Author Archives: Admin

Property Ownership Under Fire

Well America, get ready to receive your due! Barack Obama has just nationalized your home. Along with that, he has put your local government in chains and he and his central government will now make the rules in your local community. If you do nothing now then it won’t matter whom you elect to city council or county commission. It won’t matter how loud you scream. Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can! Ignore this warning to take action today or you’re going to learn.

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Silvio Conte Wildlife Refuge and Impact on NH

“This is NH’s future as U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through the Silvio Conte Wildlife Refuge (SCWR), incrementally goes after expansion in CT, VT, MA, and NH’s CT river watershed. This has already happening in Northern NH through numerous ways. Anyone who does not sell out will be hemmed in by the Wildlife Service and will eventually be forced out by some “legal” means by the all- powerful government. You just have to look to the west to see what has happened there.”

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H/T: Hon. Anne Cartwright @ NHTPC

Town Meeting Time is Here

Beginning in January, and running up to June in some cases, towns will be concentrating on implementation of these globalist planning schemes hatched by regionalists and which contain mandates from HUD. Town meetings and ballot votes will be held to pass them by the unsuspecting public.

Cities are not exempt.

Here is a 5-year plan for Rochester, NH that bears watching.

RochesterNH 5-Year Plan

Regionalists Praise Gulags, Concentration Camps for “Urbanism”

A blog entitled “Intercultural Urbanism – An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Urban Culture, Space, Architecture, and Design” curated by Dean Saitta, Department of Anthropology, University of Denver, has really jumped the shark.

In this article he suggests that we recognize “the need to drive the conversation away from luxury developments and toward sustainable construction, and to shift the discipline’s radar from form-based aesthetic evaluation to a broader social-based evaluation.”

He praises and suggests cities be fashioned after the ingenuity of “refugee camps” and gulags, because they offer a “new way of thinking” about not only the pressing refugee crisis but also urbanism more broadly. He praises their collectivism and containment, citing “sustainability”.

Oh my.

As we have said all along, the irony of comparing the new forced urbanism to gulags and refugee camps is not lost on those of us who fight regionalism, as we have said this is the goal all along. You have to wonder if Saitta hasn’t realized that he’s inadvertently given away the store?

Hitler would be proud.

Stop Funding Obama’s Paris Global Warming Deal

The only concrete result of President Obama’s Paris global warming agreement is a planned $100 billion per year transfer of wealth from taxpayers in the United States and other western countries to corrupt Third World governments. (The emissions reductions promises from each country are voluntary and unenforceable.) John Kerry specifically promised an initial $3 billion down payment from U.S. taxpayers — but that requires approval from Congress. That request should be dead on arrival, but it’s being credibly reported that the GOP may agree to fund it. That is unacceptable.


Regional Cities Initiative — What’s the Purpose?

Zbigniew Brzezinski has been a CSIS counselor, and at Mikhail Gorbachev’s first State of the World Forum in 1995, Brzezinski revealed:

“We cannot leap into world government through one quick step…. The precondition for eventual and genuine globalization is progressive regionalization because by that we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units.”

“Persistent and highly motivated populist resistance of politically awakened and historically resentful peoples to external control has proven to be increasingly difficult to suppress.”

Give up your car, go live in a box-sized apartment in the city, and use the trains… that’s what they would like to see. It will be MUCH easier to control you if your local government is merged into a larger, more centralized ‘regional’ style government.

Watch this video… It’s not the only one.

If the above video doesn’t appear on your device, use this direct link:

Trains are for Nazis.


Update: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule

Note: This is an original post about AFFH made in 2015…updated on 10/11/2021

Earlier this year, the federal agency – Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule,” (AFFH).

This is Barack Obama’s most radical assault on American citizens and local governments.

It’s actually worse than Obamacare!

The AFFH Rule will destroy your property rights.

The AFFH Rule will destroy your property values.

The AFFH Rule will destroy whole neighborhoods.

And the AFFH Rule will virtually erase the very concept of local rule by your locally elected representatives.

Here are the facts.

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing requires EVERY community that applies for HUD grants to perform massive demographic analyses locally and regionally to determine if there are enough low income and minority people living in every neighborhood.

HUD will search the records of every person in each neighborhood for income levels, race, color, religion, national origin and much more.

If there aren’t enough of each category, HUD determines that there is an “imbalance” and will force a massive shift to balance the breakdown of residents.

This is social engineering at its worst.

And HUD will demand such an assessment of every neighborhood every five years!

You will have no choice of the kind of neighborhood you wish to live in.

You will see your property values plummet. Your equity in the home you have worked so hard to create will be lost.

And even worse – AFFH is the total destruction of home rule in America.

If you think AFFH will not apply to your community – you are wrong!

It won’t matter who you elect to city council or county commission. Even if you elect people who are opposed to AFFH and the HUD invasion.

HUD is already pouring over the last census reports to map out their strategy for your neighborhood.

In each step HUD maintains control.

And more…

Nearly every community in the nation has already put together their comprehensive plans to impose Sustainable Development Smart Growth policy that controls development, energy use, water use, and enforces public transportation over your private use of your car.

In every one of those communities that have put these plans in place – they have taken HUD grants to pay for it.

The federal government,through AFFH, is becoming nothing less than a dictatorship.

Sustainable Development is turning your communities into little Soviets.

AFFH is redistribution of wealth.

AFFH is destruction of private property ownership.

AFFH is a top down dictatorship that destroys local control.

But let’s not beat around the bush. Let’s call AFFH what it really is!


Two courageous members of Congress see the danger and have taken action to stop AFFH.

A few months ago Representative Paul Gosar from Arizona introduced an amendment preventing HUD from implementing AFFH.

The House of Representatives succeeded in passing his amendment by a vote of 229-193.

The Amendment was attached to Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill, (THUD).

THUD will fund HUD and transportation projects. It is a MUST pass bill to keep these agencies operating and therefore Obama must sign it or shut them down.

Passing Rep. Gosar’s bill was a vital first step to stop AFFH.

Now, the second step has been taken.

Senator Mike Lee has now introduced his similar amendment in the Senate called the “Local Zoning Decisions Protection Act” (S.1909). And he has several co-sponsors, including Senators Jeff Sessions, David Vitter, Mike Enzi and presidential candidate Marco Rubio!

We must get Senator Lee’s amendment passed in the Senate to assure that this vital language is forced into the THUD appropriations bill.

And we must do it in the next week or so. The HUD Appropriations bill (THUD) will come up for a vote at any time. If both Houses of Congress have passed Amendments to kill funding for AFFH then we can kill it altogether.

The following information is no longer in play, but you can still advocate for DEFUNDING AFFH federally, and currently, as it is being promoted in your STATE.

That’s why it is URGENT that you take three actions right now.

First, sign the attached petition to Senator Mike Lee giving your support to his Amendment – the Local Zoning Decisions Protection Act (S.1909). He needs thousands of signed petitions in support of his amendment to show other members of the Senate that he has strong support from the American people.

Click here to sign the petition now.

Second, call your two U.S. Senators and demand that they support S.1909. We must stop funding for AFFH.

Click here for a directory of phone numbers.

Please take these actions right now. The vote will come up in the Senate any day. We must pass S.1909 or our private property and local rule are lost.

H/T Tom DeWeese, APC

Father of Global Warming Hoax Has Died

“Maurice Strong, whose work helped lead to the landmark climate summit that begins in Paris on Monday, has died at 86, the head of the UN’s environmental agency said Saturday.

The life and role of Maurice Strong is key to understanding how the myth of anthropogenic global warming was created and how it was used to establish the context for Agenda 21, arguably the most significant and most secretive plan for global transformation we have witnessed; more significant than the two world wars of the last century. As such, I feel it is important to understand how this has been unfolded in our world.”

Read more…

Governor Baker is Working for the New World Regional Order

Even the educational system cannot escape the tyranny of the consolidation of power, geared toward the concentration of it under one single authority, as dreamed of by Zbigniew Brezinski.

This is Governor Baker of Massachusetts.

And this is how they are planning on wasting your tax dollars in New Hampshire — expensive consultants and wacky unworkable plans for the students.

Specifically, here is that high priced consultantcy who will be sent in to tell your teachers and students what they should be doing, and God help anyone that doesn’t comply.

PDF File: NH Vision Interactive