Category Archives: Federal

Property Owners Push Weatherford to Drop Forced Annexation “Land Grab”

“Due to public backlash, a city in Parker County (TX) has dropped plans to forcibly annex 1,300 acres of unincorporated private property – for now.

The City of Weatherford was prepared to rush through involuntary annexations of over 50 properties in the Zion Hill area. City council members had hoped to conclude the process quickly, before a new state law takes effect December 1 that will require certain cities to get owners’ approval before annexing their property.

Weatherford’s haste to lay claim to the Zion Hill land – with or without the owners’ consent – also coincided with a vote in November by the nearby community of Peaster to incorporate, a move that could limit Weatherford’s future expansion.

Pushback from concerned property owners across the county put a temporary stop to Weatherford’s annexation plans.”

Read more about this attempted land grab at Empower Texans

Washingtonians Want to Create a New “Free State”

Some Washingtonians are holding a fundraiser for their “Liberty” state effort…

A local group of citizens who want to create a 51st state by carving away a significant portion of Eastern Washington (State) are holding a fundraiser in Colville on Saturday, January 20 in an effort to get 100 “Liberty” state flags flying by the month of January.

The event is being hosted by the Stevens County Property Rights Group (SCPRG) and will begin at 3:00 PM at the Ag Trade Center at the Stevens County Fairgrounds in Colville. A live auction and dessert auction are planned in an effort to raise the $4,000 needed to make 100 flags for the proposed 51st state, which would be called “Liberty.”

You have to hand it to these people for being awake and aware. Note that in the Pacific Northwest, Agenda 2030 has progressed even faster than it has here in the east, so it is no wonder these folks are rebelling against the status quo and see the only escape is to start their own state.

The article notes that to “legally create a new state a majority vote of the Washington State legislature is required, as is approval by Congress, per the U.S. Constitution.”

This sounds like something similar to the Free State Project, who in 2004, decided they would make New Hampshire their home, a state which they hope will be kept as free from government as possible. The FSP is the vehicle that gets people to NH, but after they arrive, they are on their own as far as how politically active they become. The Washingtonians behind this 51st state effort say that they were prompted to do this because of opposition to the “Growth Management Act, Common Core standards in public schools, over-regulation by the Department of Ecology and other issues.”

We truly hope that the Free State Project participants, when they come to NH, will read our working group blog here at Granite State Future(s) and understand that the same freedoms are being taken from them in THIS state, and where to go and what to do to stop it!

Read More…

Realated Article: What To Watch For at Upcoming Town Meetings – CNHT

For 2018 the Agenda Marches On

If you think just withdrawing from the Paris Agreement has us out of Agenda21/2030 you’re sadly mistaken.

The UN says that “Incremental change will not manifest this new world by 2030. Such a shift requires deep, systemic change.”

Further, they explain, that “The 17 goals are integrated and interdependent, spanning economic, social, and environmental imperatives.”

These goals are not the lofty aspirations of a wannabe world government, but have been, in treasonous fashion, built into our own US government at the State Department level. (See US State Dept page here)

And the UN says that at this event (which was held in September of 2017) “Together with innovators from around the globe, we will showcase and discuss bold models of systemic change that have been proven and applied on a local, regional, and global scale“.

Indeed they have. And that is just what this website is devoted to exposing and fighting. They will continue to engage corporations and NGOs to work with, and within our US government to achieve these all-encompassing goals.

See how they measure and keep track of those goals, especially in education, in the US. Do any of these mandates and the language used, sound familiar? Note especially the EDUCATION goals.

Watch the slick presentation video from their September 2017 event.

Your Master Plan is Part of the UN’s Master Plan

The town of Bedford NH has just ‘approved’ a 29,000-square-foot building that will house 133 rental units…

As reported in the Union Leader, “…the town’s master plan supports bringing residential and mixed-use development…”

Trouble is, the town’s master plan was NOT created or approved by the residents, but concocted by the (unelected) Regional Planning Commission, which takes its orders from the American Planning Association (merely an NGO), which in turn follows the United Nations (unelected NGO) “urbanism” agenda — a plan for every country.

Did you vote for this? I know I didn’t. What happens in your town is being determined by a little-known program called ‘Granite State Future’, all based on ‘sustainability’ due to the climate HOAX.

Residents of every town should object to what these cryptic quasi-governmental agencies are doing to determine their town’s fate.

Business Leaders Explore A Path Toward A Carbon Tax

But, what about Paris?

“As the Republican-led Congress moves closer to revamping the U.S. tax code, it has sought sources of revenue to pay for proposed cuts. In mid-November, a group of business, philanthropic and environmental leaders met at a lunch in Manhattan convened by a former Goldman Sachs partner to discuss the possibility of making a carbon tax a reality.”

Read more at Forbes…

Portsmouth Shuns AirBnB

Like the attacks on the independent taxi services Uber and Lyft, we find that ICLEI cities across the world are prone to restricting or outright banning the AirBnB service..


AirBnB is a direct way of renting a space in a private home for a short period of time.

Portsmouth, one of NH’s ICLEI members, recently made headlines when it failed to allow a couple to utilize property for rentals.

“PORTSMOUTH — A couple will not be able to rent out their property on Airbnb short-term after the zoning board denied their appeal Tuesday night.

Matthew Beebe and Barbara Jenny own Working Stiff Properties and live at 81 Lincoln Ave. They bought 87 Lincoln Ave. last year, intending that some day her daughter, a traveling musician, and son-in-law could live there. In the meantime, they planned to rent the property.”

Even though some city officials actually use the service themselves, they went along with the city’s decision to stop the couple.

“Vice Chairman Charles LeMay said he has used Airbnb before, and he thinks the home-sharing service is swell, but the matter before the board is whether the code enforcement officer who served the cease-and-desist order was acting in good faith.

The board found the city official was not acting unlawfully and denied the couple’s appeal.”

Red more … Portsmouth couple denied permission to rent property on Airbnb

Here are other cities where AirBnB is either frowned upon or outright banned: Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Amsterdam, London, San Franscisco, Santa Monica. How many of these are ICLEI members? All except Amsterdam, London and San Franscisco. Coincidence?

Forget Paris, the Agenda Marches On

According to this article from Forbes, The U.S. May Never Leave The Paris Climate Accord despite the fact that President Trump vowed to get us out. According to the report…

“Donald Trump may have vowed to take the United States out of the Paris climate accord, but you wouldn’t have known it based on the words of the negotiators he sent to the summit in Bonn to hammer out the rules of the agreement.

“The United States intends to remain engaged with our many partners and allies around the world on these issues, here in the U.N. Framework Convention and everywhere else,” Judith Garber, the U.S. acting assistant secretary of state for international environmental and scientific affairs told the other delegates on Thursday. She then listed off a litany of actions America is taking to fight climate change.”

Agenda 21/2030 is so embedded in the federal and state government, that locals will not be able to escape it unless they rise up and take back their towns.

SSTI Reports Uber and Lyft Will Be Taxed More

The attack on ride-sharing continues.

SSTI has reported: “Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is proposing an increase in the city’s fee charged to ride-hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft to offset the loss of revenue from public transit users who switched to ride-hailing services. Currently, the city charges Uber and Lyft 52 cents per ride-hailing trip. The proposal would raise the fee to 67 cents for 2018 and 72 cents for 2019.”

What do you call this? We call it socialism.

Read more…

Don’t Like Agenda 21/2030? You’re a Terrorist

Another NGO working with the federal government, which must be stopped…

Among the The Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of racists and extremists who in their eyes qualify to be categorized as terrorists, are those who oppose the urbanism agenda. They are now trying to connect the fight for property rights with racism.


You can view their ‘hate map’ here. Note that even a Catholic group from NH is included.

The SPLC have written no less than four reports on Tom DeWeese from the American Policy Center. In no way does Tom DeWeese, one of our fellow Agenda 2030 fighters, deserve to be categorized as a terrorist.

The supporters of Congressman Ron Paul, one of the most constitutional figures ever to serve in Congress, are also listed as extremists and potential terrorists in the reports they regularly send to law enforcement across the country.

“The list of potential terrorists, according to these fallacious reports and many more, included anyone who voted for Ron Paul for president, for example.”

Tom advises us that “In 2010 DHS organized a ‘Countering Violent Extremist Working Group.’ Its purpose was to teach local law enforcement to counter terrorism. But, in actuality, this is the root of militarizing local police forces. The SPLC also runs the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center which issues official certification to police groups all over the country for fighting ‘hate’ groups – right wing groups. And it is funded by the Department of Homeland Security!”

So, the SPLC can call ordinary Americans fighting for less government, lower taxes, property rights and a return to local control “terrorists” and can advise law enforcement about same.

We agree with Tom when he says “SPLC is a dangerous group, guilty of the hate it claims to fight. It is trying to take away the Constitutional rights of Americans to hold opposing views. It seeks to destroy any debate or opposition to its ideas.

That wouldn’t be a threat to you and me, except for the fact that SPLC is so closely tied to one of the federal government’s most powerful (and in my view) dangerous agencies – DHS.”

Tom reports:

Just weeks ago, based on SPLC’s list of so-called “hate” groups on the right, DISCOVER Card – one of the nation’s largest credit card companies – denied a conservative group to use their cards to accept donations.

Right after that, QuickBooks, a popular accounting service cancelled a subscription for its product used by a Christian organization.

Most recently, the online payment company PayPal has refused to let a Conservative group use their service for fundraising.

Each of these incidents were based on the companies finding these groups on the SPLC list of hate groups.

There have been several reports of the social media giant FaceBook censuring and banning conservative posts and pages.

Google has taken steps to deny internet searches to conservative websites.

All of these things are based on the SPLC’s listing of Conservative organizations as “hate groups.

The bottom line is SPLC is leading the charge to destroy our ability to raise funds, communicate or do any kind of business in this nation.

How long will it be before we are denied the ability to rent halls for our meetings, denied the ability to travel, before we start having our homes or property confiscated or even face arrest for “spreading hate?”

Yes Tom is looking for donations. GSF(s) is not in the habit of asking for money, but instead of donating to partisan groups that are getting nothing done, you might rethink where your money is going and help Tom, who may in all likelihood be looking to file a lawsuit. (This is not confirmed but we can’t see any other way he could begin to fight what is happening)

Tom has joined a coalition of 45 other Conservative and Christian organizations to fight back. They are demanding that the US Congress closely investigate the Southern Poverty Law Center and its ties to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Please spread the word and ask your friends and colleagues to join our mailing list and send them the link to this website/blog. We will try to keep you apprised of any new developments that threaten our liberties.

SSTI Attacks Uber and Lyft

Uber and Lyft riders and drivers, beware. Regionalism and urbanism may be the reason your services are being banned in various cities across the world.


“Ride-hailing” as they are calling it, is when people call a private taxi service like Uber and Lyft, to get where they are going.

According to the “State Smart Transportation Initiative” ride-hailing increases the use of cars and the actual Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in cities. One of the goals of regionalism is to reduce the use of cars as much as possible, and promote the increased use of public transit. SSTI cites that users of Uber and Lyft actually contribute to the decrease in the use of public transit.

Could this be the why some cities have banned Uber and Lyft services from operating within their limits? It is interesting to note that Uber and Lyft are targeted on SSTI’s website as “traffic offenders”.

Austin, Texas is one of those cities where Uber is banned. Austin is considered to be among the most “sustainable” and “progressive” cities, under the full control of the regionalists. They are a member of the UN’s ICLEI (an Agenda 21 organization for cities).

We suggest that it is NO coincidence that Vancouver, Canada, where Uber is likewise banned, is also a member of the UN’s ICLEI organization.

Beware New Hampshire. Smart Growth America has its NGOs/lobbies/quasi-governmental groups coming in to train NH’s DOT in “smart” transportation projects.

Meanwhile, keep your eye on services like Uber and Lyft.