Author Archives: Admin

Obama Ignores Supreme Court, Will Sign Climate Agreement

Ignoring the ruling that should have stopped him, Obama will sign the Paris climate pact, which puts the United States further under the thumb of world government. Along with world government comes more taxation, more restrictions, more redistribution of the wealth overseas, and less adherence to the constitution.

“The Obama administration will officially sign last year’s international climate change pact despite its central policy being put on ice by the Supreme Court.

Todd Stern, the State Department’s top climate diplomat and negotiator for last year’s agreement in Paris, said Tuesday that the Supreme Court’s order to delay the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan — called a “stay” in legal terminology— doesn’t change the administration’s plans.

“It is entirely premature, really premature to assume the Clean Power Plan will be struck down but, even if it were, come what may, we are sticking to our plan to sign, to join,” Stern told reporters in Brussels after he met with the European Union’s top climate official, according to Reuters.

“We’re going to go ahead and sign the agreement this year,” he said.

The Supreme Court voted 5-4 last week to put the climate change rule for power plants on hold while 26 states and various energy interests fight it in federal court.”

Need any more proof that our government is the outlaw?

Read more…

The fact that Obama can get away with this without risking harm to one hair on his head, is proof that the criminals are indeed in charge.

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The Takeover of Local Government

From John Anthony at Sustainable Freedom Lab: The destruction of our economy… the destruction of our health care system… guns confiscated… borders wide open… destruction of property rights… privacy rights… the UN’s new Agenda 2030… HUD’s oppressive Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule… and so much more, is happening and very fast.

Do you know what these are and how to stop them? Most Americans have no idea what they are actually fighting.  Worse – they don’t know that most of these battles will be won or lost on the LOCAL level – not in Congress!

AFFH is a decades old term that HUD just translated into a package of mandates governing how communities must use new grant money.   Acceptance of funds through familiar programs such as CDBGs, suddenly triggers the revised AFFH “obligation.” This chilling tactic allows HUD to take control of local zoning, reverse voters’ decisions and even annex your hometown into a region.

Recently, HUD forced the citizens of Rockford, IL, to abandon their vote to build 49 affordable housing units and instead accept 69 units.  Neither the mayor, the council nor the community wanted the larger number of homes.  It didn’t matter. HUD struck like a sledgehammer.   They threatened to notify the Department of Justice of possible civil rights violations and failure to affirmatively further fair housing.  The community had no choice but to buckle.

Worse, once a community accepts HUD funds, AFFH rules govern any money’s they receive, public or private, that HUD concludes may affect fair housing or urban development. 

People are fighting back.  The communities of Castle Rock, CO, Goffstown and Rindge NH, and Westchester County, NY have already rejected HUD grants issued under the new AFFH rule.

According to Tom DeWeese of American Policy Center, international policy is currently directing local communities to enforce cutbacks on water use by as much as 75%.

The Sierra Club’s plan forces 500 families to live on one acre of land and they deem it “Smart Growth.” The new corporate law called “Benefit Corporations” enlists corporations to enforce sustainable development policies in their products and promotions. Nearly every state has now either passed or is considering this legislation.

Rochester NH is about to be ‘urbanized’ under a CDBG.

Rochester Community Development Block Grants

We have warned you about the Regional Planning Commissions and their “master plans” which employ the use of HUD grants in order to seed the process.

Towns accepting HUD money for these projects suggested in master plans are actually signing a contract with the federal government, an agreement that comes with ‘strings’.

Several cities are, however, on the “fast track” and can apply for similar grants (Community Development Block Grants) directly or through the county. The goal of these programs is urbanism.

*There are, however, five “entitlement communities” which get money directly from HUD as a special set-aside (These communities are Rochester, Dover, Portsmouth, Manchester, and Nashua). Projects located in these communities can apply either directly to the city or to CDFA through their county.

From residents of the City of Rochester we learn:

The city of Rochester NH has taken bold action to extend housing developments, as those promoted by the Federal Government, into previously rural sections.

This is supported by the city’s desire to take Community Development Block Grants and maintain their entitlement city status.

This is another example of “you have to sign it so you know what’s in it!”

A coordinated TRG (Technical Review Group) was developed through agreements between City Departments and the developers, to be presented before the Planning Board Departments and the developers, to be presented before the Planning Board.

The notes from the TRG (Technical Review Group) meeting prior to the January 4, 2016 meeting mentioned that they also need to confer with the Strafford Regional Planning Commission. We are not sure why, nor was it indicated.

The proposal is to build 153 housing units on 1/3 acre plots on 75+- acres.

View the plans here: Summary of Chesley Hill Rd. Development

At a recent Rochester Planning Board meeting, the director of planning for the City of Rochester (Jim Campbell) of this board indicated that it was not necessary to even notify abutters to this property. Really?

Not only does this video include the developers proposal, it includes “testaments” from residents of the area concerned about the devastating effect on this neighborhood’s quality of life, investment, safety and education.

For what purpose, we ask, social experimentation?

Initially there was concern about maintaining a rural character, but we are not sure how this would be accomplished with this amount of density.

We urge citizens of other communities to review this meeting.

Our hope is that you become aware of what is coming to your communities and how these government planning units will affect your quality of life and that of your family for generations to come.

The presentation by the developers begins at approximately the 00:23:45 mark…
It then goes into public comment from the neighborhood…

After public comment the members ask questions of developers…

They didn’t seem to have a clue of what they wanted to build – how big – lot size etc.

Silvio Conte Encroaches NH, More Land Grabs Coming

Well, here we go again, by executive order?

Washington Times – Another National Monument by Obama’s Executive Order

Three New Monuments

You decide. What will be next the BLM? That is already happening in Texas.

The land grab frenzy has begun.

Wow, what will be next. Oh, could it be US Fish and Wildlife in New Hampshire and every state in New England?

Silvio Conte:

Great Thicket:


Wilton Residents Check Your Regional “Master Plan”

Any time UNH is involved, it’s bound to be a boondoggle for the regionalists.

“On Monday, the Select Board agreed to contract the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension to help lead a Wilton task force in a town-wide business survey which will generate a report laying the groundwork for an action plan.

For $2,500, UNHCE will help develop a business retention and expansion leadership program, assist the town in visiting and surveying local business, and help identify three to five economic development projects for the town to focus on.”

All Hail to the Unelected!

The UN has no right, and the TPP has taken more of our sovereignty.

TN Note: The U.N’s goal to convert the global economy to Sustainable Development from Capitalism and Free Enterprise is completely shared with the global elite, and hence, with the trade agreements that they control. Thus, using the TPP and TTIP Agreements to harmonize trade regulations throughout the world in order to complete the work that the U.N. started should be fully expected.

Major deals between developed and developing economies are not commonplace: On September 25, the 193 members of the United Nations announced a new global action plan for achieving Sustainable Development Goals including no poverty in any form by 2030. A week later, the Transpacific Trade Partnership, or TPP, concluded negotiations that form the largest regional trade agreement in history, one representing nearly 40 percent of global GDP.

Read More at Techoncracy News…

City States – What This Means

As Stanely Kurtz wrote in a recent article:

What state is Dubuque in? If you answered Chicago, you are correct. Chicago’s no state, you say? Don’t be so 18th century — so “constitutional.” Dubuque is in Chicago, which is now a kind of state. Or to put it differently, the Obama administration is in the process of replacing our entire system of government — made up of nested local, state, and national, levels — with a regional framework. In Obama’s new dispensation, suburbs, small towns, and modest-sized cities like Dubuque will be turned into subordinate satellites of regional mega-cities like Chicago, regardless of which state these local governments are formally a part of.

This my friends is the goal of regionalism — to replace town and city governments with ‘city states’ that represent regions. All local governance would be cast aside. Indeed this goal was outlined on the front page of this very blog, taken straight from the NH RPC’s “recommended reading”.

1. Empowering Urban Counties
The most direct and efficient way to create metropolitan government in the majority of metro areas is to empower urban county government. In this scenario, the county government assumes the functions and responsibilities of the municipal governments within its boundaries, and municipalities are abolished.

2. Consolidating Cities and Counties
This involves creating area-wide governmental units, focusing on consolidating municipal governments with their surrounding county governments. Consolidation brings unification of the tax base and centralization of planning and zoning.

3. Combining Counties into Regional Governments
This involves combining several counties in the same metropolitan area into one regional government. Challenges to these regional approaches include potential loss of power at the local level.

Please read more of Kurtz’s article to better understand why regionalism is a danger.

NH Activists Lauded in National Review Article

The biggest reason to attend town meetings which are coming up in your town soon!

National Review author Stanley Kurtz has mentioned some of our best NH activists in his latest article about Obamazone and the “Affirmatively Fair Housing Act” and the reason why towns should reject HUD grant funds.

To all our volunteers, those mentioned and those not mentioned, your work may be anonymous but it is not going unrecognized.

We haven’t always been able to get the numbers of people to town meetings as we would like. As you might know, in NH, town meetings (running anywhere from January – June each year) is where residents vote up or down on zoning changes. It is less clear how much say they have in these HUD grants, which are facilitated by ‘Regional Planning Commissions’, boards of unelected bureaucrats who operate just outside of public control and with specially selected NGOs. In our case it’s the Carsey Institute of UNH which actually employs a PR firm (NH Listens) and actors to steer public opinion at under advertised, under attended Delphi sessions.

We are grateful that Kurtz has given this issue of regionalism some mainstream attention. We who fight regionalism can no longer to be considered ‘conspiracy theorists’.

Full NRO Article Here