY. Editor Choices.”

It pays to know the enemy.

Related: Council on New Urbanism

Compact Housing Comes to Laconia

The Laconia Daily Sun reports that planners are happy about plans for new, affordable apartments downtown. This is only the beginning of the push for ‘compact housing’.

“LACONIA — The Planning Board last night unanimously approved the proposal by the Laconia Area Community Land Trust to construct a three-story, affordable housing apartment building on the lot tucked between lower Union Avenue and the Winnipesaukee River last occupied by the F.W.Webb Company, a wholesale plumbing and heating firm.”

“The building will house 12 one-bedroom units, each 675-square-feet and 20 two-bedroom units of 864-square-feet.”

What is “Form-Based Code”?

Laconia and Weirs

Planning director, Shanna Saunders calls the $50,000 grant for the “storytelling” development “our storytelling grant.” This grant awarded to the city by the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority is to fund the development of architectural standards for downtown and The Weirs.

The stakeholders are the Ironwood Design Group LLC of Exeter and Sheer McCrystal-Paison Architecture Inc. of New London. FBC, meaning Form Base Code, is a departure from conventional zoning. FBC zoning defines a one block parcel and is a method to REGULATE the development of buildings, floor areas, car free movement, garden cities, new urbanism, settlement growth, smart growth, and Transition Towns.

At a minimum, a FBC, written to enable or preserve a specific urban form, consists of a building form, and public spaces, and standards keyed to a REGULATORY plan. An urban design is the is intention or goal, the form base code is the regulatory tool to achieve it. FBC is a tool to provide local government the regulatory means to achieve development objectives with greater certainty by-passing local ZBA authority and the board of selectman and elected officials.

Ironwood Design Group is all about landscape architecture, urban design, and environmental plans for someone else’s property. This group is affiliated with Plan NH/Granite State Future. Stakeholders like this company profit by using this FBC, whose focus is primarily on Regulating [the word of worry] urban form and less on land use. This will infringe on our personal property rights and is unconstitutional, as stated in Art. 2 Natural Rights, in the NH Bill of Rights!

Regulate, my “worry” word means: “to control or direct by a rule, principle,or method, to adjust in accordance with some standard or requirement.”

Form based codes include:

Architectual Standards – these are regulations controlling external architectual materials and quality.

Landscaping Standards – regulations controlling landscape design, and plant materials on Private Property as they impact public spaces, regulations about parking lot screening and shading, maintaining sight lines, insuring unobstructed pedestrian movements.

Signage Standards – regulations controlling allowable signage sizes, materials, illumination and placement.

Environmental Resource Standards – regulations controlling issues such as storm water drainage and infiltration, development on slopes, tree protection, and solar access.

Once you lose development rights, you have essentially lost control of your property, no matter what the people or the local government proclaim. Only you are responsible for the property taxes, and your land use is regulated!!

Development rights to one’s property are infringed by obeying shifting regulations and enhanced “best practices” mandated by the new development rights’ holder.

Please research form base code and refuse this grab by people who are out to make money and could care less about the individual. I love the Weirs and its antiquity and style, do not change the view or be regulated into this ruse to control your individual rights, and behavior! The city of Dover and Strafford, have FBC and are unhappy with the regulations!! They were duped by conversations with only the input of a minority of people, and without a majority of the voting public. Beware of these “listening sessions” employed by Plan NH and NH Listens, using the Delphi Technique to obtain an already written agenda, while giving the public the illusion that they created the issues!

Does the Planning Director know about this devious and unethical method of stealing the residents’ right to regulate their own property? The residents of Laconia need to ask and obtain the knowledge about FBC and go to the Granite State Futures web site and learn about how the LRPC is involved in our everyday behaviors, and is planning to change us, and our liberties as property owners and citizens. Another point of interest is that the 9 planning commissions are unelected people who are trying to change our great state of NH. We also need to be aware of Grants associated with the HUD-1044 grant instrument, and the strings attached, and any other grant that gives the illusion of “storytelling”. Research the Orton Family Foundation.

Goffstown Residents Oppose GSF


Listen to the audio file of the Girard at Large show where a discussion took place about “Plan Pinardville”, the GSF plan for Goffstown, NH.

See the video of the various Goffstown residents OPPOSING HUD grants which would enable zoning and planning changes and impositions on the town that residents DO NOT WANT.

The Names Will Change But the Goals Remain the Same

This post is a preview to an upcoming article on how some changes are being made in the way Agenda 21 will be implemented in the United States. Here is a quick outline of what is to come.


– The UN has been attempting to erase all references to Agenda 21 on their website. Due to the vast number of pages involved, this may take forever. Agenda 21 is now a household word and it’s not looked upon very favorably. The public is catching on.

– The UN has also decided that the term ‘sustainability’ has gotten an equally bad rap. So they have dissolved their United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development and focused their attempts to spread ‘global governance’ by creating two new commissions which would work under the premise of ‘economic resilience’ with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Who can argue against economic resilience?

– At the same time, the head of the UN’s ECOSOC Tweeted the real reason this must be done: more ‘global governance’ is needed in order to better redistribute the wealth. We have no idea what this type of social justice has to do with sustainability, but that is how these bureaucrats think.

– Right on cue, the US State Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a notice stating that since Sustainable Communities Initiative grants were not funded in this year’s budget, they would still be included, but under the Office of Economic Resilience (OER)

– The APA, a non-governmental association of planners including unelected regional commissioners to whom they dictate, announced the changes on their website.

Anti-poverty, economic, all of this is no coincidence.
