Category Archives: Federal

The UN Hijacks the Girls Scouts of America

Did you know that when you let your child join the Girl Scouts of AMERICA (GSA) they would automatically become little slaves to the United Nations agenda?

When I was a child, I joined the Girl Scouts so I could engage in and learn about camping, fishing, bird watching, woodworking, sewing, and many other crafts and skills for independent living.

I did NOT join to work for the ‘one world’ agenda; globalism, campaigns for social justice and feminism or to promote phony climate change theory and ‘sustainable development goals’ by communist groups such as the United Nations.

Think twice about the politics of the GSA before you donate or allow your child to join.

Girl Scouts Take the Lead to Advance United Nations’ Global Sustainable Development Goals

Sovereignty-Sucking Parasites Have Plans for USA

The UN not only wants to urbanize your country and lock you up in cities without a car, but now they want YOU to pay for it. If you don’t attend your town and school meetings, you are contributing to your own slavery.

What went on at this week’s high-level U.N. meeting on urbanization?

“The focus of this week’s talks was how to reform UN-Habitat, the international body’s lead agency on urbanization — specifically, looking at recommendations offered in an August report from a panel appointed by U. N. Secretary-General António Guterres. The report aims to provide fresh energy to the New Urban Agenda, a global urbanization strategy adopted last year, and thus offers a host of new strategies for global action.

Over the course of two days this week, countries revealed their stance toward these proposals, which cover areas such as UN-Habitat’s governance and how to finance the U. N.’s urban portfolio.”

One of the points of their concern was how their efforts would be funded. They came up with this:

“5. A global fund for sustainable urbanization

There is no doubt that UN-Habitat’s financial situation has become precarious. To that end, the panel recommended the creation of a global trust fund “to secure a platform for alternative funding for sustainable urbanisation efforts.” The panel suggested that in addition to national governments, such a fund could mobilize the private sector, development banks and foundations to jointly fund the United Nations’ urban priorities. They compared it to the UN-Women Fund for Gender Equality.

While many rich countries expressed concern about any aspects of the recommendations that would incur further costs, only Spain explicitly nixed the idea of the trust fund. Kenya spoke up in favour. But although the idea received as much attention in the panel’s report as UN Urban, it was not addressed head-on by many member states.”


“U.N. agencies do two kinds of work, what’s often referred to as normative and operational. The normative responsibilities consist of setting global standards — “norms” — through research and policy. The operational side includes work in the field assisting countries with specific projects. According to the assessment report, UN-Habitat has been engaged heavily in operational work and not enough in normative work. The panel suggests a recalibration, which was warmly welcomed by some governments.

We support the panel’s recommendation that UN-Habitat clearly link all operational work to normative priorities in order to achieve a tighter connection to overall strategic policy and governance oversight,” said U. S. Ambassador Kelley Currie.”

Do you think the UN should have any say over whether we ‘urbanize’ the US or not?
Do you think the USA should pay for these efforts?
Do you think withdrawal from Paris Agreement had any effect whatsoever on extracting the US from these sovereignty sucking parasites?

Read more…

SGA also wants you to know how to circumvent our withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.

The Move Toward Ending Private Property is Alive and Well

We have stated before that withdrawal from the Paris Agreement would have little to no effect on what will happen with federal, state and local compliance with the “sustainability”, “urbanization”, and “globalization” agenda.

Here is yet another example of how the agenda marches on.

New York Mayor Bill DiBlasio had this to say about how he would like to deal with income inequality:

“What’s been hardest is the way our legal system is structured to favor private property. I think people all over this city, of every background, would like to have the city government be able to determine which building goes where, how high it will be, who gets to live in it, what the rent will be. I think there’s a socialistic impulse, which I hear every day, in every kind of community, that they would like things to be planned in accordance to their needs. And I would, too. Unfortunately, what stands in the way of that is hundreds of years of history that have elevated property rights and wealth to the point that that’s the reality that calls the tune on a lot of development…. Look, if I had my druthers, the city government would determine every single plot of land, how development would proceed. And there would be very stringent requirements around income levels and rents. That’s a world I’d love to see, and I think what we have, in this city at least, are people who would love to have the New Deal back, on one level. They’d love to have a very, very powerful government, including a federal government, involved in directly addressing their day-to-day reality.”

The move toward control of every aspect of society is making headway. Our educational system has long been compromised, and we are seeing more and more ‘ad hoc’ groups and NGOs calling the shots for our cities and towns. Elected officials are helping them. Even the people who we elect with the expectation that they will not comply, have come to disappoint us. The implementation of all day kindergarten in NH by Republican Governor Sununu is a recent example. It has now emboldened the promotion of “workforce training” for children aged 0-5.

Read more…

Workforce Training for Children 0-5

On April 4, 2017, corporate entities, leftist foundations, and other mostly private special interest groups were plotting and planning how to get your kid into the state-run system from birth to age 5. Not ONE parental rights or taxpayer group is on this panel! (Please do an internet search on these groups to see who they represent)

Since the event was open to the public, we suggested as many education and parental rights activists attend and ask questions.

We also hoped our State Reps would investigate this lobbying effort.

What right does the Carsey Institute (NGO) or the Grappone Automotive Group have over and above parents and taxpayers when it comes to education? Why does the state want your child from birth to age 5 for ‘workforce training’? Is this even legal per our NH Constitution?

Here was the original invitation. It said little about the fact that this would deal with psychological issues.

NH’s Future Workforce:
Healthy * Resilient * Thriving
Why Birth to 5 Is a Workforce Issue

Rep Skip Berrien Welcome & Introductions

Amanda Grappone Osmer, Moderator, Fourth Generation Steward, Grappone Automotive Group
Why We Care About Childhood

Marj Droppa, Project Director, Impact Monadnock
Start Small, Think Big: Our Young Children are NH’s Future Workforce

Linda Douglas, Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
ACES: Adverse Childhood Experiences Diminish Our Economic Well-
Being and Human Potential

Bruce Mallory, UNH’s Carsey School, NH Listens Project
The Opportunity Gap in NH: Its Impact on NH’s Workforce


Fred Kocher, Host of WMUR’s NH Business; Founder, President of Kocher & Co
NH’s Young Children and our Return on Investment


Representatives Weber and Fothergill
Looking Ahead: Policy Priorities — How to Make Positive Impact

April 4, 2017, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Legislative Office Building Rooms 210-211
Email: *

Remember, Marxism suggests the state should raise our children, not their parents. We’re marching closer and closer to this model, thanks to some Republicans who WILL NOT stand firm against this kind of nonsense.

Can you honestly look at a document like this one and still think there is not an agenda to control every aspect of society, from birth to death?

New Hampshire Among 6 States to Receive “Help” to Urbanize

On September 7, 2017 an NGO (special interest group) by the name of Smart Growth America announced that it is going to ‘help’ the Departments of Transportation of six chosen states.

New Hampshire is among the chosen.


They state their “Accelerating Practical Solutions Program” will work with six competitively selected states to help them make investments in transportation that put people first and don’t break the bank:

New Hampshire
North Dakota

New Hampshire is quoted:

“The workshop will be especially timely as the New Hampshire Department of Transportation develops new pedestrian and bicycle design criteria that considers safety and access for all modes of travel. The department extends a warm welcome to the Governors’ Institute on Community Design.”

Please note that in the section that describes this program, it states:

“Americans’ transportation habits continue to move away from the exclusively car-centric travel of the interstate era and toward the multi-modal options needed to serve an increasingly urban nation.”

Really? Who said we are moving away from cars in NH, especially in rural areas? Certainly the EPA, these unofficial special interest groups, and these unofficial ad hoc governors groups would love to see us out of our cars altogether. But let’s not assume we all agree with that premise… Notice also the phrase “increasingly urban nation”. These folks and their co-conspirators would love to “urbanize” everyone, and even in NH’s rural and semi-rural settings, the influence for this push is most evident in the master plans of each town.

From their website they tell us that “This program is made possible by the Governors’ Institute on Community Design, a program run in partnership between Smart Growth America and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency”.

This is yet another “ad hoc” governors’ institute with an official-sounding name, such as the one that helped push Common Core upon us. You know, the “we’re-not-an-official-government-agency-but-we’re-named-to-sound-like-one” kind of group that makes recommendations that are often taken as gospel? The group is more like a club for elected officials but it is not an official government entity.

So here you have an NGO, working with an unofficial ad hoc group, along with the federal EPA (illegal agency among many). Where do the taxpayers have their say?

Who applies for this nonsense in NH? Do they know that this is Agenda21/2030 in action? When are we going to stop taking orders from special interest groups and unofficial clubs?

I think I see a taxpayer boondoggle in the form of a commuter rail system in NH’s future. Heaven help us.

Read More… Six states selected to receive free technical assistance

Will Trump Shut Down State and International Regional Councils?

As you know, GSF(s) often posts videos created by California resident Gary Gileno (‘grindall61’) because his presentations about regional councils and commissions in that state are just as relevant to what is going on in New Hampshire and every other state in the USA.

Northern Regional Commission

We often write about NH’s 9 STATE Regional Planning Commissions, but if those are unknown to most, even more obscure from the public view is the 10th Regional Commission that crosses over into Canada. This Commission is called the “Northern Border Regional Commission“. It bills itself as “A new Federal-State partnership for economic and community development within the most distressed counties of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York.”

It is in fact yet another enforcer of the federal-international agenda to urbanize America and consolidate political divisions, leaving local control out of the mix. This includes every aspect of our lives, including education as can be seen in the last item (2017) on this PDF file.

According to the Washington Post, as pointed out in the video, the president is considering defunding these agencies.

The Post claims that “In his budget outline for 2018 unveiled Thursday, none of the rural development agencies — the Appalachian Regional Commission, the Delta Regional Authority, the Northern Border Regional Commission — would receive any money. In effect, it would eliminate these programs, which are completely subsidized by the federal government.”

Remember, federal money means federal interference, and federal interference means loss of local control.

Whether it will actually happen remains to be seen. Meanwhile, please watch the video from ‘grindall61’ and note the similarities in our NH RPCs to the groups from CA.

Direct link:

UN is Out of the Closet on Wish to Control Your Cities

Looks like the United Nations is doubling down on its efforts to urbanize the world. (So much for Paris eh?)

Urbanization Panel of UN

“The panel proposes the establishment of UN-Urban as a mechanism to convene all UN agencies and partners working on urban sustainability issues, similar to the role played by UN-Water and UN-Energy. The panel also calls for action to “save, stabilize and rapidly strengthen” UN-HABITAT to equip it for the challenge of implementing the 2030 Agenda and the NUA, noting that the UN system has not adequately acknowledged the pace, scale and implications of urbanization.”

According to Technocracy News, “The New Urban Agenda and ‘UN Urban’ will be the most direct driver of implementing Technocracy (aka Sustainable Development) on over 50% of the world’s population.”

The longer Americans remain blind and deaf to these efforts, the sooner they will lose local control of their towns and cities. While we symbolically removed the US from the Paris Agreement, the complete agenda of a centralized, world government under the control of the UN, marches on with vengeance.

Read more…

The Federal Agenda is NOT Just About Property

Agenda 21 / 2030 is not just about property rights, housing, transportation, water, and energy, etc.

Agenda 21 / 2030 seeks to control education and use it to mold the minds of children into acceptance of the UN’s globalist ideas. So even though this website is not education-oriented in particular, please pay attention because everything that is happening in American education today seeks to serve the very same UN goals, often referred to as the MDGs or the SDGs.

Is your child’s school..

– encouraging education summits where United Nations promoting speakers present ideas to transform education and turn students into “global citizens”?

– providing teachers the School Retool training they need to “hack” problems and “shadow” students so that in 5 to 10 years all North Dakota schools will be “re-imagined”?

– pushing schools to use Project Based Learning that has no empirical proof it works and may take 10 to 15 years to see results?

– implementing personalized learning which is all computerized?

– using the Next Generation Science Standards under which evolution and environmentalism dominate science instruction?

– still using Common Core standards, only re-branded?

– requiring students to be “Choice Ready” by 2030 which involves students choosing a career path that aligns to the global workforce and the College and Career Readiness Standards?

If so, as a parent or taxpayer, you need to attend your local school board meetings and SPEAK UP!

What it Means to be a “Smart” City

Ever wonder what they mean when they say ‘smart city’? It is likely that there are many things in your town’s master plan that aspire to this, and you need to know.

“A growing number of metropolitan areas are being shaped by “Smart” City policies. Bloomberg Philanthropy’s “What Works Cities” aims to bring these programs to mid-size cities as well. Even in communities without explicit “smart” initiatives, “innovation” or “empowerment” zones are being proposed, often around school districts, enabling outside interests to sidestep existing legal and contractual protections under the guise of “autonomy” and “flexibility.” I hope the information I’ve pulled together will reveal how “smart city” and “learning ecosystem” interests often intersect and encourage others to think critically about similar programs in their communities. It is important to consider digital classrooms as nodes of smart cities. Classrooms touch the lives of many, and thus are logical places to begin normalizing the idea that as citizens it is our duty to generate and hand over massive quantities of personal data that will supposedly shape policy for the “public good” and manage our economy.

Read More..

Will “Smart” Cities Lead to Surveilled Education and Social Control? [Slide Presentation and Text]